Aging and Strong (Part IV)


Part IV: Still Ageless

By Dan Wagman, Ph.D., C.S.C.S.

 I’ve really enjoyed revealing the science behind the effects of aging (click here for Part I, Part II, and Part III). I derive at new-found levels of motivation knowing that my age won’t impact my strength until I’m close to 70. I sincerely hope that the readers of this series will feel similarly. Though you cannot argue the scientific facts, they do seem to fly in the face of what just about every older lifter has experienced. It is, therefore, necessary to look even deeper into the impact age might have on your muscles’ ability to handle a loaded barbell.

 Older and Pumped

In 1945 a Captain in the United States Army Medical Corps investigated the effects of lifting weights on injured soldiers.(1) His research highlighted many important lifting insights, among them that regardless of how old an injury might be, or how old the soldier might be, if he began a weight training protocol and over time increased the weight lifted, he would be able to make sizable gains. Still, as research built upon these findings, sport scientists began to understand that as a person ages the degree of muscle mass decreases. But since lifting weights via a carefully designed training approach increases muscle mass, could it turn old muscles young?

Researchers at the Department of Medicine and Physiology at Rochester University, NY, recruited young (22 to 31) and older (62 to 72) males and females.(9) Baseline MRI studies for muscle mass were conducted, then 3-RM baseline strength was recorded. At baseline there were no significant differences between age groups in the size of the biceps and hamstrings, but the quads in the older group were 22% smaller. Also, at the beginning of the study the older group was significantly weaker than the younger group. Next, the subjects began a three-month scientific strength training program for the quads, hamstrings, lats, and biceps.

Upon completion of the training regimen the researchers found increases in bicep and hamstring size were significantly less in the older group (13% and 7% difference, respectively). For the quads, however, there were no significant differences between groups. In terms of the amount of strength the subjects developed, there were no differences between groups. As an example, overall the biceps increased in strength for the young group by 21% and for the older group by 19%. When, however, the scientists considered how much weaker the old group was at baseline, biceps strength increased in the older group by 64% compared to 28% for the younger group. The research team concluded that, in terms of gains in muscle mass, “…the effect of age on responses to exercise in one muscle group cannot be generalized to all muscle groups.” And related to strength gains they stated, “…substantial strength gains can be achieved in older subjects even in the absence of muscle hypertrophy [growth].”

A few years later an international group of scientists from Finland, Australia, and the United States collaborated in a much more extensive study.(3) They recruited young (29 ±5 years) and older (61 ±4 years) men to examine the effects of an involved and highly scientific 10-week training program on their muscle mass, peak strength, and explosive strength. They performed the squat, leg extension, leg curl, calf raise, back extension, bench press, and crunch. Each week had training days dedicated to muscle growth, muscle strength, or muscle power. At the end of this project both groups recorded significant gains in all measures, though the physiological means by which they were achieved were a bit different.

What appears to be the case is that older people can make the same amount of strength gain compared to a younger person, but there are differences in how their bodies respond and adapt to weight training. One study actually found that after a 6-week weight training period the maximal motor unit (a motor unit consists of the nerve and all of the muscle fibers it innervates) discharge rates increased in young subjects by 15% compared to 49% for older subjects.(5) This is an indication that as you age, there might be a shift away from increasing muscle mass to increasing neurological function as the main driver for strength gain.

From Nerves to Protein

To expand upon this interesting finding a 2014 study looked at what differences there might be between men with average ages of 29 and 64 years.(8) The subjects participated in a 10-week high-volume medium-load training program designed to enhance muscle growth. Although the subjects performed whole-body training the research emphasis was on the leg press, leg extension, and leg curl. The researchers found that despite the fact that both groups made “large increases in strength” (13% young, 14% old), “the dominant mechanisms that may have led to these increases appear to be different between the two groups.” This, because although strength increases were large, they were accompanied with a significant increase in muscle mass in the younger participants, which was not found in the older ones.

