Tag Archives: Postal Championships

Postal Championships

by Al Myers

The results from the 2014 USAWA Postal Championships are in!

Many thanks goes to USAWA Postal Director Denny Habecker for getting these results tabulated so quickly (considering the circumstance!)!

I want to mention the lifters that competed in every one of the 4 postal meets promoted by the USAWA.  These lifters deserve special recognition for their support to our postal series: Eric Todd, Barry Bryan, Denny Habecker, Ruth Jackson, and Lance Foster.


USAWA Postal Championships
December, 2014

Postal Director:  Denny Habecker

Lifter/Official (1-Official System Used):
Al Myers – Chad Ullom
Chad Ullom – Al Myers
Dan Wagman – Jarrod Fobes
Eric Todd – Lance Foster
Barry Bryan – Denny Habecker
Denny Habecker – Barry Bryan
Cale Dunlop – Al Myers
Lance Foster – Eric Todd
Ruth Jackson – Jarrod Fobes
Molly Myers – Al Myers

Lifts: Snatch – From Hang, Deadlift – Dumbbell, One Arm, Pullover and Push


Ruth Jackson 53 106 65 180-R 115 350 554.6
Molly Myers 16 174 83 140-R 93 316 336.9


Al Myers 48 236 155 373-R 340 868 773.5
Chad Ullom 42 258 190 417-R 320 927 745.6
Dan Wagman ? 185 167 350-R 250 767 716.8
Eric Todd 39 255 175 310-R 411 896 704.2
Barry Bryan 56 191 127 184-R 221 532 570.3
Denny Habecker 72 197 83 184-R 198 465 557.5
Cale Dunlap 19 149 95 180-R 143 418 455.1
Lance Foster 48 336 95 220-R 155 470 352.9

NOTES:  AGE is age in years.  BWT is bodyweight in pounds.  All lifts recorded in pounds.  R and L designate right and left arms. TOT is total pounds lifted.  PTS are overall adjusted points for age and bodyweight corrections.

The combined totals for the 5 lifters that did all four postals are:

Eric Todd – 2325.75 Points
Barry Bryan – 2192.96
Denny Habecker – 2161.35
Ruth Jackson – 1980.69
Lance Foster – 1517.50

Postal Championships

by Al Myers


The big finale of our USAWA Postal Meet Series is upon us!

The Postal Championships will be held during the full month of December, with the entry deadline the last day of the month.  USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker has picked a good selection of lifts to test everyone’s strength in our Championship event.  Also – I want to remind everyone that this meet “counts double” in generating points toward the yearly postal series point totals.  Let’s have another good turnout of participation!

The lifts:

Snatch – From Hang
Deadlift – One Arm, Dumbbell
Pullover and Push

Denny has let me know that SIX lifters have taken part in all three of the previous quarterly postal meets this year.  Denny commented, “I thought some people might be interested to see the cumulative point totals of the people who have done all the postals so far this year. So here they are.”

Barry Bryan – 1622.62 points
Eric Todd – 1621.58 points
Denny Habecker – 1603.83 points
Ruth Jackson – 1426.12 points
Lance Foster – 1164.63 points
Crystal Diggs – 669.51 points

POSTAL CHAMPIONSHIPS ENTRY FORM (PDF) – 2014 USAWA Postal Championships Entry Form

Postal Championships

by Al Myers

The results of the 2013 USAWA Postal Championships are in!!!  It’s been another good year of postal meets within the USAWA, with 11 lifters taking part in our postal meet grand finale.  The big winners in the Postal Championships are WOMEN – RUTH JACKSON and MEN – DAN WAGMAN.  Congrats to both of these exceptionally lifters for their big victories.  On top of their lifting talents, both Ruth and Dan are great representatives of the USAWA.

I want to mention some of the top lifts and other “stats”.  The biggest weight lifted in the one arm clean and jerk was 140 pounds by Chad Ullom and myself.  Chad had the heaviest dumbbell cheat curl at 210 pounds, and my 550 pound heels together deadlift was the heaviest lifted. Denny Habecker was the oldest lifter entered at 71 years of age, and Eric Todd was the youngest at 38.  Ruth was the lightest lifter entered at 107 pounds, and Lance Foster the heaviest at 330 pounds.

I especially want to thank John Wilmot in his “send off” meet as the USAWA Postal Director.  This position will be taken over by Denny Habecker for 2014.  John wrote me a short letter when sending me the results.  In it he said, “With Denny Habecker as the new Postal Meet Director the postal meets are in very good hands!”  I agree – and I am looking forward to another great year of postal meets in the USAWA.


