Presidential Cup
by Al Myers

Group picture from the 2015 Presidential Cup (left to right): Art Montini, Al Myers, Dean Ross, and Denny Habecker
For the fourth year annually, our USAWA President Denny Habecker has held the USAWA Presidential Cup. This Championship Event recognizes the “best of the best” amongst record days. It IS the championship record day in the USAWA – much like the Gold Cup is the Championship Record Day in the IAWA. Every year our Prez picks a lift and lifter for the winner of the Presidential Cup. This is based on what impresses him the most – that is the criteria for being awarded the Presidential Cup.
This year 4 experienced USAWA members took on the challenge. It was interesting to me that these four lifters (Denny, Art, Dean, and myself) are also TOP TEN members of the Century Club, which shows that all of us have competed in the USAWA quite some time now! Each of us took turns with our lifts on the platform. Art continues to amaze me. He did a 26# Abdominal Raise – which would be a very difficult lift for anyone. I thought that could be the Presidential Cup Lift that might win. As it turns out that was the only record lift Art did. When we had time for additional record lifts Art couldn’t decide on another lift to do as he has ALL the records in his age/bodyweight class in the record list and Art doesn’t like to break his own records!
Dean Ross made the trip to Pennsylvania again this summer (Nationals in York was the other). Dean picked the One Arm Zercher, which is a very difficult lift to perform. He lifted an impressive 160 pounds! As it turns out – THAT was the lift to win him the Presidential Cup! Well deserving I must say.
This was a great competition. I want to thank Denny and Judy for being such great hosts. We are very fortunate to have Denny as our President and Judy as the “first lady” in the USAWA. They work tirelessly to keep things going, and give back SO MUCH to the organization.
(Tomorrow I’ll give a report on the history of the Presidential Cup and a listing of all past winners. )
Meet Results:
Presidential Cup
Habecker’s Gym
Lebanon, PA
August 22nd, 2015
Meet Director: Denny Habecker
Official’s (3-official System Used): Denny Habecker, Al Myers, Art Montini
Al Myers – 48 years old, 228# BWT
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 2″, 1 Bar, Right Hand: 193#
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 2″, 1 Bar, Left Hand: 193#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Right Arm: 171#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Left Arm: 171#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip: 303#
Deadlift – One Leg, Right: 242#
Dean Ross – 72 years old, 253# BWT
Zercher – One Arm, Left: 143#
Zercher – One Arm, Right: 160#
Ziegler Clean: 93#
Swing – One Arm, Right: 55#
Swing – One Arm, Left: 45#
Denny Habecker – 72 years old, 189# BWT
Pullover – Straight Arm: 60#
Art Montini – 87 years old, 173# BWT
Abdominal Raise: 26#