Tag Archives: Dick Durante

Dick Durante

By Denny Habecker

I just got the news yesterday of the passing of Dick Durante on June 4, at age 87. I know many of you may not have known Dick, because he didn’t lift in a great number of our meets. Dick lifted in a couple of our Nationals and at least one IAWA Worlds in addition to a few smaller meets. I knew Dick from my days as an Olympic lifer. He and John Vernacchio lifted for the legendary Holy Savior Club in Norristown, Pa. Dick was a competitor in my first competition in 1962. He was a veteran lifter at that time, pressing 270, snatching 220, and clean & Jerking 305 in the 198 lb. class in that meet.  Five years later he was pressing 320 in the HVY weight class. I didn’t really know Dick that well until in the 1980’s as a master lifter, I started lifting for John Vernacchio’s Valley Forge Club.We got to be good friends through our mutual friend John. Dick was  well liked, had a great sense of humor, and a man of many talents. He was a police officer, a restaurant owner, Navy veteran, electrician, & air conditioner tech. Dick and his wife Mary Ann invited us to their beach home on Long Beach Island, New Jersey many times, and showed us great hospitality and friendship . I also remember the great time I had  traveling to the Old Time Barbell and Strongman Banquet with Dick and John and a couple of their Holy Savior team mates . Rest in Peace Dick.