2013 USAWA Postal Championships
December 31st, 2013

Meet Director: John Wilmot

Lifts: Clean and Jerk – One Arm, Cheat Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Deadlift – Heels Together

Lifters with Certified Officials:
Barry Bryan – Certified Official Denny Habecker
Denny Habecker – Certified Official Barry Bryan
Al Myers – Certified Official Chad Ullom
Chad Ullom – Certified Official Al Myers
Eric Todd – Certified Official Lance Foster
Lance Foster –  Certified Official Eric Todd

Lifters with non-official judges:
Ruth Jackson – Judge Dan Wagman
Dan Wagman – Judge Ruth Jackson
Samuel Rogers – Judge Orie Barnett
John Wilmot – Judge Emile LeMoigne
Orie Barnett – Judge Samuel Rogers


Ruth Jackson 52 107 52-L 80 195 327 506.2


Dan Wagman 50 183 115-L 180 505 800 833.3
Al Myers 47 236 140-R 170 550 860 758.9
Barry Bryan 55 196 121-R 150 402 673 706.1
Chad Ullom 42 257 140-R 210 500 850 685.1
Orie Barnett 52 236 85 160 425 670 618.6
Samuel Rogers 51 210 85 140 397 622 605.7
Eric Todd 38 256 131 180 400 711 557.6
John Wilmot 66 214 55-R 100 345 500 546.5
Denny Habecker 71 193 72-R 92 286 450 541.7
Lance Foster 48 330 75 150 350 575 445.6

NOTES:  BWT is bodyweight in pounds. All lifts recorded in pounds. R & L stand for right and left. TOT is total pounds lifted. PTS are overall points adjusted for age and bodyweight.

National Postal

by Al Myers


Congratulations to all the lifters that took part in the 2013 National Postal Championships!!!  It was a well represented meet – with a total of 19 lifters taking part.  Gabby Jobe was the lone female entrant – and for that she gathered the title of National Postal Champion.  The Mens Division was a “slug fest” with several BIG NAME lifters competing.  Dino Gym member Chad Ullom took top honors, edging out Orie Barnett. Troy Goetsch was third, Joe Ciavattone Jr. fourth, and Eric Todd fifth. The BIG BULL Bryan Benzel came in sixth, but he posted the highest total of the meet at 1261 pounds.

Gabby was the youngest lifter of the meet at 10 years of age.  Denny “the PREZ” Habecker was the oldest lifter of the meet at 70 years of age. Gabby was the lightest competitor at 103 pounds. The lightest male lifter was Denny, at 190 pounds.  The heaviest lifter of the meet was close between my two training partners Scott Tully and Mark Mitchell, as well as Lance Foster.  Scott ended up reigning as the heavyweight supremo at 331 pounds – of solid muscle I might add!


2013 National Postal Championships
December, 2012

Meet Director: John Wilmot

Lifters using a Certified Official (1 official system used):

Gabby Jobe – Certified Officials Alison Jobe, Jesse Jobe
Troy Goetsch – Certified Officials Jesse Jobe, Bryan Benzel
Barry Bryan – Certified Official Denny Habecker
Scott Tully – Certified Official Al Myers
Mark Mitchell – Certified Official Al Myers
Denny Habecker – Certified Official Barry Bryan
Tim Songster Sr. – Certified Officials Jesse Jobe, Dan Bunch
Joe Ciavattone Jr. – Certified Official Joe Ciavattone Sr.
Jesse Jobe – Certified Officials Bryan Benzel, Dan Bunch
Chad Ullom – Certified Official Al Myers
Eric Todd – Certified Official Lance Foster
Daniel Bunch – Certified Official Jesse Jobe, Bryan Benzel
Bryan Benzel – Certified Officials Jesse Jobe, Dan Bunch
Lance Foster – Certified Official Eric Todd

Lifters using a non-certified Judge (Not eligible for records):

Samuel Rogers – Judge Orie Barnett
John Wilmot – Judge Kay Wilmot
Orie Barnett – Judge Samuel Rogers
Joe Ciavattone Sr. – Judge Joe Ciavattone Jr.

Lifter without any Judge (Exhibition Only):

James Fuller – no Judge

Lifts: Clean and Press – Reverse Grip, Squat – 12″ Base, Deadlift – 2 Dumbbells


Gabby Jobe 10 103 41 90 100 231 435.9



Chad Ullom 41 251 198 507 552 1257 1015.2
Orie Barnett 51 229 190 485 400 1075 998.9
Troy Goetsch 26 198 181 455 430 1066 958.0
Joe Ciavattone Jr. 19 218 200 450 450 1100 956.2
Eric Todd 37 260 225 455 520 1200 933.4
Bryan Benzel 25 292 261 500 500 1261 926.1
Samuel Rogers 50 208 180 395 328 903 876.0
Mark Mitchell 52 327 220 451 422 1093 861.1
Joe Ciavattone Sr. 44 228 185 400 400 985 860.7
Jesse Jobe 35 242 200 365 450 1015 818.8
Tim Songster Sr. 45 204 175 345 350 870 814.7
Barry Bryan 54 197 176 231 360 768 794.7
Scott Tully 37 331 176 418 510 1104 765.5
Daniel Bunch 48 365 176 315 390 881 740.1
Denny Habecker 70 190 110 176 294 580 699.8
John Wilmot 65 219 105 205 300 610 653.2
Lance Foster 47 326 141 250 350 741 568.9
James Fuller 41 234 143 346 501 990 827.5

NOTES:  All weights recorded in pounds. BWT is bodyweight in pounds.  TOT is total pounds lifted.  PTS is adjusted points for bodyweight and age correction.

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