Tag Archives: Denny Habecker

Denny Habecker – Lifter of the Month

By Al Myers

Denny Habecker, at 77 years of age, setting a new IAWA World Record in the Ciavattone Deadlift with a lift of 125 KG.

Denny Habecker, at 77 years of age, setting a new IAWA World Record in the Ciavattone Deadlift with a lift of 125 KG.

The USAWA Lifter of the Month for November is Denny Habecker, our USAWA President.   Denny just recently traveled to Perth, Australia to compete in the IAWA Gold Cup.  This is a long ways to travel to represent the USAWA in an IAWA competition.  I got to be his travel companion for this trip, and it was a grueling trip.  We were in Australia for only three days while the other 5 were all on the plane.  The flight from Chicago to Auckland lasted 17.5 hours!  Denny is an IRONMAN when it comes to travel – plus add it the travel lag once you get there – it’s amazing he was able to even function, let alone set new World Records!!!

Denny is very deserving of being Lifter of the Month for November.  He does so much to represent the USAWA everywhere he goes.   We are extremely blessed to have him as our USAWA President. Next time you see him give him a big CONGRATS!

Contribution Award

By Al Myers

Denny and Judy Habecker receiving the Howard Prechtel Contribution Award at the 2019 Nationals banquet.

Denny and Judy Habecker receiving the Howard Prechtel Contribution Award at the 2019 Nationals banquet.

At the banquet following the 2019 Nationals I was honored to make a special presentation to Denny and Judy Habecker.  They both received the Howard Prechtel Contribution Award.

Howard Prechtel was a very important person in the USAWA.  His contributions to our organization paved the way to what the USAWA is now.  He served 14 years as the USAWA President (1993 thru 2007), which is the longest tenure of any USAWA President.  He started the IAWA Gold Cup in Lakewood, Ohio in 1991, and the Gold Cup has become one of the feature events in the IAWA.  It has been held every year since it’s start.

Years ago Howard had given a special plaque of his to Bob Geib, which included an engraved picture of Howard on it.  This plaque meant alot to Bob, and for years Bob would bring it to competitions to remember his friend Howard.  In 2015, Bob decided it would be best if it was “shared” within the USAWA.   He presented it to Frank Ciavattone for all the effort he has given to the USAWA – and thus the beginning of the Howard Prechtel Contribution Award.  It is a traveling award (consisting of Howard’s plaque) that is passed from one member to the next, with the intention that the current recipient finds someone that is deserving of it.

I received this honor in 2017, receiving the Howard Prechtel Contribution Award from Frank.  I had intended to award it to Denny during the 2018 Nationals banquet, but due to the lack of privacy at the banquet with other restaurant patrons present (we didn’t have an official awards ceremony that year) I decided to wait till a later time.  Well, this year the timing was right!  I felt that since I had missed giving it out the previous year I would make up for it by giving the Contribution to BOTH Denny and Judy.  They are both very deserving of it, and it was a big honor for me to present the Howard Prechtel Contribution Award to them.

Lifter of the month – Denny Habecker

By Al Myers

Denny Habecker performed a World Record in the Pullover and Push at the 2018 IAWA Gold Cup.

Denny Habecker performed a World Record in the Pullover and Push at the 2018 IAWA Gold Cup.

The 2018 USAWA Lifter of the Month for October goes to our President, Denny Habecker.  In the month of October Denny represented the USAWA in the IAWA World Championships and the IAWA Gold, both in England.  Denny was one of only 3 USAWA lifters to have represented the USAWA in both of these important IAWA yearly events.

On top of all that, Denny was awarded the IAWA Presidential Merit Award at the World Championships award banquet.  This award has only been presented to small group of individuals in the past which recognizes outstanding contributions made to the IAWA.

Congrats Denny, you were an easy choice for the lifter of the month for October!

Denny Habecker – IAWA Merit Award

By Al Myers

Denny Habecker receiving the IAWA Merit Award from IAWA President Al Myers.

Denny Habecker receiving the IAWA Merit Award from IAWA President Al Myers.

At the 2018 IAWA World Championships Award Banquet, one of the highlights was the presentation of the IAWA Merit Awards. The Merit Award is the highest honor one can receive in IAWA.  The Merit Award goes “way beyond” just being an outstanding lifter.  To earn the award you must be a major contributer and leader in the organization for many years, and have given alot of yourself to our sport of All Round Weightlifting to make it a better organization.

The IAWA Merit Award is a Presidential Award, chosen and given by the IAWA President on behalf of the organization. It was my honor to have this responsibility, as I’ve always considered Denny as my role model in IAWA/USAWA.

I would like to share my speech I gave when presenting Denny the Merit Award:

I’m honored to be able to present Denny Habecker with this very prestigious IAWA Award. This is the highest award the IAWA has to present, and only a few have received it in the past. I have known Denny for many years, and throughout the year we spend lots of time with each other. I often jokingly refer to Denny as “Uncle Denny” as he seems like family to me.   We have traveled to many overseas IAWA meets together through the years, and I’ve spent many a nights at his and Judys house in Pennsylvania.  I’ve enjoyed many fine meals at their place, but I should recognize Judy for that instead of Denny! 

