Tag Archives: Record Day

Clark’s Record Day

By Bill Clark


What was expected to be a big crowd proved to be a very small crowd of five gym members. Not a single soul from outside Clark’s Gym entered.

Since it was the first sanctioned meet in 14 months, plans had been made to match the county health protocol and an anticipated crowd of at least a dozen.

The five local lifters all checked in with their vaccination cards and two – Nick Frieders and Tony Hose – did their USAWA second quarter postal lifts six weeks early.

We were long gone by noon.


Clark’s Record Day
Clark’s Gym
Columbia, Missouri
Saturday, May 22nd, 2021

Meet Director: Bill Clark

Officials (1-official system used): Bill Clark, Dave DeForest


Tony Hose, 52, 229 pounds
Fulton bar bench press – 300.
Reverse grip bench press – 235.

Nick Frieders, 20, 157 BWT
Bent over row – 205.
RH 1-inch vertical bar deadlift – 192.
LH 1-inch vertical bar deadlift – 192.
Reeves deadlift – 275.
Kennedy lift – 535.

Dave DeForest, 61, 194 bwt.
Neck lift – 450.
Deanna lift – 405.
Habecker lift – 275.
Peoples deadlift – 435.
2H, 2-inch vertical bar deadlift – 2×125 – 250 total.

John Carter, 62, 213 bwt
2H Ciavattone deadlift – 365.
2H deadlift – heels together – 365.
Zercher lift – 255.
Reeves deadlift – 265.
Straddle lift – 320.

BILL CLARK, 88. 203 BWT.
RH i-inch vertical bar deadlift – 107.
LH 1-inch vertical bar deadlift – 132.
RH 2-inch vertical bar deadlift – 82.
LH 2-inch vertical bar deadlift – 82.
Kennedy lift – 275.

Note: The fifth lifter above was not planning to lift. But he did – and may have become the first in USAWA history to lift wearing a catheter and an adult diaper.

Lift for Leroy RD

By Eric Todd


Lift for Leroy Record Day

New member Jeff Rigby sets the tone with a big bent press

New member Jeff Rigby sets the tone with a big bent press

“Lift for Leroy” is over and done and was a great success.  I feel like we boosted Big Leroy’s spirits enough to avoid another one of those sympathy “throw yourself down the stairs” episodes this time around.  We started off with the Postal Championship lifts.  10 members participated in this portion of the meet.  There was some fantastic lifting, but I will leave that part to Denny’s write-up for that meet.

Once we completed the three lifts for the Postal Championship, we started in with the “Lift for Leroy” record day.  Eleven lifters completed at least one record lift in this portion of the meet. There were many national and world records broken.  I would like to thank everyone who supported this meet.  We had lifters from age 7 to age 77.  We had local lifters and lifters from as far away as Utah. (I would really like to thank Jeff Rigby making the pilgrimage to the Turney area.  He brought some real old time all-round flair with classic lifts such as the bent press and the turkish get-up) The camaraderie was fantastic, the day went smooth, and the lifting was stout.

I would like to mention that the youth infusion into the KCSTRONGMAN all-round club has been absolutely refreshing.  Nikolai Lucht, age 7, just joined.  He is the son of Mike Lucht who is a long time KCSTRONGMAN member from the old strongman days.  That brings us to 3 lifters under 10.  KCSTRONGMAN can be credited with reducing the mean age of USAWA membership by like 50 years!!!  Aye, but I digress.

Results are as follows:


Name of Meet: Lift for Leroy Record Day

Location of Meet: Turney, MO

Date of Meet: December 7, 2019

Meet Director: Eric Todd

Meet Announcer/Scorekeeper: Eric Todd

Both the one official system and the three official system were utilized.  The system that was used is denoted next to each lift.

