World Postal LEG 2
by Steve Gardner
(scroll down to see leg 1 results)

Al and Chad showing Dino Gym team spirit by drinking a few Mai Tai's in Kauai shortly after completing their World Postal lifts.
Leg Two Results:Lifts: Steinborn – OH C+Jerk – Zercher
Results that were performed before two referees have been submitted for any records to be checked
and ratified!
Headings: Name -Bwt-Class-Age-Division-Steinborn-OH C+Jerk-Zercher- Total-AmendedCoalville
Outcasts – 1 Ref only
Mark Shaw 76.0 80 51 M50+ 85 30 115 230 255.4
Jason Reed 80.0 80 31 Open 75 40 120 235 225.8
Team Total 645 Amend 481.2
Powerhouse Gym 1 – 3 refs
Mark Price 91.3 95 47 M45+ 150 57.5R 165 367.5 353.3
James Gardner 89.8 90 28 Open 125 67.5R 175 365.0 328.0
Team Total 730 Amen 681.3
Powerhouse Gym 2 – 3 Refs
Graham Saxton 122.8 125 50 M50+ 145 55R 190 390 330.1
Luke Davis 79.2 80 28 Open 115 50R 145 310 299.8
Team Total 700 Amen 629.9
Powerhouse Gym 3 – 3 Refs
Paula Delamata 49.4 50 38 Open 55 26.5R 75 156.5 282.6
Calvin Morant Hudson 69.3 70 19 J18/19 110 42.5R 70 222.5 251.1
Team Total 379 Amen 533.7
Powerhouse Gym 4 (Just 4 Andy) – 1 Ref only
Steve Gardner 140.1 125+ 55 M55+ 70 45R 100 215 178.5
Karen Gardner 71.1 75 53 LM50+ 40 20R 50 110 167.2
Team Total 325 Amen 345.7
W Australia 1 – 3 Refs
Peter Phillips 109.2 110 58 M55+ 145 55R 175 375 360.9
John Mahon 103.8 105 29 Open 145 55R 175 375 311.4
Team Total 750 Amend 672.3
W Australia 2 – 3 Refs
Sam Trew 116.0 120 29 Open 155 60R 185 400 313.8
Paul McManus 111.8 115 38 Open 165 50 185 400 319.7
Team Total 800 Amend 633.5
Granby Grippers – (1 Ref = Steve) 2 Refs = Daniel
Steve Andrews 70.0 70 53 M50+ 105 50L 142.5 297.5 354.4
Daniel Andrews 65.3 70 16 J16/17 50 25.5L 75.5 151 182.4
Team Total 448.5 Amend 536.8
Tiverton 1 – 3 Refs
Mark Rattenberry 64.0 65 50 M50+ 60.4 29.9L 140.4 230.7 284.2
Gary Ell 85.1 90 41 M40+ 105 52.9R 140 297.9 280.4
Team Total 528.6 Amend 564.6
Tiverton 2 – 3 Refs
Tom Perry 87.7 90 22 Open 102.3 60.4 R 150.4 313.3 285.3
Patrick Burt 72.5 75 24 Open 60 37.9L 92.9 190.8 194.9
Team Total 504.1 Amend 480.2
Tiverton 3 – 3 Refs
Tom Cleverley 76.4 80 21 Open 100 47.9 R 120.4 268.3 265.2
Axel Amos 83.6 85 24 Open 115 50.4R 130.4 295.8 276.9
Team Total 564.1 Amend 542.1
Castlemilk Expendables 1 – 2 Refs
Matt Finkle 66.5 70 46 M45+ 80 40R 122.5 242.5 280.5
Andy Tomlin 91.5 95 44 M40+ 80 55R 150 285 266.1
Team Total 527.5 Amend 546.6
Castlemilk Expendables 2 – 2 Refs
George Dick 128.2 125+ 63 M60+ 100 35R 115 250 231.5
Habeckers Gym USA – 1 Ref
Denny Habecker 86.1 90 69 M65+ 80 32.5R 80 192.5 237.4
Mo. Aqeel Afzal (Guest) 120.5 125 Open 81 41 R 111 233.0 179.3
Team Total 425.5 Amend 416.7
Dino Gym USA – 1 Ref
Chad Ullom 112.0 115 40 M40+ 182.5 63.5R 201.9 447.9 361.2
Al Myers 109.3 110 45 M45+ 155 65.8R 201.9 422.7 362.3
Team Total 870.6 Amend 723.5
Team Country – Amended Team Total
Dino Gym USA 723.5
Powerhouse 1 ENG 681.3
W Australia 1 AUS 672.3
