Tag Archives: Record Day

Fall Classic RD




Presented by Mark Raymond and Franks Barbell Club
781-801-0947 – owdmr@aol.com

Saturday, January 20th, 2018  10:00am


Frank’s Barbell Club
204 East Street
East Walpole, MA 02032


USAWA Membership Required to participate


9:00am-10:00am the day of the meet


Juniors, Women, Masters & Open


None but please notify Mark in advance if you are coming


By Rocky Morrison

On 5/27/2017, Frank’s Barbell Club hosted the East Walpole Open Record Day. It was a little warm in the gym, but some pretty impressive lifts were done.


May 27th, 2017
Frank’s Barbell Club
East Walpole, MA

Meet Director: Frank Ciavattone, Jr

Host: Mark Raymond

Meet Officials: (3-official system used) Frank Ciavattone, Jr, Joe Ciavattone, and Rocky Morrison


Name Gender Age Weight (In Pounds)
Frank Ciavattone, Jr Male 62 291
Peter Vuono Male 64 195.75
Mark Raymond Male 54 241
Tony Patterson Male 55 175
Dave Gago Male 59 172
Paul Dallalis Male  62 350


Lifter Frank Ciavattone, Jr
Age Category 60+
Weight Category 125+ KG
Lift Weight (In Pounds) Weight (In Kilograms)
Weaver Stick Left 5.75 2.6


Lifter Peter Vuono
Age Category 60+
Weight Category 90 KG
Lift Weight (In Pounds) Weight (In Kilograms)
Deadlift 425 192.8


Lifter Paul Dallalis
Age Category 60+
Weight Category 125+ KG
Lift Weight (In Pounds) Weight (In Kilograms)
Bench Press, Right Hand 50


Lifter Mark Raymond
Age Category 50+
Weight Category 110 KG
Lift Weight (In Pounds) Weight (In Kilograms)
Rectangular Fix 85
Rectangular Fix, Fulton Bar 80
Hack Lift Fulton 180
Deadlift Dumbell, Left 205
Deadlift Dumbell, Right 205


Lifter Tony Patterson
Age Category 55+
Weight Category 80 KG
Lift Weight (In Pounds) Weight (In Kilograms)
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip 402
Deadlift, Ciavattone, Right Hand 243


Lifter Dave Gago
Age Category 55+
Weight Category 80 KG
Lift Weight (In Pounds) Weight (In Kilograms)
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip 274
Vertical, 2″ Bar, Left Hand 100
Vertical, 2″ Bar, Right Hand 100


Lebanon Valley RD

By Denny Habecker


Lebanon Valley Spring Record Day

The Lebanon Valley Spring Record Day was a big success! Five lifters set 23 new USAWA Records. 89 Year old Art Montini   started things off with some great Finger Lifts, and things just kept getting better from then on. We had 69 year old Barry Pensyl  from Easton, 36 year old Michael Rabich from Queens, New York , 22 year old Kohl Hess back in action, and last but not least,  13 year old Aidan Habecker doing some great Vertical Bar Lifts. Newcomer Michael Rabich did some great deadlifts and a difficult lift I personally had never seen done before, a Pullover and Press with  Wrestler’s Bridge. He did 60 Kg. [132 Lbs] on that lift.  After the lifting Judy treated us to some good food, as she always does.

Meet Results:

Lebanon Valley Spring Record Day
May 6th, 2017
Habecker’s Gym
Lebanon, PA

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Official (1-official system used): Denny Habecker

Lifts: Record Day


Art Montini  – 89 Yrs  [ 85-89]  170 Lbs.  80 Kg. Class
Finger – Right Index- 69 Lbs.
Finger – Middle Left  – 102 Lbs
Finger – Middle Right – 102 Lbs
Finger – Ring – Left    – 102 Lbs.
Finger – Ring – Right  – 102 Lbs.

Barry Pensyl – 69 Yrs. [65-69] 150 Lbs. 70 Kg. Class
Curl – Reverse Grip    – 53 Lbs.
Hackenschmidt Floor Press – 187 Lbs.
Pinch Grip        – 116 Lbs.
Snatch – D.B. – Left      – 51 Lbs.
Snatch – D.B. – Right   – 54 Lbs.

Michael Rabich  – 36 Yrs.  203 Lbs. – 95 Kg. Class
Deadlift – 2 Dumbbells  – 424 Lbs.
Deadlift – Fulton Bar –    463 Lbs.
Deadlift- No Thumbs – Overhand Grip – 335 Lbs.
Deadlift – Trap Bar –    507 Lbs.
Pullover and Press – Wrestler’s Bridge – 132 Lbs.

Kohl Hess – 22 Yrs. – 271 Lbs. – 125 Kg. Class
Dumbbell Walk  – 106 Lbs.
Curl – Reverse Grip  – 99 Lbs.
Curl – Strict    -116 Lbs.
Pullover and Press   – 198 Lbs.
Vertical Bar- 2″ Bar – Right Hand – 204 Lbs.

Aidan Habecker  – 13 Yrs. – 135 Lbs. – 65 Kg. Class.
Dumbbell Walk  – 40 Lbs.
Vertical Bar- Right Hand – 2″ Bar – 116 Lbs.
Vertical Bar – 2 Bars, 2″ – 220 Lbs.

