Dino Gym Record Day
by Al Myers

Group picture from the 2013 Dino Gym Record Day: (front left to right) Dan Wagman, Ruth Jackson, Denny Habecker (back left to right) LaVerne Myers, Al Myers, Dean Ross, Mike Pringle
The Dino Gym had a very good Record Day the day following the Grip Championships. 6 lifters took part – Ruth Jackson, Dan Wagman, Dean Ross, Denny Habecker, LaVerne Myers, and myself. Ken Glasgow performed a record lift the day before which I added to these results. I was surprised by the efforts that were displayed, especially considering that most all of these lifters had competed the day before. The current IAWA Womens OVERALL BEST LIFTER Ruth Jackson stole the show with her setting USAWA records in 30 different lifts! Just watching RJ max out in one lift after the other made me tired! Dan Wagman had the lift that impressed me the most – doing a Pull Up with 120 pounds attached to his waist. The rules of the Pull Up call for the chin to be ABOVE the bar at completion, and the lifter must hold for a down command. This makes doing a USAWA Pull Up MUCH harder than commonly performed pull ups by lifters in training sessions. To properly judge this lift, it requires the official to stand on a chair to have a level view of the bar and the chin. I made sure Dan reached the proper height. I made a point to tell Dan that his big handlebar mustache was providing him an advantage, as it was obstructing (and distracting!) my view of his chin! LOL. The second most impressive lift I seen was my Dad, LaVerne, performing a PULL UP!! I had no idea that he could do that! However, I made him do another one with 5# so he could get a record. Doing a lift with no weight doesn’t get you in the record list. I bet there are VERY FEW men over the age of 65 that weigh 250 pounds who can do a legal USAWA Pull Up.
Dean Ross picked a couple of odd lifts to do for records. He performed a 1200# Back Lift, which is a lift that is not available to be done in most gyms. He also performed a Carter Lift, of 433#. This lift is one of the strange, unique lifts of the USAWA. It requires the performance of a Hip Lift and a Squat in the SAME LIFT! Only one other lifter has a USAWA record in the Carter Lift, and that is Bob Maxey. Dean told me the reason he wanted to do this lift was in Bob’s memory. I remember the day that Bob did his Carter Lift and I also remember how nervous I was spotting him. Dean had me worried as well when he started as he fell down a couple of times and I didn’t want this meet to be added to Dean’s list of head injuries that he has suffered in his life. But eventually he got the balance right, and did a perfect executed Carter Lift.
Denny Habecker performed 10 lifts for record which will expand his lead over Art in the Records Race. Last year at this record day Denny “took it easy” on the record book and only did a few records. But this year he really went after it, and I don’t blame him as Art seems to be getting stronger with age. Denny, Dean and LaVerne had a little “mini competition” in the 3″ bar deadlift. Denny held with these two who are much bigger than him, and finished with a great lift of 280 pounds.
Afterwards, we all went out to eat together at a local Mexican restaurant in Abilene. That has become a tradition of meets held at the Dino Gym. I always enjoy getting to spend time with “fellow lifters” over some good food in a relaxed environment after a day of hard lifting, because that’s when I hear the BEST STORIES!
Dino Gym Record Day
Dino Gym
Abilene, Kansas
February 10th, 2013
Meet Director: Al Myers
Officials (1-official system used): Al Myers, Denny Habecker, LaVerne Myers
Loader: Mike Pringle and lifters
Lifts: Record Day
Ruth Jackson – Age 51, BWT 108#, Female
French Press: 25#
Pullover – Bent Arm: 63#
Bench Press – Fulton Bar: 130#
Bench Press – Reverse Grip: 95#
Gardner – Full: 15#
Gardner – Half: 45#
Abdominal Raise: 25#
Allen Lift: 15#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Right Hand: 68#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Left Hand: 68#
Deadlift – 3″ Bar: 153#
Continental to Chest – Fulton Bar: 63#
Deadlift – Trap Bar: 207#
Clean and Press – Middle Fingers: 25#
Snatch – On Knees: 45#
Clean and Press – On Knees: 55#
Clean and Press – Fulton Bar: 63#
Maxey Press: 73#
Clean and Push Press – Fulton Bar: 73#
Curl – 2 Dumbbells, Cheat: 70#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Right Arm: 40#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Left Arm: 40#
Pullover – Straight Arm: 35#
Weaver Stick: 1#
Pullup: 25#
Chin Up: 25#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 45#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 45#
Saxon Snatch: 25#
Snatch – 2 Dumbbells: 50#
Al Myers – Age 46, BWT 241#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Right Arm: 231#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Left Arm: 198#
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Right Arm: 170#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Right Arm: 85#
Curl – Dumbbell, Cheat, Left Arm: 85#
Dan Wagman – Age 50, BWT 183#
Snatch – Left Arm: 125#
Pull Up: 120#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 110#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 110#
LaVerne Myers – Age 68, BWT 247#
Bench Press – Left Arm: 50#
Bench Press – Right Arm: 50#
Deadlift – 3″ Bar: 255#
Press – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 45#
Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 45#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Right Arm: 170#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Left Arm: 170#
Deadlift – Reeves: 185#
Pull Up: 5#
Denny Habecker – Age 70, BWT 196#
Anderson Press: 175#
Clean and Jerk – Behind Neck: 143.3#
Deadlift – 3″ Bar: 280#
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 55#
Clean and Jerk – Fulton Bar: 113#
Clean and Press: 137.8#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 125#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 125#
Swing – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 55#
Swing – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 75#
Dean Ross – Age 70, BWT 269#
Deadlift – Trap Bar: 321#
Back Lift: 1200#
Deadlift – 3″ Bar: 280#
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip, Right Arm: 148#
Deadlift – Reeves: 235#
Carter Lift: 433#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 125#
Deadlift – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 125#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 55#
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 55#
Ken Glasgow – Age 76, BWT 217#
Deadlift – Trap Bar: 302#
NOTES: All lifts and bodyweights recorded in pounds.