The research team acknowledged that the issue of diet was not addressed in their study and believed that it’s possible that the older individuals’ dietary intake may have resulted in less gains in muscle mass. Previous work found that following a 21-week weight training protocol the younger trainees made quicker gains in strength early on compared to the older ones. At the end of the training cycle, however, strength gains were equal.(7) The gains in muscle mass, on the other hand, were greater in the young group and since the subjects’ diet was recorded, the scientists were able to link smaller gains in muscle mass in the older subjects to less daily energy and protein intake.

So protein remains a critical aspect when it comes to developing muscle mass, regardless of age. But since a muscle’s protein “accretion,” as physiologists like to put it, is a highly complex matter related to hormones, cell signaling, etc., it could be that these mechanisms are stunted in older lifters. Scientists from the Universities of Alabama and Arkansas found out, however, that if you trained young and old subjects with weights over a 16-week period, there is “no evidence” that older subjects would synthesize protein to a lesser extent than younger ones.(6) So regardless of age, all you have to do is make sure you pump iron and ingest sufficient amounts of protein. In the short term, if you’re older and say, you’re supplementing your diet with essential amino acids, all you need to know is that your protein synthesis rates are a bit slower compared to younger people (3-6 hrs. vs. 1-3 hrs., respectively). In the long term, however, there are no significant differences.(2)

The Middle-Aged

As you can see, the vast majority of studies tend to look at strength and age between young people in their 20’s and older people in their 60’s and beyond. But since all-round weightlifting considers people to be Masters at 40 and starts to apply an age adjustment, it would be important to know what difference there might be between 40-year olds and 70-year olds. An international group of researchers recruited healthy and fit subjects active in walking, jogging, cross-country skiing, aerobics, and cycling—though none had background in strength training—representing both genders and at average ages of 40 and 70.(4) The subjects trained with weights for six months with the goal of enhancing maximal and explosive strength via a periodized training regimen, meaning that training intensity and volume were manipulated over time to maximize physiological adaptations. Once the scientists crunched the numbers, here’s what they found:

  • All subjects increased their muscle mass significantly (4.9% men 40, 9.7% women 40, 5.8% women 70), except for 70-year old men (2.1%);
  • large increases in maximal isometric leg extension strength were recorded: men 40 and 70 by 36%, women 40 by 66%, and women 70 by 57%;
  • maximal isometric leg curl strength increased significantly by 14% in both groups of men and by 22% in women 40 and 17% in women 70;
  • the rate at which subjects could reach maximal strength increased significantly: men 40 41%, men 70 40%, women 40 31%, and women 70 28%;
  • all groups also increased the electrical activity of the muscles investigated significantly;
  • maximal leg extension strength increased significantly in all groups: men 40 22%, men 70 21%, women 40 34%, women 70 30%;
  • the squat jump was used to measure improvements in lower body explosiveness with all groups recording significant increases, though the increases achieved by the 70-year olds reached its peak after two months of training whereas for the 40-year olds it was after four months of training; men 40 11%, men 70 24%, women 40 14%, women 70 18%.

The main finding of this extensive study reveals that healthy and fit 40- and 70-year olds can make tremendous gains in strength and power. And what struck the scientists was that these gains were much greater than what the smaller, yet still significant, gains in muscle size would suggest.

What these studies teach us is that if you lift weights and you’re older, the age factor seems to have little impact. What does seem to occur, however, is that in older people the way in which the body responds to strength training is a bit different. Moreover, it appears that certain exercises and body parts are impacted differently, meaning that whatever age effect there may be, it doesn’t impact the entire body equally. But before we conclude this series, there’s one more issue to consider—recovery. A common mantra of older lifters is that they just can’t recover from training the way they used to. We’ll take a close look in Part V.


