2021 Postal Series

By Al Myers

The entire 2021 Postal Series Meets has been announced.  The USAWA has had a long history of promoting postal meets, and for the last several years have hosted a Postal Series, consisting of 4 quarterly Postal Meets with the last one being the USAWA Postal Championships.

The promotion of these meets are done by the USAWA, under the direction of the Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker.  All scoresheets are to be sent to Denny as he does the formula calculations for the final meet standings. There is no entry fee to enter the USAWA Postal Meets. The Postal series is sponsored by the USAWA.  However, you must be a current member of the USAWA to participate.

Postal Meets are a great way to get introduced to All Round Weightlifting. Denny picks a variety of different lifts for each meet.  Rules for the lifts are found in the USAWA Rule Book, which is available for free download from the website.

Now for the lifts of this years Postal Series!

1st Quarter Postal Meet – January 1st to March 31st
Bench Press – Feet in Air
Curl – Cheat, Dumbbell, One Arm
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip

2nd Quarter Postal Meet – April 1st to June 30th
Pullover and Press
Curl – Reverse Grip, Strict
Deadlift – One Arm

3rd Quarter Postal Meet – July 1st to September 30th
Push Press – From Racks
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, One Arm
Deadlift – Stiff Legged

Postal Championships – October 1st to December 31st
Press – Dumbbell, One Arm
Snatch – One Arm
Habecker Lift

All entry forms for the USAWA Postal Meets are found in upcoming events in the right column of the website homepage.

The Excitement and Memories of Competition Prep

By Christopher Lestan

Since there haven’t been any in-person competitions I think it would be fun to reflect on when the time comes when in-person competition becomes normal again.

The preparation for competition is what stimulates the regular strength athlete and soon becomes all they can think about for the next couple of months. The training schedule, reps, and sets are all determined 8-12 weeks out from the day of the competition. The journey from the beginning of prep when you write down goals you want to achieve. Then at the end of the competition prep you recall on what you have written down to see if you achieved your goal or goals.

That is the beauty of competition. The journey! Everyone has as prep that they remember like the back of their hand. The prep that pushed that individual to the brink, or maybe have to overcome some sort of adversity during prep. Those are the  memories that stick with us the most. The moments that we recall as defining us or redefining us as people. It’s what makes competition prep almost seem like magic.

My personal competition prep that sticks out to me to this day was my first Heavy Lifts Nationals back in 2018. I had just finished competing at College Raw Powerlifting Nationals and as soon as I got home I went to Frank Ciavatone to start training. Now normally I give myself a decent 8-10 weeks before a major competition. This allows myself to peak for the day of completion with phases of hypertrophy, strength, and power. However, during this time Heavy Lift Nationals was only 4-5 weeks away. Thank goodness I have one of the greatest Heavy Lifters of all time Frank Ciavatone. I remember we talked for hours on end deciding what to do for the prep and how to get ready. Finally, he made the decision (because he’s the coach and I am the athlete) to do 1-2 workouts a week of the Neck, Hand and Thigh, and Hip lift.

During that time I learned so much about timing of training, and how to control intensity. I learned how to be a listener whenever Frank gave some advice or technique tips. I learned how to recovery from the lifts, for the style of recovery is vastly different from recovering from powerlifting workouts. I loved every minute of it. It was one of the best 4-5 weeks of training of my life because Frank taught me so much about how to get ready for these lifts. I guess it worked in the end because I achieved all of my goals by the end of 5 weeks and found a new love for the Heavy Lifts. This time of my life sticks out to me because of how much I learned from Frank about the lifts, and also I was allowed to push myself in a different discipline of strength sports.

As I said before… Everyone has these types of memories. Maybe it was your first Powerlifting competition? Or the time you deiced to do a strongman competition? Or the first All-Around Weightlifting Competition. All different stories that come with different memories!

Postal Championships

By Denny Habecker


We had 24 lifters take part in our Postal Championships this year. Eric Todd was at the top of the men’s division and R. J. Jackson  led a very competitive woman’s division. Thank you to all who participated.


