Who Holds the Oldest Record in the Record List?
Quiz of the Week
by Al Myers
Who holds the oldest record in the USAWA Record List?
This should be an easy quiz – all you have to do is look through the USAWA Record List and find the answer. It shouldn’t take long – since there are just slightly over 9000 records to look through! I only need the name of the lifter who has the record (not the lift or exact date the record was set). So if you want to guess – go ahead!!
Winner receives a new USAWA Patch.
Rules: Only one entry per day. First correct answer sent to me at amyers@usawa.com wins.
We have a winner!
Dave Beversdorf, of Columbia Missouri, correctly gave the correct answer to the Quiz of the Week. The answer is Steve Schmidt, who on September 20th, 1987 performed a 270 pound Pullover and Press with wrestler’s bridge at a record day in Clark’s Gym. Steve was in the 100 kg weight class. That is a record that will probably withstand the “Test of Time” – no one has came close to it since! Dave also pointed out the OLDEST COMPETITION to me that is in the Record List. On October 11th, 1987 records where recorded from the Backbreaker Meet that contained such legendary names as Bill Clark, Ed Zercher I, Ed Zercher II, and Ed Zercher III.