Author Archives: Al Myers

2018 Minutes

By Al Myers, USAWA Secretary

2018 Annual General Meeting Minutes

The Annual General Meeting of the USAWA was called to order by President Denny Habecker on June 23rd following the competition at 3:15 PM, at the site of the meet.  Roll call was taken and these USAWA members were in attendance: Al Myers, Denny Habecker, Cody Lokken, Brandon Rein, Cale Dunlap, Joe Ciavattone Sr., Joe Ciavattone Jr., LaVerne Myers, Dean Ross, Eric Todd, Judy Habecker, and Dennis Mitchell. The reading of the previous minutes were read by Secretary Al Myers.  Judy moved to accept the minutes, with a second by Dean, and they passed unanimously. The Financial report was given by Treasurer Al Myers, which showed a yearly profit of $1994. No drug tests or online store purchases were made in 2017 which explained the profit.  Joe Sr. moved to approve the report, with a second by Dean, and the report passed unanimously. A website report was given by Al Myers, website director. Details of all things the USAWA website provides was given.   Joe Sr. moved to approve the report, with a second by Dean, and the report passed unanimously.  The report from Awards Director Al Myers was next.  Details of the awards given by the USAWA was outlined.   Joe Sr. moved to approve the report, with a second by Dean, and the report passed unanimously. Next, the report from Records Director Al Myers was given.   Joe Sr. moved to approve the report, with a second by Dean, and the report passed unanimously. The report from the  Drug Enforcement Director Chad Ullom had been forwarded and given on his behalf by Al Myers, since Chad was not in attendance.  The USAWA conducted nearly 20 tests this past year with no positive tests. Judy moved to accept the report, with a second by Dean, and it passed unanimously. Next the report of the Official’s Director Joe Garcia was given.  Joe was not in attendance but had prepared his report to be given by Al Myers.  In his report Joe encouraged more Level 1 officials to become Level 2 officials. Joe Sr. moved to approve the report, with a second by Dean, and the report passed unanimously. Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker gave his report next.  19 men and 3 women competed in the postal series in 2017, with 6 doing all of them. Denny outlined another scoring system of ranking the postal lifters for the year.   Joe Sr. moved to approve the report, with a second by Dean, and the report passed unanimously. The report of IAWA Technical Committee Chairman Dennis Mitchell was given next.  Dennis informed us about the two new proposed USAWA lifts that we will need to vote on. Joe Sr. moved to approve the report, with a second by Dean, and the report passed unanimously.  The discussion and vote on the two new lifts were the next agenda item, which were both approved prior by the USAWA Executive Board.  The first lift, the Lurich Lift proposed by Lance Foster, involves an OTSM lift that is a Hack Lift from a height of 18 inches. Dean moved to accept the Lurich Lift, with a second by Joe Sr., and it passed unanimously.  The second lift, the Habecker Lift proposed by Al Myers, involves an OTSM lift that is a Zercher Lift from a height of 1/3rd the lifter’s height.  Joe Sr. moved to accept the lift, with a second by Dean, and the lift passed unanimously. Discussion and vote on a rule change for the Thor’s Hammer was next, with this addition, “Plates must be loaded using the largest plates and in the sequence of heavier discs innermost with the smaller discs in descending weight arranged, with a maximum of 10 pound plates used if possible.” Joe Sr. moved to accept the rule change, with a second by Dean, and it passed unanimously.  In New Business, Judy discussed attending Art’s funeral and that she and Denny sent flowers on the USAWA’s behalf. Judy moved that she and Denny would like to host an annual Art’s Birthday Bash Memorial Meet  in Art’s memory. Joe Sr. gave a second and it passed unanimously. Al Myers mentioned that a $500 anonymous donation had been given to the USAWA to do something in honor of the late Mike “Murdo” Murdoch. After prior discussing options with the donater, Al moved to have a Hall of Fame Plaque made which would list all USAWA Hall of Fame Members.  LaVerne gave a second and the motion passed unanimously. Bids for the 2019 USAWA National Championships included only one bid, from Denny and Judy Habecker for Nationals to be held the 3rd or 4th weekend of June in Lebanon.  Dean moved to accept the bid, with a second by Joe Sr., and it passed unanimously.  Cody then gave details of the evening banquet, which was held at Fish Lips by the beach.  Dean moved to adjourne the meeting, with a second by Joe Sr. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting ended promptly at 3:55 PM.

