The latest Buffville record day in Kentucky featured 13 lifters in four locations. The lifts included several Weaver Stick lifts, Bavarian Deadlifts, and Jefferson deadlifts. The day also included an all-time record in the foot press: 1,505 pounds by Jeff Wenze.
(Beth Skwarecki would also like to note that, thanks to her daughter’s participation in this meet, four out of five women’s records in the James lift are now held by a mother-daughter team.)
THE LIFTS: You can choose any USAWA lift to break but, please let me know your lifts, to make sure I have the correct equipment for you to set the Record.
ENTRY FEE: NONE, just let me know you are attending, then have fun lifting & breaking records!
TO ENTER:The meet is open to any USAWA member. If you are lifting remotely (not at BUFFVILLE GYM) you must let me know in advance and file your results with the date and the name of the official (or three officials for IAWA records) in pounds via e-mail at by Tuesday following the meet. DO NOT send the results to the USAWA secretary or the USAWA record keeper. They will be processed by BUFFVILLE GYM and then sent in to the USAWA. Only lifts currently in the USAWA record book will be accepted. The sanction allows for flexibility in your personal schedule & only five Record Day lifts total with a certified USAWA official. All lifters are required to give their birthdate & age on the day of the Record Day.
MEET DIRECTOR – Clint Poore: contact by email clintpoore@hotmail.comor by phone at 606-688-2600.
USAWA MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED: You must be a member of the USAWA. Registration will be available at onsite if you need to join the USAWA.
RECORD SESSION – Each lifter can perform up to 5 record attempts. Please let me know what records you will be attempting so that I can be sure I have the appropriate equipment. USAWA National Records can be set at this meet, if we have 3 referees present IAWA World Records may be set.
Results are in for the Apple Festival World Record Breakers Classic, although the day turned out very different than planned thanks to Hurricane Helene. The apple festival was canceled, and the record day moved to Buffville Gym where just two intrepid lifters, Clint Poore and Ashley Stearns, set their records. Results are attached.
Once again our president, Denny Habecker, has sanctioned the Memorial Record Day. This meet honors our former USAWA members who have passed over the years. As ET wrote last year: Some that immediately come to mind are our friends Art Montini, Mike Murdock, Dean Ross, and John McKean. I know there are many others, and too many to list for our purposes here. At any rate, it is a great way for us to honor those who have come before us in the organization. Here are the meet details:
Date: December 14, 2024
Location: Habecker’s Gym, Lebanon, PA
Please contact Denny if you plan on attending to remember these great people and set or break some USAWA records. You can email him at