Roman Chair
by Al Myers
Recently on the USAWA Discussion Forum, there was talk about the Roman Chair. A Roman Chair has an almost mystical name that shrouds confusion. I have seen (and read) about lifters referring to something as a Roman Chair, and when in fact, it is not a Roman Chair at all, but rather some type of Hyperextension Bench or a Glute-Ham Developer (that’s another story!). A few of the lifts that we do in the USAWA require the use of a Roman Chair to perform them so understanding what a Roman Chair is REALLY IS important. That is why I’m going to try to properly describe a Roman Chair and it’s description to the use of All Round Lifts. Like I said, some Official USAWA lifts require the use of a Roman Chair – i.e., the Roman Chair Situp, the Roman Chair Bench Press, and the Abdominal Raise on a Roman Chair.

This is an ancient medieval Roman Chair. But instead of using this chair for exercise, it was used to torture prisoners!
You will read on the internet that Roman Chair exercises (namely Roman Chair Situps) are inherently dangerous amongst the general consensus of the cross fit lifting crowd. You will read some bad things about this exercise and ALL of the reasons why you shouldn’t do it. I’m not going to get into that debate here (but aren’t MOST of the All Round Lifts dangerous???, and we love them anyways!), but rather provide an accurate description, and a little history of the Roman Chair. Professor Attila is often credited with the invention of this device, as well as the Roman Column and the Roman Board (made famous by pictures of Sig Klein performing layouts using them). And speaking of Sig Klein, I have also read in his writings that he said the Professor didn’t actually invent the Roman Chair, but rather popularize the Roman Chair by it’s use in his gym. Klein had mentioned once that a Roman lifter who was visiting the Professors gym actually demonstrated exercises using a device similar to a Roman Chair, which gave the Professor the inspiration to build a Roman Chair and give it it’s name after this Roman lifter. In doing my research for this piece, I found that there actually WAS a Roman Chair in the Middle Ages. It was a chair of torture that was used up till the late 1800’s in Europe. I found this very symbolic – and could make for a good story on how the Roman Chair we use today got it’s name. Afterall, most Roman Chair All Round lifts are VERY PAINFUL and could constitute torture to some individuals! Just try doing a Roman Chair Bench Press and you will get my drift. On our USAWA YouTube account there is a video of Dave Beversdorf doing a HUGE Roman Chair Bench Press of 250 pounds (YouTube Video of Dave’s RC Bench Press), which is the top All-Time Roman Chair Bench Press in the USAWA Record List. Read some of the goofy comments regarding his video. It is obvious that these critics giving these comments have NO IDEA what is required and the back-splitting pain that is involved in doing a heavy lift like this! (the comments are so absurd that I didn’t even delete them because I found them funny, and I know ANYONE who has done this exercise would agree with me!).

Past USAWA lifting legend Howard Prechtel excelled at the Roman Chair Situp. He held the All-Time USAWA record at 738 pounds for many years. Amazingly, he did this in 1990 at the age of over 60 years!
The only description of a Roman Chair in our USAWA Rule Book falls under the rule for the Roman Chair Situp. It says, “This lift is done on a Roman Chair or similar device. The toes must be secured at floor level. The seat of the Roman Chair must be level and parallel to the platform and must not extend above the top of the buttocks when the lifter is fully laid back on the Roman Chair. A second bench of lesser height than the seat of the Roman Chair may be used for safety purposes under the lifter’s shoulders when laid back”. Not all commercial Roman Chairs would fall under this description. I have seen some where the foot pad is level with the seat, some with “rounded” seats, and some with even inclined/declined seats. These types of Roman Chairs would not be legal for use in the execution of the USAWA lifts. The Roman Chair I have in the Dino Gym is one that I made. It works very well, and is of a very simple design. The seat is 12″ by 24″, the seat sits 20″ high, the Chair is 4 feet long, and it contains an adjustable safety back support. The feet can be braced on a bar positioned at floor level.
There is nothing more “old school” than training on a Roman Chair. And if it was good enough for the Professor – it is good enough for me!