Team Championships
by Al Myers

Rudy Bletscher (left) and Mike Murdock (right) perform a very difficult team lift in last years Team Championship, the Team One Arm Dumbbell Press.
Due to some other local strength event conflicts, the date for the 2012 USAWA Team Championships has been moved up a couple of weekends this year. As usual, this meet will be part of the Dino Days Weekend held at the Dino Gym. For several years now the Dino Gym has had one weekend a year where we celebrate our Dino Days. It is a full weekend of fun, both lifting and socializing. Saturday night is an open invite to anyone who wants to come share in our evening BBQ, sponsored by the Dino Gym. You do not need to be a “gym member” to take part in this fun. I’m planning on making this years Saturday evening party a “trial run” for the big party I’m planning after the World Championships in October at my place. So plan on staying after the meet for this!!! One thing those of us in central Kansas are known for – it is our BBQ. I’m thinking of a menu now of burgers, brats, grilled chicken, brisket, and possibly even ribs. Add in some hot baked beans and potato salad for sides, and brownies and homemade ice cream for dessert and we got a meal that ought to fill everyone up. All washed down with beer of course! (I shouldn’t be writing this story right before lunch!!!)
But onto the meet details (the real reason we are getting together haha). This year I picked 4 lifts that I think anyone could team up to do. The lifts will be: Clean and Jerk – One Arm, Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip, Bent Over Row, and the 12″ base Deadlift. I am sure that the Dino Gym will field at least 3 teams for this meet. I have been somewhat disappointed in the attendance in the past Team Championships. So this year I’m going to be CALLING OUT some other clubs to REPRESENT. To start with there is NO REASON clubs like the JWC, Jobes Steel Jungle, Clarks Gym, the Ledaig AC, and KCStrongman are not in attendance. These clubs are all within easy driving distances of this major USAWA competition. It has been my dream since I started hosting the Team Championships several years ago that the this meet would be one of those fun meets that lifters would not want to miss. This meet doesn’t really put any pressure on you as a lifter. After all if you don’t do well you can always blame it on your partner!!!!