National Championships

By Al Myers


Group picture from the 2018 USAWA National Championships in Cocoa Beach, Florida.

Group picture from the 2018 USAWA National Championships in Cocoa Beach, Florida.

For the first time in USAWA history, the USAWA National’s were held in Florida last weekend.  My co-promoter for this event, Dino Gym member Cody Lokken, hosted the Championships at his house in Cocoa Beach! It was a beautiful setting for the meet, less than a block from the beach. I was worried that the turnout would be low, because everyone had to travel and there were no “locals” entered.  However, I was pleasantly surprised by the number of lifters that made the trip.

The Friday night before the meet we had a “meet and greet” at the hotel I was staying at. It was the perfect setting – at an outdoor bar poolside. My wife Leslie picked up several pizzas for the party.  Several of us took a dip in the pool, as well as enjoying several of the local Florida beers the bar had on stock (a stock that we soon ran them out of!).  One of the great things about our organization is the friendships that develop. Often Nationals turns into one big reunion!

It was a special treat this year to have Steve Gardner in attendance.  Steve served 2 terms as IAWA President, and is the best “mic guy” in our IAWA organization.  He spent the entire day emceeing our Championships, of which I want to really thank him for.  We had the best loaders possible with Cale, Cody, and Brandon loading all day PLUS lifting.  That’s a big task! We ran only one session so that kept everyone busy with helping, officiating, and lifting.  This Championships had a great bunch of officials with Denny Habecker, Dennis Mitchell, Eric Todd, LaVerne Myers, Joe Ciavattone Sr, and myself taking turns in the chair.

Highlights I want to mention: Dennis participating in his 29th National Championships, ET hitting a huge pullover and press of 162.5 KG, Joe Jr. putting up the top Zercher Lift of the meet at the end of a hot day, and seeing “the boys” (Cale, Cody, and Brandon) making a return trip to Nationals.  We had several states represented at this meet – Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Pennsyvania, Ohio, and Massachusetts. Also, Cale made the trip from St. Kitts.

It was difficult for all of us not having Art with us at Nationals, as he has always been a steady participant throughout the years.  However,  as we lifted we kept Art’s memory alive and we reminisced about him several times throughout the day.  After the meet, Cody had arranged for the banquet at a fantastic seafood restaurant which was the perfect end for a National Championships that I will never forget.


2018 USAWA National Championships
Cocoa Beach, Florida
June 23rd, 2018

Meet Director: Al Myers and Cody Lokken

Meet Announcer: Steve Gardner

Meet Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Meet Photographer: Karen Gardner

Meet Caterer: Leslie Myers

Meet Officials (3-official system used): Denny Habecker (head), Al Myers (head), Joe Ciavattone Sr., Dennis Mitchell, Eric Todd, and LaVerne Myers

Meet Loaders: Cale Dunlap, Cody Lokken, Brandon Rein

Lifts: Curl – Cheat, Snatch – One Arm, Pullover and Press, Deadlift – One Arm, Zercher Lift


 Al Myers 51 227 80 55.5R 100 150R 160 546 509.5
Eric Todd 43 252 95 55R 162.5 140R 160 613 503.2
Joe Ciavattone Jr. 25 226 100 55R 137.5 115R 172.5 580 484.7
Joe Ciavattone Sr. 49 236 82.5 47.5R 92.5 115R 140 478 429.2
Denny Habecker 75 186 50 25R 80 101R 80 336 425.5
Cody Lokken 23 167 70 35R 90 85R 100 380 377.5
LaVerne Myers 74 238 55 30L 60 100R 80 325 356.9
Brandon Rein 23 148 45 25R 60 80R 100 310 333.2
Dean Ross 75  248 40 27.5R 70 65R 90 293 316.9
Cale Dunlap 23 177 50 25R 60 65R 90 290 278.5
Dennis Mitchell 86 143 27.5 7.5L 23.5 50L 55 164 264.5


Dennis Mitchell: Deadlift – Left Arm 52.5
Dennis Mitchell: Zercher Lift 57.5

Notes: BWT is bodyweight in pounds.  R and L designate right and left arms. Lifts recorded in kilograms. TOT is total kilograms lifted. PTS are overall adjusted points corrected for age and bodyweight.


