Heavy Lifting Objects
by Al Myers
The other day I covered a story about Frank’s big “1-TON” train wheels in his backyard, and how he uses them in his training for heavy hip and harness lifting. These big train wheels are more than just “yard art” to Frank – they are an important apparatus used in his all round training. Several other all rounders have similar things they use for training the heavy chain lifts. I have been in many all round club gyms and have seen other heavy things used. It goes to show that there are things to train on besides bars and plates.
Al Springs has his “giant tires” that he uses for Hip and Harness lifting. Very impressive setup!

This is All-Round lifing legend Steve Schmidt’s setup for training the Heavy Lifts, complete with his walker.
Steve Schmidt has his “big frame” that he uses. He did many of his 3000 pound plus Harness Lifts using this setup.
At the Dino Gym, I have a couple of Train Wheels on a Heavy Lift bar that I use to train the hip and harness lifts. Altogether, they weigh in at 1500 pounds including the bar. I have done a set of 20 reps in the Harness Lift with these, and sets of 5-10 for hip lifting. As of yet, I have not done a Hand and Thigh with them. I’m gonna make that a goal of mine this summer – 1 rep in the Hand and Thigh with these train wheels!!! That’s a perfect summer challenge for me!!