  1. Delorme, T. Restoration of muscle power by heavy-resistance exercises. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 27:645-667, 1945.
  2. Drummond, M., et al. Skeletal muscle protein anabolic response to resistance exercise and essential amino acids is delayed with aging. Journal of Applied Physiology 104:1452-1461, 2008.
  3. Häkkinen, K., et al. Changes in agonist-antagonist EMG, muscle CSA, and force during strength training in middle-aged and older people. Journal of Applied Physiology 84(4):1341–1349, 1998.
  4. Häkkinen, K., et al. Changes in muscle morphology, electromyographic activity, and force production characteristics during progressive strength training in young and older men. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 53A(6), B415-B423,
  5. Kamen, G. and C. Knight. Training-related adaptations in motor unit discharge rate in young and older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 59A(2):1334-1338, 2004.
  6. Mayhew, D., et al. Translational signaling responses preceding resistance training-mediated myofiber hypertrophy in young and old humans. Journal of Applied Physiology 107:1655-1662, 2009.
  7. Mero, A., et al. Resistance training induced increase in muscle fiber size in young and older men. European Journal of Applied Physiology 113:641-650, 2013.
  8. Walker, S. and K. Häkkinen. Similar increases in strength after short-term resistance training due to different neuromuscular adaptations in young and older men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28(11):3041–3048, 2014.
  9. 9.Welle, S., et al. Effect of age on muscle hypertrophy induced by resistance training. The Journals of

More Details on the Virtual Lift Off

By Steve Gardner


The Virtual Lift Off is approaching…..
there is much excitement about taking part in this just for fun Virtual Lift Off and it is only just over 4 weeks away…
Here is a reminder of what to do to take part….
Each lifter will video their attempts on 2 lifts: the Ciavattone Deadlift and any other IAWA lift they choose.
No referees are required as there are no records being set, although we ask that lifters do please stick to proper platform dress and if you have the t shirt make sure it is on show.
Do not send multiple attempts JUST your top lift on each of the two disciplines. If they are not performed properly they will not be included in the rankings.
You can do the lifts anytime to suit you over the next four weeks BUT only upload them on the weekend of the 18th and 19 September.
We rely on your honesty to inform us of your actual tip poundage achieved and your age and weight.Your results will be calculated using the usual IAWA coefficients.
This will be good fun and performed in good spirits, Good Luck to all who enter, lets see how many we can get..
The T Shirts Sales are going great well over 40 sold already and a good chunk of money is already raised towards next years drug testing so again thanks for your help (if you still don’t have yours and you want one get straight on to Stevie Shanks to get your order in as orders will close soon……Only £12
If you need any more information don’t hesitate to ask, cheers all, Steve Gardner

Virtual Lift Off

By Steve Gardner

We are all sad that we are amid the Covid 19 virus situation, and that has led to the postponement of our lifting calendar for this year, BUT Steve and Stevie have come up with a great idea for a virtual event on the weekend of 19th / 20th September:
The Virtual Lift Off 2020 -IAWA v COVID 19 – The Strongest Shall Prevail!
A fun competition to encourage social and physical interaction between all IAWA members wherever they may be around the World, should they choose to take part
There will be two lifts:
The first is the Ciavattone Deadlift (a simple lift anyone can do if they can get near a bar and discs)
The second lift can be any lift of the lifters choice that they can perform (any IAWA lift with a Blindt co-efficient)
It is completely unofficial, no referees no records, no entry fees etc …..BUT ……..lifters must wear proper lifting attire for the lifts, and lifters will submit what they believe to be their correct bodyweight!
The scores will be worked out using the Blindt formula and other usual formulas, but again it is just for fun and taken on trust, The lifts MUST be video’d and uploaded to the IAWA(UK) face book page on the weekend of 19th and 20th September. If the lifts are not completed properly or lifters are not wearing correct lifting attire, then the videos will be taken down and not entered.
The lifts should only be up loaded for inclusion over the 19th/ 20th weekend ( but can of course be completed and filmed any time before that date ) the competition closes at end of the day on the 20th September.
As there is no entry fee or other cost involved we will have T shirts with a striking logo on sale for this ‘one off’ Virtual event, so lifters can purchase them and wear them in their videos if they wish. These will be affordable at £12 each and ALL profits from the sale of the T Shirts will go towards Drug Testing at the ’International Events in 2021’ which we think and hope you agree, is a magnificent cause…… get your orders off to Stevie as soon as possible to give time for your shirts to be posted out to you. The shirts will be purple with white print!
We are so excited, and hope as many as possible will join in and post their lifts, good luck everyone and have fun!
Steve Gardner will deal with the calculations for submitted lifts –
Stevie Shanks will be dealing with the T Shirts orders –

