Results of the Andy Goddard Postal Tribute
by Steve Gardner

Andy Goddard
What an amazing result, huge thanks to all of you who supported the tribute, and helped to remember our dear friend. Please read the full results below, it is very heart warming!
53 Lifters took part in the tribute – 27 of the lifters totals were performed before 2 or more referees and will be submitted for record purposes, but all 53 results count for the ‘Tribute to Andy’ competition! I am not sure, but I think this is the first time that a competition like this one has been held, and what a great result, we’ve had lifters who were great friends of Andy’s and lifters who just wanted to join in to support the tribute of a fellow IAWA athlete (even members of his family who had never lifted a weight before)
We had lifters of the highest World Class standing right through to new lifters, only recently stepping on to the competition platform, and lifters aged from 12 years to 82 years of age, boys and girls, men and women, and from all parts of England, Scotland, Canada, USA, New Zealand. I have been so encouraged by this wonderful response that I will run this Tribute Competition on an annual basis for 26th March, but with two different lifts next year, still based around the Bench Press and Deadlift concept! Well done to you all, I am sure that Andy is looking down on us all with a big smile, and hopefully feeling proud!
Neil Abery Wins the First Andy Goddard Tribute and will have his name put on the ‘Andy Goddard Trophy’ which will be kept on display at the Powerhouse Gym, Burton!
Meet Results:
Best Ten Totals Amended
Neil Abery 32 Open 90.0 90 142.5 130.1 250 229.0 392.5 359.1
Al Myers 43 M40+ 114.3 115 145 119.1 282.5 232.2 427.5 351.3
Mark Haydock 35 Open 121.0 125 165.5 127.1 280.5 215.4 446 342.5
Phil Crisp 40 M40+ 97.0 100 153.5 133.5 228.5 198.7 382 332.2
Steve Angell 39 Open 109.0 110 140 113.3 270 218.6 410 331.9
John Monk 44 M40+ 78.9 80 140.6 143.0 183.7 186.9 324.3 329.9
Mark Rattenberry 47 M45+ 64.4 65 90 107.4 165 196.9 255 304.3
Nick Swain 44 M40+ 85.0 85 110 107.1 200 194.7 310 301.8
Roger Davis 40 M40+ 82.0 85 110 105.2 200 191.3 310 296.5
Steve Andrews 50 M50+ 69.9 70 87.5 101.5 167.5 194.4 255 295.9
Best Five Bench Presses Amended
John Monk 143.0
Joe Ciavattone Senior 139.0
Phil Crisp 133.5
Neil Abery 130.1
Mark Haydock 127.1
Best Five Deadlifts Amended
Al Myers 232.2
Neil Abery 229.0
Steve Angell 218.6
Mark Haydock 215.4
Phil Crisp 198.7
Best Masters Lady Karen Gardner
Best Ladies Open Mandy Hughes
Best Ladies Junior Heather Mansell
Best Ladies Guest Lifter Louise Collier
Best Masters 60+ Frank Allen
Best Masters 40+ Al Myers
Best Open Neil Abery
Best Junior Joe Civiattone Jnr
Best Guest Lifter Vince Collier
Name Age Div Bwt Class Bench Am D/L Am Total Am
Kohl Hess 15 J14/15 123.3 125 68 59.5 136 119 204 178.5
Art Montini 82 M80+ 78.9 80 61.2 94.9 92.9 144 154.1 238.9
John McKean 64 M60+ 78.9 80 61.2 74.1 136 164.7 197.2 238.8
Chad Ullom 38 Open 108.4 110 102 82.8 206 167.2 308 250.0
(The above lifts were performed before 3 officials at Ambridge PA USA on Sunday 14th March)
Mark Rattenberry 47 M45+ 64.4 65 90 107.4 165 196.9 255 304.3
Gary Ell 39 Open 83.6 85 130 121.7 185 173.2 315 294.9
(The Above lifts were performed before 1 Official in Devon, England, so they count for the
competition but will not be considered for record purposes.)
Al Myers 43 M40+ 114.3 115 145 119.1 282.5 232.2 427.5 351.3
(The above lifts were performed in Kansas USA on 16.3.2010 before two USAWA Officials.)
Andy Milner 48 M45+ 96 100 107.5 101.4 180.5 170.3 288 271.7
(The above lifts were performed at the Hoghton Barbell Club, Lancashire, England, before fellow
lifters, so they count for the competition but will not be considered for record purposes.)
Phil Crisp 40 M40+ 97.0 100 153.5 133.5 228.5 198.7 382 332.2
Ed Shorttle 53 M50+ 68.0 70 67.5 81.9 150.5 182.1 218 264.0
Nick Swain 44 M40+ 85.0 85 110 107.1 200 194.7 310 301.8
(The above lifts were performed at Hailsham in Essex, England on 13.3.10. Phil Crisp and Nick Swain before one official which is good for the competition but lifts not able to be considered for record purposes. Ed Shorttle however, did lift before two officials and as such his lifts could be considered!)
Karen Gardner 51 M50+ 75.7 80 37.5 54.8 75 109.8 112.5 164.3
Mandy Hughes 18 J18/19 78.2 80 51 67.0 120 157.8 171 224.8
Karl Birkinshaw 26 Open 77.9 80 67.5 65.9 155 151.4 222.5 217.3
John Gardner 27 Open 123.9 125 80 60.7 150 113.8 230 174.5
Steve Gardner 53 M50+ 140.2 125+ 115 93.9 170 138.8 285 232.7
(The above lifts were performed at the Powerhouse Gym, Burton, England on 22.3.10 before three officials and can therefore be considered for record purposes.)
