Passing of Mike Archer
by Al Myers

The late great Mike Archer, performing at the Granby Halls over 25 years ago, Mike was a formidable competitor! (photo and caption courtesy of Steve Gardner)
Word has come to me from Steve Gardner that the great English lifter Mike Archer has recently passed away after battling a long illness. Mike was very involved with the IAWA during the early formative years of our organization. The past 10 years his involvement has been limited due to his declining health, but his love for all round weightlifting remained.
Mike Archer was involved in all aspects of the organization – lifter, promoter, official and officer. He was the IAWA(UK) Vice President representative for many years (1992-2012). He attended many IAWA World Championships, having competed in the United States many times as well as Australia. Many times he placed in the top ten overall at the World Championships. I counted 8 times, but there may have been more. In 1999 Mike was the overall best mens lifter in the IAWA World Championships in Australia. He was inducted into the IAWA(UK) Hall of Fame in 2003.
This is just a brief summary of all the accomplishments Mike Archer has achieved in the IAWA. He will be greatly missed!