USAWA (Age Adjusted) Lynch Factor – Part III

by Sanjiv Gupta

In Part I and Part II, I presented my understanding of Age and Weight correction history and boldly suggested that we do away with these corrections.  That is not practical as it is not aligned with our international governing body the IAWA.

In Part III, I will be outlining the categories of lifts as broken down in the 11th Edition of the Rulebook and correlate those lifts with adjustment factor models.

Categories of Lifts:

Bar Lifts – Presses, Squat and Deadlift variations can be reasonably compared using Schwartz or Wilks.

Bar Lifts – Cleans and Snatches can be reasonably compared using Sinclair or Robi.

Bar Lifts – Misc is where things really fall apart.  I have not found any basis for weight-based performance in curls, fixes or pullovers.

Dumbbell Lifts – Can likely be compared in a manner of the barbell equivalent.  All-round is the only sports body contesting the crucifix, swing or side press is small. 

Fulton Bar Lifts – Can likely be compared in a manner of the barbell equivalent, but athletes with larger hand size and/or grip strength will perform better.

Heavy Lifts – The oldest lifts in the USAWA based on existing records, but I am least familiar with these.  As a layperson, it seems obvious that heavier lifters would do remarkably better on heavy lifts.  The difference would be more dramatic than on the barbell lifts.   

Old-Time Strongman Lifts – These are in a class of their own and have been contested for just over a decade.  Any analysis is fraught with risk.  Plate size, loading, fixed dumbbells could all have an impact on the performance of these lifts.

Special Equipment Lifts – I would argue that access to equipment and coaching plays a larger role in success in these lifts than age or weight.

In 2023 there were (27) sanctioned events in the results section.  (7) were record only events.  Of the remainder, the (5) postal events are true to all-round (excluding heavy lifts, old-time strongman and special equipment lifts).  Of the remaining (15), (5) were balanced, (3) were OTSM focused, (3) were powerlifting focused, (2) were heavy lift focused, and (2) were grip focused.

Anecdotally, I have talked to several athletes who avoid overhead movement, deadlifts, squats or other lifts based on shoulder issues and back issues among other physical ailments.  We are an all-volunteer, just-for-fun organization.  No company will be sponsoring the best all-round weightlifter.

When using total poundage (age adjusted Lynch or not), performance in heavy lifts will dominate the results.  To recognize winners by gender, junior, senior, master, I would prefer scoring based on the percentage of the lift relative to the maximum lift that event.  For example:

Athlete A:  

2000 pound Hip Lift, 5 pound Weaver, 180 pound Bench Press – Feet In Air

2000 is heaviest lift = 100 points; 5 is 91% of 5.5 = 91 points; 180 is 90% of 200 = 90 points

Total poundage 2185; score 100 + 91 + 90 = 281

Athlete B:  

1800 pound Hip Lift, 6 pound Weaver, 200 pound Bench Press – Feet in Air

Total poundage 2006; score 90 + 100 + 100 = 290

Percentage of lift should be a stable comparison over time.  

The IAWA currently uses a Blindt factor to compare different lifts.  The Blindt factors have to be updated periodically (published in 2018, 2019 and 2021 by Chris Bass).  I have not seen the math behind the development of the original Blindt factors.