October 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2020

The Lifts: Snatch From Hang  –  Deadlift, Dumbbell, One Arm –  Pullover and Push


Eric Todd                 – 45 – 263   –  181 – 346-R     – 401    – 928     – 760.97

Christopher Lestan  – 24  – 275   –  220 – 350-R    – 402.5 – 972.5   – 737.34

Abe Smith              – 39  – 183   –  185 – 255-L     – 315   – 755      – 710

John Strangeway    – 42  – 205   –  170  – 320-L    – 255    – 745     – 676.26

Randy Smith          – 66  – 195   –  115  – 252.5-R – 205  –   572.5  – 659.23

Denny Habecker    – 78   -187.6 –   72  – 189-R    – 165   –   426    – 600.12

Dave DeForest       – 60  – 196    – 125  – 201-R   – 185    –   511   –  558.82

Barry Pensyl         – 72   – 148   –  65   – 165-R    – 135    –  365    – 549.22

Barry Bryan          – 62  – 190    – 99   – 187-R    – 176     –  462    – 522.74

Aidan Habecker    – 17  – 230    – 121  – 243-R    – 198     –  562    – 489.02

Tony Hose            – 51  – 230    – 65    – 255-R   – 205     –   525   – 487.15

Wade Marchand    – 51  – 154    – 75    – 170-L   – 130      –  375   – 440.58

Michael Marchand – 14  – 165    – 80    – 170-R   – 115      – 365    – 438.74

Dean Ross           – 78   – 207   – 45    – 100-L    -133.5    – 278.5 – 371.08

Lance Foster       –  55  – 342   – 75     -200-R     – 0         – 275    – 217.97

Bill Clark             – 88   -208   – 22     – 106-R    – 0          -128    – 192.55


R.J. Jackson               – 59 – 106  – 65    – 145-R   – 100       – 310  – 517.04

Elizabeth Skwarecki  – 40  – 148.8 – 108  – 187-L   -154        -449   -485.46

Sylvia Stockall         – 62   -142     – 77   – 92-R     – 100      – 269  – 365.71

Natalie Collins          – 13  – 116    – 60   – 70-R     –  66       – 196   – 315.14

Phoebe Todd            – 10  – 106    – 25   – 60-R     –  50       – 165   -305.01

Lynda Burns            – 46  – 164    – 75    – 115-L   – 85        – 275   – 295.72

Olivia Collins           – 11  – 126    – 45    – 70-R     -66        -181    – 290.32

Janet Thompson     – 63   – 180    – 22    – 80-L    – 65         – 167  – 196.70


Aidan Habecker         – Denny Habecker, Barry Bryan
Phoebe Todd             – Lance Foster, Eric Todd
Eric Todd                 -Lance Foster
Christopher Lestan   – Frank Ciavattone
Abe Smith               – Bill Clark
John Strangeway      – Lance Foster
Denny Habecker       – Barry Bryan
Dave DeForest         – Bill Clark
Barry Bryan            – Denny Habecker
Tony Hose             – Bill Clark
Wade Marchand     – Frank Ciavattone
Michael Marchand – Frank Ciavattone
Dean Ross            – Lance Foster
Lance Foster        – Eric Todd
Bill Clark              – Dave DeForest
Natalie Collins      – Frank Ciavattone
Olivia Collins        – Frank Ciavattone
Janet Thompson   – Bill Clark

LIFTERS With non-certified Officials:

Randy Smith
Barry Pensyl
R.J. Jackson
Elizabeth Skwarecki
Sylvia Stockall
Lynda Burns

Postal Championships

By Al Myers

The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets, with the grand finale being the USAWA Postal Series.  These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker.  This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.





The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:

  • Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
  • All lifts must be done on the same day
  • USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
  • 3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
  • Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
  • Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
  • Record results on scoresheet in pounds
  • At least 1 certified official required for records
  • May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
  • Scoresheet must be fully filled out
  • No entry fee

ENTRY FORM (PDF) – 2021 Postal Championships Entry Form

3rd Quarter Postal

By Al Myers

The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets, with the grand finale being the USAWA Postal Series.  These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker.  This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.





The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:

  • Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
  • All lifts must be done on the same day
  • USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
  • 3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
  • Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
  • Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
  • Record results on scoresheet in pounds
  • At least 1 certified official required for records
  • May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
  • Scoresheet must be fully filled out
  • No entry fee

ENTRY FORM (PDF) – 2021 3rd Quarter Postal Entry Form

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