(Over the years, my Uncle Phil Jackson has been my coach, but also much more than that. He has been my guru, my father figure, and a best friend. Phil has coached numerous state champs, bodybuilding champs, and he ran a couple of gyms. He met all the greats of yesteryear including Bill Pearl, Paul Anderson, John Grimek, and many more. He also has a degree in Physical Education and has maintained his teaching certificate. He shared thoughts and ideas with these men and has a wealth of knowledge that today’s lifter might view as old fashioned, but I think USAWA members realize that the old timers knew what they were doing. He sent me this routine some time ago typed upon his manual typewriter back in 1969. – Thom Van Vleck)
Concepts on General Weight Training
by Phil Jackson
Weight training is possibly the greatest supplement an athlete can add to his training schedule. Yet it can also be the worst mistake he could ever make.
Weight training applied properly can add strength, endurance, speed, and a certain degree of flexibility. If it is not applied properly you may find yourself somewhat stronger than you were before but your athletic performance has not increased and in some cases even decreased primarily due to a lack of flexibility. For example, you could give a baseball pitcher a weight training schedule that was too heavy, lacking full range movement that would ruin his pitching arm. Yet you carefully design a schedule using weights to strengthen his throwing muscles, and it will improve his pitching.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to make a distinction between the terms weight lifting and weight training. Weightlifting is the process of lifting weight primarily for the purpose of increasing muscle size and strength, with no regard to athletic performance, where as weight training is the process of training with weights for the purpose of increasing strength for the purpose of athletic performance.
Most of us as coaches will be using weight training for the purpose of increasing strength for athletic performance, yet at the same time one should strive for as much flexibility as possible in the weight schedule. This is usually provided by emphasizing the stretch with the movement. I would like to demonstrate just a few of these exercises and the whole purpose here is the stretch technique use whenever possible: Bench Press to Neck, Deadlift off bench, Lunges to floor, One arm tricep extension, Wrist Curls, Straight Arm Pullovers, Seated Twist (always first), and Calf Raises.
Two biggest mistakes you can make, Compare yourself to others and directly applying others technique to you…you find what works for you.
As a coach, when you’re making up weight training schedules for your athletes there are 7 concepts which will help.
1. Cardiovascular: Increasing and maintaining heart rate
2. Respiratory: How you control your breathing in an athletic event, holding breath, releasing it, and breathing control.
3. Stamina: Ability to go day after day
4. Endurance: Ability to go as near 100% in a one day event, continuous ability to perform at a high level
5. Muscle Twitch: stretching just beyond the normal range. Very determined by the specific sport. Increasing the ability to Explode (Phil calls it muscle snap).
6. Flexibility: All kinds of stretching for active recovery, teaching the muscle to relax for performance improvements, getting in touch with the muscle. Increased the range of motion and muscle twitch.
7. Complete training: building the minor muscles and foundation muscles for the specific sport event.