Tag Archives: Nick Frieders

Newcomer of the Year Award

By Eric Todd

Nick Frieders awarded the Newcomer of the Year Award!

Nick Frieders awarded the Newcomer of the Year Award!

The Newcomer of the year award is described as such:

This award goes to an individual who in new to the USAWA or has become involved again. It doesn’t have to go to someone in their first year of being involved in the USAWA.

This year, the winner in this category is Nick Frieders from Clark’s Gym.  He started off strong by winning third place in the second quarter postal.  He successfully completed all 11 lifts at Clark’s birthday weekend, and outright won three of the events.  Nick was fifth overall in the 2022 Postal Championship, and was eighth this year in the first quarter postal.  He most recently competed in the bench Press Decathlon.  Nick is an energetic young lifter, and seemingly has a bright future in the USAWA.  Well deserved, Nick.  Congratulations!