Meets Cancelled

By Al Myers

I’m sure most everyone is wondering when the USAWA will be “up and running” again.  This has been a very difficult period for our organization with the cancellation of many competitions.   The Executive Board has discussed extensively how to move forward during this pandemic.  Our main objective is keeping everyone safe from COVID19.  We don’t want to risk a meet gathering which could spread this virus.

The IAWA Worlds, the IAWA Gold Cup, and the IAWA World Postal have been cancelled this year.  The plan is to have this years promoters become next years promoters, and the 2021 promoters will become the 2022 promoters.

The USAWA EB has decided NOT to accept meet sanction requests for this fall (till 2021).  The only comps we will promote are the 3rd Quarter Postal Meet and the Postal Championships.  The EB has been “in talks” of possibly doing another type of postal meet this fall which would allow lifters to lift at their own gyms and facilities.

IAWA has made plans to have a “Virtual Competition” in September.  I will make the official announcement on this tomorrow – so we DO have some good news!


Aging and Strong (Part III)


Part III: On Hormones 

By Dan Wagman, Ph.D., C.S.C.S.

Thus far I reasoned through why the all-round weightlifting age adjustment formula is fundamentally unfair and lacks common sense (see Part I).  I then offered scientific evidence showing that in a healthy but otherwise sedentary population the effects of aging on muscle activation are only moderate and don’t become meaningful until you reach about 70 years of age (see Part II).   However, one of the issues most people consider in their aging analysis is that of hormones. The basic understanding is that as you age your body produces less hormones, whether you’re a man or a woman, and that impacts your training and ability to gain or maintain strength.


Hormones for Strength

One of the things you always hear about in older men is how their levels of testosterone and growth hormone decline. In older women, particularly postmenopausal ones, changes in hormone levels are said to cause overall physical decline. It frankly sounds like once you’re an older guy or gal, life’s over because your hormones are gone. But here’s an interesting fact about hormones, they respond quickly to the stimulus of tossing a barbell around. On the other hand, hormones are highly complex and various anabolic hormones differ in their response, not only depending on gender, but also depending on how you train. Clearly, you have to turn to research in an effort to understand the link between age, hormones, and lifting weights.

An early and interesting study looked at the acute hormonal responses in men and women after heavy weight training.(1) They looked at 30-, 50-, and 70-year old men and women after they performed training sessions in the bench press, leg press, and sit-up. They had to perform 5 sets of each exercise with the heaviest weight they could lift for 10 reps (10-rep max or 10-RM). In response to this training the researchers found that average concentrations of serum testosterone and cortisol (a hormone that tends to rise in response to stress, and lifting weights at that high an intensity certainly constitutes stress) remained unchanged in all women. In 30- and 50-year old men testosterone increased significantly while cortisol increased significantly only in 50-year old men. Regarding growth hormone, that increased in 30- and 50-year old men and women significantly. Overall, the change in growth hormone levels was significant while that of testosterone was only minor.

