World Record List
by Al Myers

Chris Bass (left) working "the table" at the 2012 IAWA World Championships along with Steve Gardner (right).
Chris Bass of Grimsby, England is the Official IAWA World Record List Registrar. Chris has held this position for several years now, having taking it over from Frank Allen. Chris operates an All Round Weightlifting Club, the Haven Gymnasium, and is an active member of IAWA. Chris does an EXCELLENT JOB of maintaining this World Record List, which is an overwhelming task. He also maintains the IAWA(UK) Record List to add to his workload of record keeping. Lately, Chris has been keeping an updated IAWA World Record List available for downloading/viewing on his club’s website. I know he is updating it frequently as he keeps me informed of any recent World Records performed in the USAWA.
From now on, this link to the IAWA World Record List will be easily available on the USAWA website. It is now included under the section “RECORD LIST”, located on the top line of the homepage, third item from the left (by jim). The World Record List is located under the information for the USAWA Record List. Simply “click” on the link to the list there and the IAWA World Record List will always be “at your fingertips!”.
Numerous IAWA World Records were set at the past USAWA Grip Championships. For those interested, this is the record sheet that Chris sent to me following the meet in which he marks the World Records set – USAWA_2013 Grip Championships
We are very fortunate to have Chris performing this important job in IAWA. He takes this role very serious. He made the trip from England to the World Championships in Salina, Kansas just to be the meets scorekeeper/recorder. He often updates the World Record List at meets when he has “downtime” in his scoring responsibilities. That’s the way to keep the list current!! Chris is always at the big IAWA events which demonstrates his commitment to the position of IAWA Registrar, and his devotion to IAWA. We owe him a BIG THANK YOU!!!