Author Archives: Al Myers

Year in Review

By Al Myers

I have just finished the 2022 USAWA Year in Review.  It’s a summary of all the news, blogs and meet results that have been put on the USAWA webpage over the past year.   The document is available on this website (under About Us then hit on the Year in Review page) for free download.  If you are like me you may want to print it off to keep a “written record”, or you may just want to keep it as a digital file for later reference.  Either way, I do this to help maintain an archive of  the history of our organization.

Dino Gym Challenge

By Al Myers


2023 Dino Gym Challenge

“Tribute to John McKean”

Group picture from the 2023 Dino Gym Challenge

Group picture from the 2023 Dino Gym Challenge

The Dino Gym Challenge is often the first meet of the year for the USAWA, so I always hope that I can promote a competition that starts things off well for the organization.   Despite the snow that blowed in on Saturday that kept a few lifters away, it was a GREAT hard day of lifting for the 5 lifters that took to the platform. This meet was in tribute to the late John McKean.  John was a good friend  and a “big player” in the history of the USAWA, as well as an USAWA Hall of Famer.  I made sure to tell many stories about John throughout the day as well as all lifters receiving a retro Tshirt that John had designed for the 2012 Nationals that I organized in Las Vegas for our 25 year anniversary of the USAWA.

Much to everyone’s surprise was Chad Ullom making an appearance!  Chad just had total shoulder replacement a little over a week ago and seemed in great spirits.  LaVerne was going to sit this one out and officiate, but with Chad there I subbed him into the head chair so ole dad could enjoy himself lifting.  I was worried that Chad might be “slow on the calls” because of pain meds, but he did an outstanding job as usual.  He even stepped up and did a couple of lifts with his good arm in the one handed lifts.  I refused to watch as I thought he was crazy to do that and I didn’t want to be witness to a potential horror show, but he’s an iron warrior and lifted unscathed.

I hadn’t seen Lance in a while and hardly recognized him as he’s lost so much weight.  He looked fit and lifted better than he did when he was heavier.   I was very impressed with him, as dieting and losing weight is a difficult task.

Scottish Johnny sure put on a good lifting show and pushed me much harder than I had planned.  He always makes his lifts look effortless (unlike myself who looks like I’m gonna pop a vessel).  After the Kennedy Lift he did a great record day lift of 711 pounds in the Peoples DL which probably was the highlight lift of the day.

After the meet I put on a big fish fry for all that stayed.  John loved to fish as much as lifting and I know he would have been impressed by this (sorry you had to miss out on this Denny as I know how much you love your fish and chips!).

As great as the day was, there was a sense of sadness in the air with the absence of longtime Dino Gym member Dean Ross.  Dean’s fighting some health issues and couldn’t make it.  I can’t remember the last time Dean missed a Dino Gym event.

Meet Results:

Dino Gym Challenge
Saturday, January 21st, 2023
Dino Gym, Holland, Kansas

Meet Director: Al Myers

Meet Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Meet Officials (1 official system used): Chad Ullom, Al Myers, LaVerne Myers

Lifts: 1×2″ Vertical Bar Deadlift, Bentover Row, Dumbbell Deadlift One Arm, Deadlift 2 Bars, Kennedy Lift

Lifter Age BWT VB Row DL1 DL2 Kenn TOT PTS
Al Myers 56 230 180R 275 330R 441 711 1937 1875.6
John Strangeway 44 216 180L 275 330L 507 661 1953 1754.3
LaVerne Myers 78 220 135L 155 200L 224 280 994 1279.9
Lance Foster 57 257 145R 175 220R 300 397 1237 1141.2
Chad Ullom 51 220 145L —- 200L 345 327.3

Notes: BWT is bodyweight in pounds. R and L designate right and left arms. TOT is total pounds lifted.  PTS are overall corrected points for age and bodyweight adjustments.


John Strangeway – 44 years, 216 pounds
1×2″ Vertical Bar Deadlift Left Arm: 191 pounds
Peoples Deadlift: 711 pounds

LaVerne Myers – 78 years, 220 pounds
Curl Cheat Dumbbell Left: 40 pounds
Curl Cheat Dumbbell Right: 40 pounds
Curl Cheat 2 Dumbbells: 70 pounds
Deadlift 2 Fulton Dumbbells: 250 pounds
Deadlift Fulton Dumbbell Left: 125 pounds

Al Myers – 56 years, 230 pounds
Deadlift Fulton Bar Right: 190 pounds
Deadlift Fulton Bar Left: 170 pounds
Curl Cheat Dumbbell Right: 75 pounds
Curl Cheat Dumbbell Left: 75 pounds
Deadlift 2 Fulton Dumbbells: 320 pounds

Grip Championships

By Al Myers


The new year is now upon us and with that comes the announcement for the annual Grip Championships! The Grip Championships have always been the first Championship event in the USAWA every year.