Meet Officials: Eric Todd, Lance Foster, John Strangeway, Chris Todd

Loaders/spotters: All lifters

All Records and bodyweights are recorded in Pounds

Lance Foster Age 54 weight 346
Deadlift-Inch Dumbbell 1 arm- Left 80 3 officials
Finger lift-Index-Right 95 3 officials
Finger lift-ring-Right 95 3 officials
John Strangeway Age 41 weight 207
Deadlift-Inch Dumbbell 1 arm-Left 132 3 officials
Squat-Front 470 3 officials
Finger Lift-Ring-Right 205 3 officials
Finger lift-Middle-Left 230 3 officials
Anderson press 275 3 officials
Mike Lucht Age 37 weight 238
Bench Press-Fulton Bar 315 1 official
Ben Edwards Age 44 weight237
Deadlift-Fulton-Ciavattone grip 325 1 official
Vertical Bar-1 bar-2″-Left 208 1 official
Jeff Rigby Age 42 weight 287
Bent press-bar-left 175 3 officials
Bent press-bar-right 155 3 officials
Turkish Getup 135 3 officials
Gardner-Full 115 3 officials
Dean Ross Age 77 weight 231
Clean and press-Fulton bar 60 1 official
Clean and press-middle fingers 45 1 official
Holdout lowerd 25 1 official
Seated press from rack 55 1 official
Seated press from rack-behind neck 55 1 official
Greg Cook Age 62 weight 255
Deadlift-stiff legged 405 1 official
Chris Todd Age 40 weight 269
Pullover-straight arm 75 3 officials
Lateral raise lying 70 3 officials
Clean and seated press 140 3 officials
Bench press-fulton bar 265 3 officials
Deadlift-stiff legged 250 3 officials
Leroy Todd Age 8 weight 68
Bench press-fulton bar 35 3 officials
Cheat curl 2 dumbells 20 3 officials
Vertical bar-1 bar-2 inch-left 26 3 officials
Jackson press 20 3 officials
Continental to belt 45 3 officials
Eric Todd Age 44 weight 252
Jackson press 210 3 officials
Seated press-from rack 175 3 officials
Vertical bar-2 bars 1″ 265 1 official
vertical bar-1 bar-1 inch-right 160 1 official
Press-dumbbell-1 arm-left 100 3 officials
Phoebe Todd (FEMALE) Age 9 weight 88
Bench press-feet in the air 35 3 officials
Bench press-fulton bar 40 3 officials
vertical bar 1 bar-1″-right 65 3 officials
vertical bar 1 bar-1″-left 65 3 officials
vertical bar 1 bar-2″-left 53.5 3 officials



Dino Gym Spring RD

By Al Myers


Group picture from the 2019 Dino Gym Spring Record Day

Group picture from the 2019 Dino Gym Spring Record Day

What an exciting weekend at the Dino Gym!!!  We celebrated LaVerne’s 75th birthday with a record day and a big fish fry afterwards.  The weather was perfect for a fun day.

Seven lifters made their way to the gym for the event. Each lifter set their “usawa max” of 5 records each. I want to really thank these guys for making it, as a few of them came quite a long way.  Our President, Denny, made the longest drive from Pennsylvania.  Dean never misses an event at the gym and made his normal drive from Oklahoma.  Lance and Scottish Johnny came from Kansas City, and John Douglas made his several hour drive from western Kansas.

LaVerne putting his new cane to use!!!

LaVerne putting his new cane to use!!!

Many great record day lifts were made.  As I inputted the results a few really stood out to me.  Regrettably, I was tied up with work and made it to the gym late so I missed out on most of lifts.  Scottish Johnny put up a 425# front squat which is a huge lift for a lifter over 40. The birthday boy LaVerne put up some great finger lifts. Big John put up over 400 pounds in the Neck Lift, and Lance combined many different types of lifting to put up the most well rounded set of records.  Dean exerted himself fully by back lifting and harness lifting over 1000 pounds. Denny put up big records in the one arm dumbbell deadlift with both arms.  My highlight was doing the Lurich Lift for the first time and realizing I like it much better than the Hack Lift!

