Record List/Century Club

By Eric Todd

Tony Lupo at 2023 nationals

Thanks to the tire less work of our records director and his team, we have a new update to our records list and century club. They have been not only making updates, but also polishing things up by correcting errors and such. The most exciting thing is the additions to our century club. I already posted on the additions of Everett Todd and Stephen Santangelo recently. Well, we have a few more to mention. In the men’s division, John Monk comes in at 140 records. Since he has not competed in the USAWA since around 2009, this was clearly an oversite on our part. Tony Lupo comes in at 107 records, while Dan Wagman sits at 100. The biggest movers in the men’s side are both from Clark’s Gym. Bill moves up two spots from #10 to #8 with an additional 34 records. Dave DeForest jumps up 6 spots from #21 to #15 with an additional 57 records. This brings the men’s club up to 34 members.

In the Women’s division we have a new Century Club member as well. Janet Thompson, of Clark’s gym comes in at 101 records and makes the company of the women’s club seven members. The biggest mover in the Women’s club is Phoebe Todd moving up one spot to number 4 by way of twenty four additional records.

It is an honor to become a member of the century club. The Century Club was something that Al Myers came up with when he was Secretary/Treasurer to motivate lifters to participate lifters to have fun while participating in USAWA events. Congrats to all members, particularly this who just reached the 100 record milestone.