Tag Archives: Meeting agenda

Meeting Agenda

by Al Myers

This is the week!!  The USAWA National Championships is now less than a week a way.   Everything has been going “according to schedule” and all plans are in place to have an exciting and fun time in Las Vegas this coming weekend. 

The USAWA National Meeting will be held Friday night at the Silverton.   The plan is for everyone to gather in the lobby at 6 PM.  I will have a meeting room secured by then.  I don’t see the meeting lasting more than 1 hour, as there is not really any “controversial” topics on the agenda.  Immediately after the meeting, we will have the annual USAWA Awards Ceremony.  This will be the HIGHLIGHT of the evening!!!  You will not want to miss the presentation of a BIG AWARD being given to a USAWA lifter who has achieved stardom in the USAWA.

The evening meal Friday night will be “on your own”.  I know several lifters will be trying to make weight, so I don’t want to have any function that might interfere with that.  Weighins will be early on Saturday morning (announced at the meeting), and will be done at the hotel instead of the meet site to allow for time to eat and rehydrate afterwards.  Denny will be in charge of these weighins.

Transportation will be arranged to get lifters from the Silverton to the meet site.  Details of this will be announced Friday night at the meeting.  Also, the group entertainment for Saturday night and Sunday will be discussed following the meeting and orders will be taken for anyone interested in participating. So bring your money to the meeting Friday night!!!  The meet awards will be presented immediately following competition on Saturday.  Hopefully, the meet will keep a good pace so plenty of time will be left to have time to relax and get ready for the evening entertainment (which Chad has spent considerable time arranging for us).

I think that pretty much sums of the plans for this weekend.  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone!!

Business Agenda for the 2012 USAWA Annual National Meeting

  1. Meeting called to order by USAWA President Denny Habecker
  2. Reading of previous meetings minutes by USAWA Secretary Al Myers
  3. Report of financial status by USAWA Treasurer Al Myers
  4. Report from the Officials Director Joe Garcia
  5. Report from the Website Director Al Myers
  6. Report from the Records Director Joe Garcia
  7. Report from the Awards Director Al Myers
  8. Report from the Drug Enforcement Director Chad Ullom
  9. Discussion and vote of new proposed lifts
  10. Discussion and vote on Rulebook Changes
  11. Discussion and vote on By Law Changes
  12. Discussion of other new business brought forth by the membership
  13. Accept bids for the 2013 National Championships
  14. Meeting adjourned
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