With all the talk about the importance of testosterone and how it decreases in men due to age, rendering them weaker, with an implication of being less-of-a-man than what they used to be, this archaic thinking doesn’t consider how testosterone levels—and growth hormone—can vary throughout the day. In the control subjects of that study the scientists looked at changes in testosterone and growth hormone levels at noon and 1400 hrs. By way of brief illustration, the 50-year olds had the smallest amounts of testosterone at noon, followed by the 70-year olds and then the 30-year olds who showed the greatest amount. At 1400 hrs. the greatest drop in testosterone was recorded by the 30-year olds followed by the 50-year old group and the least change was found in the 70-year olds. Note, however, that none of these changes, nor the different levels of testosterone in the different age categories, was significant. You could therefore argue rather successfully that if it wasn’t significant, why even discuss it?

Four years later, in 1999, researchers from Ball State University, Pennsylvania State University, the University of Jyväskylä, Southern Cross University, the University of Arkansas, and Colorado College examined the effects of heavy weight training on various anabolic hormones in younger (30) and older (62) healthy and fit men.(2) This was a very complex study where I can only share the basic findings. Suffice to say, the subjects had to adhere to a 10-week scientific training program that emphasized high intensity work at varying levels of volume in each week. At the onset of the training program the younger group displayed greater strength and muscle size than the older group. In terms of hormones, only at weeks 3 and 6 were there significantly less serum total testosterone responses for the older men compared to the younger men. Regarding free testosterone the older men displayed less of a response compared to the younger men in weeks 3, 6, and 10. For growth hormone no significant differences were found. Though this represents an interesting insight into hormones, age, and lifting weights, what happened in regard to training gains? At the conclusion of the study both groups made significant gains in strength of about 15%.

As a next step the researchers wanted to know how each age groups’ hormones would respond immediately after a very tough session of squatting consisting of 4 sets at 10-RM with 90-seconds rest between sets. They did this test before the 10-week training protocol and again thereafter. The basic findings were that older men who are healthy and fit, but not weight trainers, can be stressed with an intense weight lifting regimen and make significant gains. Also, despite the fact that the younger men increased the size of their whole thigh significantly more than the older men, the relative strength gains in the thigh were the same between groups. The researchers link this finding to differences between groups in resting and exercise-induced adaptations of hormones. Also, regardless of age, hormone level adjustments due to heavy weight lifting occur in younger and older men.

Despite the same gains in strength, in terms of total testosterone younger men displayed significantly higher responses than the older men. Therefore, the impact of the greater testosterone response in younger men might not be as impactful to strength development as previously thought. This actually makes sense, because your muscles’ ability to gain strength—and size, for that matter—is not the result of just one variable, such as testosterone. Also, in the young men cortisol responses tended to be greater than in the old men. Cortisol is a stress hormone that’s catabolic, meaning it breaks down molecules. Since the older men’s cortisol response was less than the younger mens’, the researchers suggest that this might be a physiological mechanism that allows older men to significantly gain in strength without the same testosterone response as younger men. And as it relates to growth hormone, no significant changes were noted for resting concentrations in either group throughout the training period.


Still Gaining Strength

What these studies show is that whether you’re in your 30’s, 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s you’re able to make significant strength gains. How your hormones respond might be different depending on age, but that only means that your body finds different ways to adapt to what you do in the gym. At the end of the day, if your training results in strength gains, does it really matter how your body accomplishes that? A reasonable challenge to this observation might be the amount of strength gained. Despite the fact that the first study found younger and older trainees to gain the same amount of strength, this might not be typical. Moreover, if, as I stated earlier, there’s a lot more going on in your body than just hormones to help you get stronger, what else happens when younger and older people toss dumbbells? Surely there must be a difference between a 30-year old and a 50-year old. We’ll dig deeper in Part IV.



  1. Häkkinen, K., and A. Pakarinen. Acute hormonal responses to heavy resistance exercise in men and women at different ages. International Journal of Sports Medicine 16(8):507-513, 1995.
  2. Kraemer, W., et al. Effects of heavy-resistance training on hormonal response patterns in younger vs. older men. Journal of Applied Physiology 87(3):982-992, 1999.
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