by Al Myers

2012 USAWA Postal Series Champions - Gabby Jobe (left) and Chad Ullom (right).
For the second year now, the USAWA has recognized the “overall” winners from the USAWA Postal Series, which consists of the 4 quarterly postal meets offered throughout the year. I will give a review of how this is scored. For each meet entered a participant receives points depending on their placing which then “adds up” to a final year total, that determines the Postal Series ranking. The points earned are based on the number of entrants in each postal meet. For example, if 10 lifters are entered, the winner receives 10 points and the last place finisher receives 1 point. This way EVERYONE who enters is guaranteed to earn at least a point toward their year end total. The Postal Championships are worth DOUBLE POINTS, because it is the Championship afterall and is the pinnacle of the yearly postal meets.
This year was a great year for the USAWA Postal Series. I am glad to see how this program has taken “a foothold” in the USAWA. Much of this is due to the efforts of John Wilmot, who FINALLY was given an official title by the USAWA. Last year at the annual meeting of the USAWA, John was appointed by the membership the official title USAWA Postal Meet Director. This position was added to the USAWA bylaws outlining the duties which John has done an excellent job of upholding. John sends out certificates to each winner following the individual postal meets, and provides me with a tallied result sheet in a timely manner to be published on the website. I want to mention as well that this entire program is ran on a “shoe string” budget. Heck – there’s not even a budget since there is no entry fees charged to the entrants and thus NO INCOME to fund it!!!
Now for the BIG WINNERS of the 2012 Postal Meet Series:
WOMEN – Gabby Jobe
MEN – Chad Ullom
1. Gabby Jobe – 5 points
2. Molly Myers – 3 points
3. Bri Ullom – 2 points
1. Chad Ullom – 66 points
2. Orie Barnett – 56 points
3. Troy Goetsch – 51 points
4. Bryan Benzel – 47 points
5. Sam Rogers – 39 points
6. Eric Todd – 36 points
7. Jesse Jobe – 30 points
8. Joe Ciavattone Jr. – 28 points
9. Tim Songster – 25 points
10. Les Cramer – 25 points
Altogether, there were 24 total lifters that competed in at least one of the Postal Series Meets. This included 21 men, and 3 women (or girls!). I always want to mention the lifters that competed in ALL of the postal meets offered during the year – this year that included 6 lifters! So special recognition for this commitment goes to Chad Ullom, Orie Barnett, Sam Rogers, Denny Habecker, Gabby Jobe, and the Postal Meet Director himself John Wilmot.
It was a great year for the USAWA Postal Meets! I hope the coming year will yield the same (or better!) response. Within the next few days I will release the details and entry forms for the upcoming 2013 Postal Meets.