Tag Archives: NE Powerlift Meet

NE Powerlift Meet

By Christopher Lestan



Two new lifters in the USAWA! Zach on the left and Ryan on the right .

Two new lifters in the USAWA! Zach on the left and Ryan on the right .

What a fun and fantastic meet! We had 10 lifters competing, and 15-20 spectators ranging from family to close friends. Kim Lydon was nice enough to use her own gym which provided enough space for the lifting. The first lift was the 12″ Base Squat. Frank Ciavattone’s nieces Olivia and Natalie performed amazingly for their first comp each coming away with 71-pound squats. Zach Marharo executed a perfect 365-pound squat.

Chris Lestan Preparing to Squat 507 Pounds!

Chris Lestan Preparing to Squat 507 Pounds!

The second lift was the Bench Feet in the Air. Everyone did wonderfully with amazing feats of strength including Ryan’s 285 Bench! The highlight of the bench was Sarah Gibbons, for she failed her first attempt, and the second attempt, but got the last attempt with a personal best of 85 pounds! Lastly, the 12″ Base Deadlift was the grande finale! Everyone either made a personal best or National Record. Kim Lydon made her final attempt deadlift with a 257-pound pull which is a national record for her weight class! Newcomer Heather made a personal best of 235-pound deadlift on her last attempt! Sarah as well put up 205 deadlift which was a personal best as well! Mike pushed through and performed a 300-pound deadlift with flawless technique!

Then the big boys came in with Zach deadlifting 455 for a personal best followed by Ryan Bingham pulling 465! After we had a great cookout and award ceremony! During the awards, I gave my Overall Best Mens Lifter Award that I won to Zach. 7 weeks ago Zach had surgery to remove his appendix with three scars on his stomach where the doctors operated. He was told he couldn’t lift for 4 weeks! But he pushed through and within 3 weeks he was able to break some personal best! Also, he came in second in the Mens Division! To me that says a lot about his character and who he is as a person so naturally, I felt he won the award.  It was a great meet that included great lifts, great food, and great friends!

The starting crowd at the Meet. about 5 more people showed up to support the lifters!

The starting crowd at the Meet. about 5 more people showed up to support the lifters!


NE Powerlift Meet
August 31st, 2019
Canton, Massachusetts

Meet Director: Christopher Lestan

Host: Kim Lydon

Meet Announcer/Scorekeeper: Frank Ciavattone

Officials(1 official system used): Frank Ciavattone

Lifts: Squat 12″ Base, Deadlift 12″ Base, Bench Press Feet in Air

All lifts are recorded in pounds

Female Division:

Name Age Weight Class Division
Kim Lydon 28 143 65 kilo Open
Heather Bartholomew 41 262 120 kilo Masters 40-44
Sarah Gibbons 21 160 75 kilo Open
Natalie Collins 12 107 50 kilo Junior (10-13)
Olivia Collins 10 113 55 kilo Junior (10-13)

Mens Division:

Name Age Weight Class Division
Christopher Lestan 23 279 125+kg Open
Zachariah Marhamo 21 228 105kg Open
Ryan Bingham 18 325 125+kg Junior(18-19)
Mike McLaughlin 51 206 95kg Masters(50-54)
Eric Lestan 14 161 75kg Junior (14-15)

Female Final Standings

Name Squat 12″Base Bench FIA Deadlift 12″Base Lynch Points
Kim Lydon 170 105 257 583.78
Natalie Collins 71 55 140 473.10
Sarah Gibbons 155 85 205 454.21
Olivia Collins 71 45 140 447.05
Heather Bartholomew 185 125 235 430.93

Mens Final Standings

Name Squat 12″Base Bench FIA Deadlift 12″ Base Lynch Points
Christopher Lestan 507 365 600 1068.49
Zach Marhamo 365 275 455 911.25
Ryan Bingham 315 285 465 767.20
Eric Lestan 195 135 275 738.48
Mike McLaughlin 225 195 315 723.75

Overall Best Mens lifter: Christopher Lestan
Overall Best Female Lifter: Kim Lydon
Overall Best Male Junior: Ryan Bingham
Overall Best Female Junior: Natalie Collins
Overall Best Mens Masters: Mike Mclaughlin
Overall Best Females Masters: Heather Bartholomew

National Records:
Sarah Gibbons: Deadlift 205 for the 75kg class
Kim Lydon: Deadlift 257 65kg class
Christopher Lestan: 507 Squat for 125+kg class
Natalie and Olivia Collins: Deadlift 140 for 50kg and 55kg class