The Goose Neck for Stronger Forearms
by Thom Van Vleck
Many remember Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman for his insane ability to lever Sledge Hammers. He was amazing at it. He credited his ability to three things. One was working in a quarry swinging a sledge hammer all day long. The other was working out with the sledge hammer adding weight and doing progressive resistance with the hammer itself. The third was about the simplest exercise you could imagine. The Goose Neck.

Step two: Flex forearm down while simultaneously squeezing the grip as hard as possible holding for a two count (or longer).
While my forearms aren’t anything that are going to win prizes I feel like I’ve developed a pretty good grip over the years. The beauty of this exercise is it can be done almost anywhere and at any time. Slim used to do hundreds of reps of these a day.
Do 50 of these and see if your forearms don’t feel it!