Winter Lifting….

By Christopher Lestan

Its that time of year again when the snow falls, and the winter breeze gently brushes our skin and the holiday spirit is in the air. We often take time off and begin to spend time with our loved ones. We eat till our bellies are full, and tell stories of the past and plans of the future. This is why it’s one of the most beautiful times of the year.

However, training must continue as always. Yet there is something I enjoy about the winter lifting sessions that I come to appreciate and enjoy. Something about working out in my home gym, in December, in sub-freezing weather with snow covering the ground really makes me feel like a warrior. The basement is never really warm, and often a basic warm-up includes my training partners and I performing just light reps in sweat pants, sweatshirts, and a beanie. Sometimes I don’t sweat during a session. We then start to warm up the barbell by placing our hands on it using the warmth from Then we stack the plates on and perform heavy compound movements followed by long rest periods and talks about year and what we have accomplished. The main movements being comprised of squats, bench, and deadlifts each one of them being the center of attention and intensity.

The talks are what makes winter lifting my favorite. This is when the planning of the next year comes to play. When we will discuss on how to improve ourselves as people, competitors, employers, and what goals we want to achieve. My best memories are from me walking to my basement gym early in the morning when its 45 degrees in the house and soon to find my closest friends training with me on what they want to accomplish for the next year. Mine personally is to save money for the Gold Cup and to bring my closest friends and family with me so they can see my hard work on display. I have achieved my goals this year of 2019 by competing at Nationals, Worlds, and making new friends and achieving personal goals in life a well. My proudest being I got through the toughest semester of my academic career.

Another aspect of winter lifting is its intense sessions. The thought of working hard when it’s snowing outside. The heavy lifting sessions that come with breaking mental and physical barriers that have stood all year. Grinding out reps in the cold, feeling strong, but the best part is eating warm food after the workout until we are full and soon taking naps by the fire.  There shouldn’t be stress about making weight. Everyone should be eating, and growing.

Recently my training partner and I have decided that I would focus this year solely on All-Around Nationals. In deciding to do this gives me to the end of winter to get strong. Also, it allows us to train in our favorite gym…. Franks Barbell Club. The reps will be between 3-6 and accessories will be limited as working sets will be high in the hope of rest and strength will be the priority. Since we have a long time to train we can use this winter lifting mentality and push the limits and boundaries.

Enjoy the winter. Enjoy the lifting. And of course…. ENJOY THE GAINZ