By Al Myers

3″ Bar
Now here’s a very special piece of Spec Equipment for the USAWA – the 3″ Bar. Only ONE OFFICIAL USAWA lift utilizes the 3″ Bar, and that is the Deadlift with the 3″ Bar. A 2″ bar is very common now in gyms, but I doubt if many training facilities have the 3″ Bar. The USAWA rules for the 3″ bar are pretty simple: contain no knurling, have no revolving sleeves, and be 3″ in diameter.
The 3″ Bar Deadlift has been done only a few times in the USAWA. The first USAWA competition it was held in was the 2001 SuperGrip Challenge, hosted by Kevin Fulton. At that meet Matt Graham hoisted up 600 pounds, which still stands as the ALL TIME USAWA record. A picture of Kevin Fulton performing the 3″ Bar Deadlift graces our Rulebook in the rule for this lift which was done at that competition. It’s also been done at the 2011 and 2017 USAWA Grip Championships at the Dino Gym, plus a couple of record days at Clark’s Gym. So that leaves 3 gyms that I know of that have a 3″ bar. If any other USAWA gyms have one please let me know on the USAWA Discussion Forum.
The 3″ Bar has been added to the USAWA Online Store, under “USAWA Spec Equipment”. I would say this would be an excellent addition to any USAWA Club!