W Australia 2 AUS 633.5
Powerhouse 2 ENG 629.9
Tiverton 1 ENG 564.6
Castlemilk Expendables 1 SCO 546.6
Tiverton 3 ENG 542.1
Granby Grippers ENG 536.8
Powerhouse 3 ENG 533.7
Lifters Rankings Second Leg Top Ten Lifters
Name – AmendedTotal
Al Myers 362.3
Chad Ullom 361.2
Peter Phillips 360.9
Steve Andrews 354.4
Mark Price 353.3
Graham Saxton 330.1
James Gardner 328.0
Paul McManus 319.7
Sam Trew 313.8
John Mahon 311.4
FINAL Team Rankings After Two Legs:Team Country Leg 1 Leg 2 Grand Amended Total
1st Dino Gym USA 801.8 723.5 1525.3
2nd Powerhouse 1 ENG 745.8 681.3 1427.1
3rd Powerhouse 2 ENG 689.1 629.9 1319.0
4th W Australia 1 AUS 641.0 672.3 1313.3
5th Tiverton 1 ENG 627.7 564.6 1192.3
6th W Australia 2 AUS 558.4 633.5 1191.9
7th Granby Grippers ENG 602.9 536.8 1139.7
8th Castlemilk Expendables 1 SCO 582.2 546.6 1128.8
9th Powerhouse 3 ENG 592.8 533.7 1126.5
10th Tiverton 2 ENG 580.8 480.2 1061.0
1th Tiverton 3 ENG 513.0 542.1 1055.1
12th Coalville Outcasts ENG 498.8 481.2 980.0
13th Habeckers Gym USA 552.9 416.7 969.6
14thPowerhouse 4 (Just 4 U Andy) ENG 446.8 345.7 792.5
15thCastlemilk Expendables 2 SCO 525.0 231.5 756.5
16th Hoghton Barbell ENG 614.3 — 614.3
Lifters Final Rankings after 2 Legs
Top Ten amended Totals:
Name Leg 1 Leg 2 Total
Al Myers 426.3 362.3 788.6
Mark Price 387.0 353.3 740.3
Chad Ullom 375.5 361.2 736.7
Steve Andrews 376.0 354.4 730.4
James Gardner 358.8 328.0 686.8
Graham Saxton 355.1 330.1 685.2
Peter Phillips 321.9 360.9 682.8
Luke Davis 334.0 299.8 633.8
John Mahon 319.1 311.4 630.5
Sam Trew 295.5 313.8 609.3
Gary Ell 321.4 280.4 601.8
Mark Rattenberry 306.3 284.2 590.5
Tom Perry 304.9 285.3 590.2
Paul McManus 262.9 319.7 582.6
Paula Delemata 292.8 282.6 575.4
Matt Finkle 289.9 280.5 570.4
Denny Habecker 324.9 237.4 562.3
Andy Tomlin 292.3 266.1 558.4
Thomas Cleverley 265.1 265.2 530.3
Axel Amos 247.9 276.9 524.8
Mark Shaw 242.2 255.4 497.6
Calvin M. Hudson 233.0 251.1 484.1
George Dick 251.8 231.5 483.3
Jason Reed 256.6 225.8 482.4
Patrick Burt 275.9 194.9 470.8
Steve Gardner 240.7 178.5 419.2
Daniel Andrews 226.9 182.4 409.3
Mark Haydock 381.3 — 381.3
Karen Gardner 206.1 167.2 373.3
John Gardner 300.0 — 300.0
Jim Madden 273.2 — 273.2
Rudy Bletscher 228.0 — 228.0
Mo. Aqeel Afzal — 179.3 179.3
Top Junior Lifter: Calvin Morant Hudson
Top Female Open Lifter: Paula Delemata
Top Female Master Lifter:Karen Gardner
Top Open Class Lifter: James Gardner
Top Masters 40+ Lifter: Chad Ullom
Top Masters 45+ Lifter: Al Myers
Top Masters 50+ Lifter: Steve Andrews
Top Masters 55+ Lifter: Peter Phillips
Top Master 60+ L:ifter: George Dick
Top Master 65+ Lifter: Denny Habecker
The Dino Gym – USA Team Members: Al Myers and Chad Ullom
Congratulations to Al and Chad!
The Top Two Teams from each Country Count towards the ‘ Nations’ Team Score
(1st Place = 15pts, 15th Place = 1pt etc.Results of Leg One and Leg Two Combined:)
1 ENGLAND 52 Points
2 AUSTRALIA 43 Points
3 USA 38 Points
4 SCOTLAND 22 Points