Senior 20-39 Age Group: Joe Ciavattone Jr.
Masters 40-44 Age Group: Eric Todd
Masters 45-49 Age Group: Joe Ciavattone Sr.
Masters 50-54 Age Group: Al Myers
Masters 70-74 Age Group: LaVerne Myers
Masters 75-79 Age Group: Denny Habecker
Masters 85-89 Age Group: Dennis Mitchell
Overall Best Lifter: Al Myers
Best Club Award: Dino Gym (Al Myers, LaVerne Myers, Cale Dunlap, Brandon Rein, Cody Lokken, Dean Ross)
Club Runner Up: Frank’s Barbell Club (Joe Ciavattone Jr., Joe Ciavattone Sr.)


2018 Meeting Agenda

By Al Myers

Before long the USAWA National Championships will be here, and with that the annual meeting of the USAWA.   We have one meeting per year to make our major yearly decisions and we always coordinate that with our Nationals.

The Annual Meeting will be held at the meet venue on Saturday following the day’s lifting.  So the date for the meeting is SATURDAY JUNE 23rd.  Start time for the meeting will be right after the lifting, so around 4 PM. Everything is pretty straight forward on the meeting agenda this year.  There doesn’t seem to be any controversial decisions to be made, so I’m hoping for a short meeting.  At the meeting, we will give out details and location of the evening banquet.  We will have time to go to our hotels to “clean up” for the banquet.

Business Agenda for the 2018 USAWA National Meeting

  1. Meeting called to order by USAWA President Denny Habecker
  2. Roll Call by USAWA President Denny Habecker
  3. Reading of previous meeting minutes by USAWA Secretary Al Myers
  4. Report of financial status by USAWA Treasurer Al Myers
  5. Report from Website Director Al Myers
  6. Report from Awards Director Al Myers
  7. Report from Records Director Al Myers
  8. Report from Drug Enforcement Director Chad Ullom
  9. Report from Officials Director Joe Garcia
  10. Report from Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker
  11. Report from IAWA Technical Committee Chairman Dennis Mitchell on upcoming IAWA events and other technical issues that are being discussed by the IAWA Technical Committee
  12. Discussion and Vote on the new proposed lifts:
  • Lurich Lift by Lance Foster
  • Habecker Lift by Al Myers
  1. Discussion and Vote on Rule Change for Thor’s Hammer
  2. Discussion of New Business brought forth by the membership
  3. Accept Bids for the 2019 National Championships
  • One prior proposal by Denny Habecker, to be held in Lebanon, PA the last weekend of June
  1. Meeting Adjourned

** *If a Director or an Officer is unable to attend this meeting to give their report PLEASE send it to me so I can give it on your behalf!***

Team Championships

by Al Myers


The date for the USAWA Team Championships has been set – September 9th (Sunday).  I started promoting the Team Championships in 2007, which features “team lifting”, a combination of 2 lifters on a bar lifting the weight together. This makes for a very exciting event as the 2 lifters must be in coordination with each other to make a successful lift!


Meet Director: Al Myers

Meet Date: Sunday, September 9th

Meet Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Location: Dino Gym, 1126 Eden Road, Abilene, KS 67410

Sanction: USAWA Membership required

Weigh-Ins: Noon the day of the meet

Divisions: 2-Man, 2-Person (man & woman), and 2-Women

Entry Fee: None


Clean and Press – Middle Fingers

Deadlift – Fulton Bar, One Arm

Curl – Cheat, Reverse Grip

Deadlift – No Thumbs, Overhand Grip

Registration:  There is no entry form or entry deadline, but please let me know ahead of time if you plan to attend so I can make the proper preparations. I can be reached at

Gold Cup

By Al Myers



The plans for the 2018 Gold Cup have been set!  I just received the details of this annual IAWA competition from the meet promoter, Paul Barette of Metamorfit Gym in Eastbourne, England. This will be the first time that Paul has promoted the Gold Cup.  However, Paul has been very active in the IAWA(UK) with promotions and is an excellent meet promoter.  I am really looking forward to this event, and I encourage all USAWA members to consider making it to this important IAWA Championships.

INFO SHEET – Gold Cup 2018 info sheet

ENTRY FORM – IAWA Gold Cup 2018 entry form


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