Iron Warrior RD

by RJ Jackson

Meet Report And Results

Dan Wagman pulls  a big Middle Finger Lift at the meet!

Dan Wagman pulls a big Middle Finger Lift at the meet!

This year we were hoping for more lifters but instead had our lowest turn out. Jarrod Fobes trained for the Record Breakers and had a good heavy training day two Saturdays before the meet. Unfortunately he ended up hurting his upper back thus crushing any hope of competing. Fortunate for us, this meant he gave his full attention to setting up, judging, time-keeping, scoring, loading, and whatever else we needed.

Stephen Santangelo was hoping to fly in from Florida. Unfortunately he aggravated a previously torn leg muscle. So he was knocked out of attending, too.

Notwithstanding, Dan’s first lift, a 380 lbs. BP-feet in air (FIA) not only beat the USAWA record but unofficially exceeded the IAWA record of 364 lbs. Though Dan was not able to pull though his second attempts for both the FIA and Bench Press-reverse grip, both were near misses. However, he did not let this affect his other lifts. His wrist curl, Jefferson Fulton bar lift, and finger lifts, were all solid except when he ripped the skin off of his right index finger. Seeing Dan nail the 503 lbs. Jefferson Fulton bar after getting it somewhat stuck on his hamstring was probably the most suspenseful to watch.

As for me, I am most proud of my dumbbell walk that took 2 years of training to unofficially beat the IAWA record.

I would like to thank Jarrod for running the meet and the owners of Iron Warrior Gym for the use of their facility. It is difficult to compete in a gym that is not set up for serious strength athletes, especially during maximal effort attempts. However the Iron Warrior gym definitely gave us full support. There were ample calibrated and fractional plates, numerous bars, chalk, plenty of space, free choice of music, and in general a supportive lifting atmosphere. Basically we were able to lift and do our thing and as a result I have not felt so good from lifting in a long time. It was a very good day.


Iron Warrior Record Day
1610 West Evans Ave
Denver, CO 80010
December 27, 2015

Officials: Jarrod Fobes and RJ Jackson


Dan Wagman: open division, 85 kg weight class
Bench press, feet in air:  380 lbs.
Bench press, reverse grip: 355 lbs.
Bent-over row:  335 lbs.
Finger lifts, index, LH:  137 lbs.
Finger lifts, index, RH:  132 lbs.
Finger lifts, middle, LH:  201 lbs.
Finger lifts, middle, RH:  201 lbs.
Jefferson lift, Fulton bar:  503.5 lbs.
Wrist curl:  300 lbs.

RJ Jackson: 54 years old, 50 kg weight class
Abdominal raise:  30 lbs.
Bearhug:  102.5 lbs.
Swing, 2 dumbbells: 60 lbs.
Clean & Press, middle fingers: 40 lbs.
Clean & Press, reverse grip: 65 lbs.
Dumbbell walk: 52.5 lbs.
Deadlift, Fulton dumbbell, left: 67 lbs.
Deadlift, Fulton dumbbell, right: 77 lbs.
Deadlift, fingers, ring: 80 lbs.
Deadlift, fingers, index: 80 lbs.
Deadlift, one leg, right: 105 lbs.
Deadlift, one leg, left: 95 lbs.
Finger lifts, index, left: 70 lbs.
Finger lifts, index, right: 77 lbs.
Kelly snatch: 40 lbs.

Frank’s Barbell RB

by Frank Ciavattone Jr.

Due to our area receiving 100 plus inches of snow in the past couple of months, most of our competitors were unable to attend due to plowing snow. This was the first Saturday that we had any number of attendees making it possible to hold this competition.

Our furthest entrant came from upstate Maine and the other two entrants were from Walpole, MA. I was the only qualified referee so my lifts did not count toward official records but the other two competitor’s lifts are valid. We had one loader, helper and spectator which was famous author on strength, Peter Vuono from Brockton, MA. Everyone gave 100% and made this competition a worthwhile event. After the competition we enjoyed a meal and award ceremony and then right back to snow plowing.


Frank’s Barbell Club Meet Record Breaker
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Location: Frank’s Barbell Club in East Walpole, MA

Meet Promoter:  Frank Ciavattone Jr.

Officials (1 official system used):  Frank Ciavattone Jr.

Jeff Ciavattone – 33 years old, 235 lbs.

One hand Fulton dumbbell (Ciavattone grip) – right 190 lbs. & left 190 lbs.
Index finger dead-lift – 231 lbs.
Ring finger dead-lift – 159 lbs.

Jim Fuller – 41 years old, 228 lbs.

Kelley snatch –  108 lbs.
Kneeling snatch – 108 lbs.
Middle finger dead-lift  –  266 lbs.

Frank Ciavattone Jr. -58 years old, 289 lbs.

Reeves deadlift  – 345 lbs.
One hand Fulton dumbbell (Ciavattone grip) – right 190 lbs.
Little finger deadlift w/ring – left 110 lbs. & right 125 lbs.

WEBMASTER NOTE:   James Fuller recorded the meet, and placed the video on YouTube which he shared in the USAWA Discussion Forum.  I am placing a link to it here, as it’s very inspirational!  


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