Tag Archives: advisory committee

Planning USAWA’s future

Last year, we had an advisory committee that was tasked with looking into options to grow and modernize our organization. This year, the board would like to bring the committee back, with a special focus on surveying the membership and volunteers (meet directors, record keepers, etc) to determine USAWA’s biggest problems and opportunities. This information will then guide future proposals.

The Executive Board is now putting together the committee to handle this important task, and we want to make sure we open this opportunity to the membership. A small committee (around 5 people) will be selected.

Sanjiv Gupta will head up this effort. He describes it as an opportunity to discuss what is going well, what could use improvement, opportunities to get people involved, and threats to the USAWA staying relevant. The time commitment will be a few hours per month, and mainly consist of email communications and video calls.  The committee will be active through approximately March of 2025 to be able to provide a report for the 2025 National Meeting.

Anyone who is interested in serving on this committee should contact Sanjiv directly at sanjiv_gupta@hotmail.com.