In looking over the many accomplishments Denny has had in the IAWA, it made me realize that I would need to narrow down the list or this speech would get too long. So I’m going to just hit a few highlights of Dennys involvement and accomplishments.  Here it goes –

  • Started training in 1957 when in highschool to prepare himself for highschool football
  • Competed in Olympic Lifting competitions in the early 60’s, as well as a few bodybuilding competitions (I’ve brought a few pictures along to confirm this as I’m sure some are doubting – so see me afterwards if you want to see a picture of Denny all oiled down and posing)
  • Was inspired to get involved in All Round Weightlifting in 1989, by the great John Vernacchio.   Denny was part of John’s Valley Forge Lifting Team and also entered many Masters Olympic Lifting Meets, including many Pan American Championships and World Championships
  • IAWA World Championship Meet Promoter 2002, 2005, 2009, and 2016
  • Has placed in the Top Ten Overall at Worlds many times – 6th in 2017, 4th in 2016, 6th in 2014, 4th in 2012, 8th in 2011, 9th in 2010, 5th in 2009, 8th in 2007, 4th in 2003, 6th in 2002, 6th in 2001, 10th in 2000, 3rd in 1999, 10th in 1997, and 10th in 1996,
  • Won Best Lifter Awards in his Age Group in 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, and 1999,
  • IAWA Gold Cup Meet Promoter: 2006, 2008 and 2013
  • Holds many IAWA World Records
  • Has competed in over 20 IAWA World Championships, and over 20 Gold Cups
  • Founder of Habecker’s Gym, and has coached many lifters through the Years
  • Has served as an IAWA Vice President since 2004
  • Has served on the IAWA Technical Committee since 1996

Another thing about Denny I want to mention is I’ve always considered him my role model in All Round Lifting. When I first got started with IAWA Denny was one of the first to encourage me to compete at the IAWA level, beyond just USAWA competitions. I really doubt I would have made that first meet “overseas” without Denny’s support.  For that Denny – I owe you a lot of thanks.  

Denny is one of the most reliable people I know. He has given so much of his time and energy to IAWA, more than most realize. I don’t know how many times in the past when we have needed someone to “step up”, whether it’s a promotion or just attending an event that needs supported – Dennys always there and ready to do it. He has been a steady backbone of IAWA with his leadership, which goes away beyond what he has done on the platform. Our organization wouldn’t be as strong as it is without Denny.

Denny, I consider you one of my best friends. It gives me great honor to be able to present you with this award. Thank you for all you have done for IAWA.

Most IAWA Meets Overseas

By Al Myers

Denny Habecker lifting at the 2018 IAWA Gold Cup - his 29th overseas IAWA competition!

Denny Habecker lifting at the 2018 IAWA Gold Cup – his 29th overseas IAWA competition!

On the way home from England following the Gold Cup, my dad and I were discussing on the plane how much fun we had on the trip.  Especially since we were able to compete in BOTH big IAWA events (the Worlds and the Gold Cup) on this one trip. It’s the first time in the history of IAWA that one meet promoter hosted both the World Championships and the Gold Cup. My hat is off to Paul Barette for pulling off two great comps over the course of two “back to back” weekends. Not too many people would want to do that!  I doubt it will ever happen again.

Well, the flight was a long one from London to Denver (10 hours!) for my dad and I so we had plenty of time to talk about things.  One thing that came up was dad asking me who has traveled the most from the USAWA to IAWA events overseas. I had a couple of “guesses” at the time, but I really didn’t know for sure.  It takes a HUGE committment to travel overseas to an IAWA event. On top of the big financial cost, it takes time away from home, and for most this involves using up vacation days.  I always encourage USAWA members to take part in an overseas IAWA event, but I sure understand why lifters can’t do it.  However, going to IAWA meets overseas has been one of the most enjoyable things I’ve been part of in my life.  I’ve made many great friends all over the world and have seen places I would never have seen if it wasn’t for a World Championships or Gold Cup to take me there.

Once I got home I kept thinking about Dad’s question, so I’ve done a little research and now know the answer to the question “what USAWA lifters have made the most trips overseas to either the World Champs or the Gold Cup?”. Our President, Denny Habecker, leads the list by a big margin by attending 29 overseas IAWA comps!!!  That’s very impressive to say the least.  Here is the TOP TEN:

1. Denny Habecker – 29 trips

2. Dennis Mitchell – 15 trips

3. Al Myers – 13 trips

4T. Art Montini – 11 trips

4T. Howard Prechtel – 11 trips

4T. John Vernacchio – 11 trips

7. Noi Phumachona – 9 trips

8. Frank Ciavattone – 8 trips

9T. Bob Geib –  6 trips

9T. Chad Ullom – 6 trips

Overall, 40 USAWA lifters have attended an overseas IAWA event through the years.  Several have only been to 1 or 2.  Also, at EVERY Worlds and Gold Cup overseas there has been at least one USAWA lifter on the platform.  That’s a streak I hope we continue.  One person who is not in the TOP TEN but needs mentioned is Denny’s wife, Judy.  Judy was in the number 11 spot with competing in 5 Gold Cups overseas, but she has been at most of the meets with Denny and has helped at the scoring table many, many times.

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