Virtual Lift Off

By Steve Gardner

We are all sad that we are amid the Covid 19 virus situation, and that has led to the postponement of our lifting calendar for this year, BUT Steve and Stevie have come up with a great idea for a virtual event on the weekend of 19th / 20th September:
The Virtual Lift Off 2020 -IAWA v COVID 19 – The Strongest Shall Prevail!
A fun competition to encourage social and physical interaction between all IAWA members wherever they may be around the World, should they choose to take part
There will be two lifts:
The first is the Ciavattone Deadlift (a simple lift anyone can do if they can get near a bar and discs)
The second lift can be any lift of the lifters choice that they can perform (any IAWA lift with a Blindt co-efficient)
It is completely unofficial, no referees no records, no entry fees etc …..BUT ……..lifters must wear proper lifting attire for the lifts, and lifters will submit what they believe to be their correct bodyweight!
The scores will be worked out using the Blindt formula and other usual formulas, but again it is just for fun and taken on trust, The lifts MUST be video’d and uploaded to the IAWA(UK) face book page on the weekend of 19th and 20th September. If the lifts are not completed properly or lifters are not wearing correct lifting attire, then the videos will be taken down and not entered.
The lifts should only be up loaded for inclusion over the 19th/ 20th weekend ( but can of course be completed and filmed any time before that date ) the competition closes at end of the day on the 20th September.
As there is no entry fee or other cost involved we will have T shirts with a striking logo on sale for this ‘one off’ Virtual event, so lifters can purchase them and wear them in their videos if they wish. These will be affordable at £12 each and ALL profits from the sale of the T Shirts will go towards Drug Testing at the ’International Events in 2021’ which we think and hope you agree, is a magnificent cause…… get your orders off to Stevie as soon as possible to give time for your shirts to be posted out to you. The shirts will be purple with white print!
We are so excited, and hope as many as possible will join in and post their lifts, good luck everyone and have fun!
Steve Gardner will deal with the calculations for submitted lifts –
Stevie Shanks will be dealing with the T Shirts orders –