This competition has been a popular one in the USAWA throughout the years.  At times it has been one of the largest events attended for the year in the USAWA.  I always try to “mix things up” with the chosen lifts, but have always kept them to official lifts of the USAWA.


Meet Director:            Al Myers  email:

Meet Date:                 Saturday, February 11th, 2023  1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Location:                    Dino Gym, 1126 Eden Road, Abilene, KS 67410

Sanction:                    USAWA  – Membership required

Weigh-ins:                  12:00-1:00 PM the day of the meet

Divisions:                   Juniors, Women, Masters, and Open

Awards:                     None

Entry:                        None – But please give advance notification if attending


Pinch Grip – Strict

Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, One Hand

Deadlift – Fingers, Index 

Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Ciavattone Grip

Rim Lift

Dino Gym Challenge

By Al Myers


The Dino Gym Challenge presents a “tribute to John McKean”

John loved to fish as much as all round weightlifting.  He's wearing his lucky fishing shirt in this picture!!

John loved to fish as much as all round weightlifting. He’s wearing his lucky fishing shirt in this picture!!

This year the Dino Gym Challenge will be a tribute to the late John McKean.  John was a very influential person to me throughout the years I’ve been involved in the USAWA.   We have corresponded through the years with HUNDREDS of emails.  He had a wealth of information on all types of weightlifting which he enjoyed sharing with others.  Recently when I’ve been in the gym I’ve thought of John and questions I WISHED I would have asked him but didn’t.   He seemed to always have a good answer to every question!

So this years Dino Challenge will be about John.  I’ve thought “long and hard” on the lifts for this meet and wanted to pick lifts that I know John would have approved of.  John was all about the heavy pulling lifts so that is what we will be doing.  We are going to do the 2″ VB deadlift, only because John was the one who brought that lift forth in the USAWA as an official lift (and NOT because he loved the grip lifts!).

I have lots of stories I plan to share about John so come prepared for a long meet.


Meet Director:            Al Myers – Email:

Meet Date:                 Saturday, January 21st,   10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Location:                    Dino Gym, 1126 Eden Road, Abilene, KS 67410

Sanction:                    U.S.A.W.A Memberships cards can be purchased on meet day

Weigh-ins:                  9:00-10:00 AM the day of the meet

Divisions:                   Depends who shows up

Awards:                     Don’t expect one

Entry Fee:                  None – but please notify me in advance if you plan to attend


1 x 2″ Vertical Bar Deadlift

Bentover Row/Power Row

1 Hand Dumbbell Deadlift

2 Bar Deadlift

Kennedy Lift

The lifts will be done is this order.


Gold Cup

By Steve Gardner
Group picture of 2022 IAWA Gold Cup

Group picture of 2022 IAWA Gold Cup

What a super day at the Gold Cup 2022 in Belfast. Well done to venue promoter Stevie Shanks on a great job and I am proud to have been co promoter with my pal Stevie. Thanks to all the lifters who travelled to help make it a great day and big thanks to Simon for his great assistance too a real diamond.
The lifting was superb with great performances and lots of records were set and broken with lifters representing USA, Northern Ireland, England and Finland. We had the youngest lifter Phoebe Ames aged 12 of England to the most Senior being Denny Habecker from the USA aged 80.
A few firsts occurred yesterday….. Paul Hallam and I performed the first official two man one hand deadlift ( with right hand) since it completed the authorization process, and being certified as an IAWA competitive lift at the World Council meeting in October. Paul and I did this lift to honour Chad and Al from Kansas who famously first put this great lift into the all round lifting arena some years ago. I can see some lifters hitting big numbers with this one in the future…..
This Gold Cup saw the best overall lift won by a Shanks Lift for the first time, after the great performance by Chad Ullom.  The proud winner of the Howard Prechtel Award for the best overall performance at the Gold Cup….. Chad Ullom from Kansas, USA who won with his terrific Shanks Lift of 332.5 kilos!
It was very close with Chad taking it with a score of 121.5 finishing just ahead of Timo whose magnificent Middle Fingers Deadlift with crazy weight scored 121.1. Phew it was close ( and Stevie Shanks was in third with an awesome Dumbells Deadlift scoring 110 points) well done guys…. and to all of the lifters!
Another great first was Mother and Daughter team: Hannah and Phoebe, whe performed the two person deadlift, the first Mother Daughter combo on the record books…. Well done both …!
Another great event for IAWA!
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