The evening festivities were held on my deck.  We had a few other gym members join us that night – including Brandon, Casey, Hunter, Molly, K dog, Katie, and Cale.   Each of us took our time giving a roast and gag gift to LaVerne for his birthday. Even though we didn’t get the 75 new records I was hoping for, we did give LaVerne a birthday he won’t forget!

Meet Results:

Dino Gym Spring RD
Dino Gym
Holland, KS
May 4th, 2019

Meet Director: Al Myers

Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Lifts: Record Day Lifts

John Strangeway – BWT 207#, Age 40 years
3 Official System – LaVerne, Denny, Lance
Front Squat: 425#
Deadlift – No Thumbs: 474#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip: 418#
Finger Lift – Left Index: 135#
Finger Lift – Right Index: 135#

LaVerne Myers – BWT 235#, Age 75 years
1 Official System – Denny
Finger Lift – Left Little: 65#
Finger Lift – Left Thumb: 71#
Finger Lift – Right Thumb: 71#
Finger Lift – Left Index: 90#
Finger Lift – Right Index: 111#

John Douglas – BWT 314#, Age 55 years
3 Official System – Denny, Lance, LaVerne
Front Squat: 350#
Bench Press – Feet in Air: 275#
Bent Over Row: 303#
Deadlift – Trap Bar: 501#
Neck Lift: 410#

Al Myers – BWT 233#, Age 52 Years
3 Official System – Denny, LaVerne, Lance
Back Extension: 150#
Lurich Lift: 579#
Deadlift – 2 Inch Dumbbells: 241#
Habecker Lift: 320#
Wrist Curl: 230#

Lance Foster – BWT 348#, Age 53 Years
3 Official System – LaVerne, Denny
Anderson Press: 135#
Clean & Jerk – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 50#
Deadlift – No Thumbs: 275#
Harness Lift: 1240#
Bench Press – Fulton Bar: 144#

Dean Ross – BWT 235#, Age 76 Years
1 Official System – LaVerne
Back Lift: 1050#
Harness Lift: 1010#
Bench Press – Feet in Air: 135#
Bench Press – Hands Together: 135#
Back Extension: 75#

Denny Habecker – BWT 193#, Age 76 Years
3 Official System – LaVerne, Lance
Press – From Racks: 100#
Push Press – From Racks: 100#
Deadlift – No Thumbs: 243#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 147#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 187#

Fall Classic RD

By Mark Raymond


Group picture from the Record Day.

Group picture from the Record Day.

The meet turned out to be a great success. We had 8 lifters, 3 women and 5 men. This meet had been rescheduled from October 21st, 2017. It was held at Kim Lydons Gym. Everyone shined in their lifts. Although the temperatures were cold it didn’t deter the lifters in any way.

One of the highlights of the meet was newcomer Laura Inglis. She demonstrated enthusiasm, good form, and strength in all her lifts. Laura is a mother of 9 children with a 60 plus hours work week. With all that she somehow manages to maintain a dedicated lifting/training schedule.

Kim Lydon continues to better herself with each meet and displayed an outstanding performance.

Peter Vuono, who has had 4-way bypass surgery and just turned 65 years old, pulled off a record 12″ Base Deadlift at 401 Lbs! AMAZING!

Colleen, Frank, Dave, Tony, and Mark continue to participate and set records.