Cliff Harvey – – – – – – – – –
Julien Emery 27 Open 91.4 95 – – – – – – 151.9 135.2 135.2 135.2
(Cliff from New Zealand, is resident in Canada at the moment, he has been ill, but attempted to lift, he missed all of his Deadlifts and was forced to abort the mission, his friend Julien Emery deadlifted, but he could not Bench due to a shoulder injury. Thanks for the thought guys.)
Steve Angell 39 Open 109.0 110 140 113.3 270 218.6 410 331.9
(The above lifts were performed in Buckinghamshire on 22nd March, the lifts were not performed in front of two officials, so the results count towards the competition, but will not be submitted for record purposes.)
Mark Gecko 41 M40+ 84.0 85 122 116.2 156 148.5 378 264.7
(The above lifts were performed in York, England, the lifts were not witnessed by two referees, so the total counts for the competition, but consideration can not be given to record claims.)
Neil Abery 32 Open 86.8 90 142.5 130.1 250 229.0 392.5 359.1
(The above lifts were performed in Milton Keynes, but not before two referees, so they count for the competition but will not be submitted for record purposes..)
James Gardner 26 Open 91.4 95 100 88.9 200 177.9 300 266.8
Graham Saxton 48 M45+ 113.9 115 110 94.9 227.5 196.3 337.5 291.2
(The above lifts were performed at the Powerhouse Gym in Burton on 24.3 before two referees!)
Frank Allen 68 M65+ 87.0 90 82.5 99.6 155 187.2 237.5 286.8
Steve Andrews 50 M50+ 69.9 70 87.5 101.5 167.5 194.4 255 295.9
Daniel Andrews 13 J13+U 54.4 55 32.5 54.1 70 116.5 102.5 170.6
Mark Godleman 48 M45+ 101.0 105 115 105.6 210 192.8 335 298.4
(The above lifts were performed in Leicester 24.3, Frank and Steve before one Referee so count for the competition, and Daniel and Mark before two referees so results can be submitted for record purposes.
Jim Madden 41 M40+ 89.0 90 95 87.5 125 115.7 220 202.6
Andy Tomlin 42 M40+ 92.4 95 95 86.5 200 182.1 295 268.6
George Dick 61 M60+ 129.1 125+ 110 99.8 180 163.4 290 263.2
Chris Hughes 20 Open 69.8 70 57.5 60.2 145 151.8 202.5 212.0
Dave McFadzean 39 Open 100.6 105 70 59.1 145 122.4 215 181.5
(The above lifts were performed in Glasgow, Scotland before three referee’s !)
Roger Davis 40 M40+ 82.0 85 110 105.2 200 191.3 310 296.5
(Roger Lifted to support the tribute to Andy, the lifts were not performed before two referees.)
Mathew Mansell 15 J14/15 62.5 65 60 77.8 122.5 159.0 182.5 236.8
Connor Mansell 12 J13+U 47.0 50 25 47.0 60 113.0 85 160.0
Heather Mansell 14 J14/15 43.0 45 25 58.9 70 164.9 95 223.8
(The above lifts were performed in Penzance, Cornwall under the watchful eye of Dad Simon! The lifts were not performed before two referees so they count for the competition but will not be submitted for records.)
Dan Butterworth 30 Open 131.0 125+ 140.5 103.8 220.5 162.9 361 266.7
Mark Haydock 35 Open 121.0 125 165.5 127.1 280.5 215.4 446 342.5
(The above lifts were performed at the Hoghton Barbell Club in Lancashire, the lifts were not performed in front of two referees so they count for the competition but will not be submitted for record purposes!)
Louise Collier 41 20 40 60
Vince Collier 42 50 90 140
(Louise and Vince are Andys Sister and Brother in Law , they are not lifters (never touched a weight before))
Joe Ciavattone Snr 41 M40+ 111.1 115 170 139.0 185.9 152.0 355.9 291.0
Joe Ciavattone Jnr 16 J16/17 96.1 100 115.6 110 181.4 172.7 297.0 282.7
Mike O Brien 27 Open 65.7 70 63.5 69.2 140.6 153.2 204.1 222.4
Frank Ciavattone Snr 55 M55+ 129.2 125+ 11.1 95.8 185.9 160.4 297.0 256.2
(The Above Lifts were performed at Joes Gym in Boston Massachusetts USA, before two referees. The deadlift was done with dumbbells i.e. Dumbells deadlift!)
Bill Crozier 71 M70+ 98.4 100 100 117.9 132.5 156.2 232.5 274.1
Jim Malloy 68 M65+ 109.2 110 102.5 109.2 140 149.1 242.5 258.2
Scott Schmidt 57 M55+ 117.0 120 115 106.0 185 170.5 300 276.5
(The above Lifts were performed before Two Officials at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA)
Denny Habecker 67 M65+ 84.4 85 88.4 107.0 133.8 161.9 222.2 268.9
(The above lifts were performed in Lebanon PA USA, but were not done before two referees.)
John Monk 44 M40+ 78.9 80 140.6 143.0 183.7 186.9 324.3 329.9
Dennis Vandermark 56 M55+ 94.7 95 95.2 97.1 131.5 134.2 226.7 231.3
Nathan Shelly 20 Open 70.3 75 102.0 106.3 165.5 172.4 267.5 278.7
Dan Vastyan 24 Open 90.7 95 — — 165.5 147.9 — —
(The above lifts were performed in Pennsylvania USA, and the results count for the competition.)
Chris Bass 63 M60+ 69.5 70 80 104.1 130 169.2 210.0 273.3
(The above lifts were performed at the Haven Gym before one official. The Bench was Feet in Air.)