Fall Classic Record Day
Kim Lydon’s Gym
Canton, Massachusetts
January 20th, 2018

Meet Director: Frank Ciavattone

Host: Kim Lydon

Meet Announcer/Scorekeeper: Frank Ciavattone

Officials (3 official system used): Frank Ciavattone, Rocky Morrisson, Jeff Ciavattone


Kim Lydon Age: 27 Weight: 148 Lbs 70K Class – Open
Bench Press, One Arm, Right 51 Lbs
Bench Press, One Arm, Left 61 Lbs
Clean and Seated Press, 2 Dumbbells 90 Lbs
Abdominal Raise 40 Lbs
Deadlift Dumbbell, One Arm, Left 137 Lbs

Laura Inglis Age:52 Weight: 190 Lbs 90K Class 50+ Masters
Bench Press, Feet In Air 90 Lbs
Bench Press, One Arm, Left 35 Lbs
Vertical Bar Deadlift, 1 Bar, 2″, One Hand, Left 90 Lbs
Deadlift, Trap Bar 225 Lbs

Colleen Lane-Richards Age: 61 Weight: 195 Lbs 90K Class 60+ Masters
Bench Press, Feet In Air 80 Lbs
Bench Press, One Arm, Right 25 Lbs
Vertical Bar Deadlift, 1 Bar, 2″, One Hand, Right 80 Lbs
Deadlift, Trap Bar 185 Lbs
Weaver Stick, Right 2.5 Lbs


Mark Raymond Age: 54 Weight: 246 Lbs 115K Class 50+ Masters
Deadlift , No Thumbs, Overhand Grip 300 Lbs
Deadlift, No Thumb, One Arm, Right 171 Lbs
Deadlift , No Thumb, One Arm, Left 171 Lbs
Deadlift, Dumbbell, One Arm, Right 192 Lbs
Deadlift, Dumbbell, One Arm, Left 192 Lbs

Tony Patterson Age: 55 Weight: 176 Lbs 80K Class 55+ Masters
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip 431 Lbs
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip, One Arm, Right 266 Lbs
Deadlift, No Thumbs, Overhand Grip 401 Lbs
Vertical Bar Deadlift, 1 Bar, 2″, One Hand, Right 215 Lbs
Weaver Stick, Right 4 Lbs

Dave Gago Age: 60 Weight: 173 Lbs 80K Class 60+ Masters
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip 276 Lbs
Deadlift, Trap Bar 295 Lbs
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip, One Arm, Right 155 Lbs
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip, One Arm, Left 155 Lbs

Frank Ciavattone Jr. Age: 62 Weight: 292 Lbs 125K Class 60+ Masters
Weaver Stick, Left 7.5 Lbs
Weaver Stick, Right 8.75 Lbs

Peter Vuono Age: 65 Weight: 195 Lbs 90K Class 65+ Masters
Deadlift, 12″Base 401 Lbs

John Vernacchio Record Day

By Denny Habecker

John Vernacchio Memorial Record Day

We had three enthusiastic lifters here for the John Vernacchio Memorial Record Day. Aidan Habecker, Steve Freides, and Barry Pensyl set 14 American records.  I served as the official for the day and was very impressed with the quality of lifting that was done.

Meet Results:

John Vernacchio Memorial Record Day
Habecker’s Gym
Lebanon, PA
December 16th, 2017

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Officials (1-official system used): Denny Habecker


Aidan Habecker,  14 Years Old    158 Lbs.   75 Kg. Class
Right Hand 2″ Vertical Bar Lift – 149 Lbs.
Right Hand Dumbbell Snatch   – 44 Lbs.
Lano Lift                                – 22 Lbs.
Shoulder Drop                        – 77 Lbs.

Steve Freides,  62 Years Old     151 Lbs.     70 Kg. Class
Trap Bar Deadlift                    –  331 Lbs.
Alternate Grip Bench Press       – 134 Lbs.
Hack Lift                                 – 298 Lbs.
Jefferson Lift                           – 331 Lbs.
Front Squat                            –  176 Lbs.

Barry Pensyl   69 Years Old    150 Lbs.    70 Kg. Class
Alternate Grip Bench Press      –  129 Lbs.
Straight Arm Pullover              –  72 Lbs.
Bent Arm Pullover                   –  84 Lbs.
Right Hand Thumbless Deadlift – 116 Lbs.
Left Hand Thumbless Deadlift    – 110 Lbs.

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