Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

2018 Meeting Agenda

By Al Myers

Before long the USAWA National Championships will be here, and with that the annual meeting of the USAWA.   We have one meeting per year to make our major yearly decisions and we always coordinate that with our Nationals.

The Annual Meeting will be held at the meet venue on Saturday following the day’s lifting.  So the date for the meeting is SATURDAY JUNE 23rd.  Start time for the meeting will be right after the lifting, so around 4 PM. Everything is pretty straight forward on the meeting agenda this year.  There doesn’t seem to be any controversial decisions to be made, so I’m hoping for a short meeting.  At the meeting, we will give out details and location of the evening banquet.  We will have time to go to our hotels to “clean up” for the banquet.

Business Agenda for the 2018 USAWA National Meeting

  1. Meeting called to order by USAWA President Denny Habecker
  2. Roll Call by USAWA President Denny Habecker
  3. Reading of previous meeting minutes by USAWA Secretary Al Myers
  4. Report of financial status by USAWA Treasurer Al Myers
  5. Report from Website Director Al Myers
  6. Report from Awards Director Al Myers
  7. Report from Records Director Al Myers
  8. Report from Drug Enforcement Director Chad Ullom
  9. Report from Officials Director Joe Garcia
  10. Report from Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker
  11. Report from IAWA Technical Committee Chairman Dennis Mitchell on upcoming IAWA events and other technical issues that are being discussed by the IAWA Technical Committee
  12. Discussion and Vote on the new proposed lifts:
  • Lurich Lift by Lance Foster
  • Habecker Lift by Al Myers
  1. Discussion and Vote on Rule Change for Thor’s Hammer
  2. Discussion of New Business brought forth by the membership
  3. Accept Bids for the 2019 National Championships
  • One prior proposal by Denny Habecker, to be held in Lebanon, PA the last weekend of June
  1. Meeting Adjourned

** *If a Director or an Officer is unable to attend this meeting to give their report PLEASE send it to me so I can give it on your behalf!***

Team Championships

by Al Myers


The date for the USAWA Team Championships has been set – September 9th (Sunday).  I started promoting the Team Championships in 2007, which features “team lifting”, a combination of 2 lifters on a bar lifting the weight together. This makes for a very exciting event as the 2 lifters must be in coordination with each other to make a successful lift!


Meet Director: Al Myers

Meet Date: Sunday, September 9th

Meet Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Location: Dino Gym, 1126 Eden Road, Abilene, KS 67410

Sanction: USAWA Membership required

Weigh-Ins: Noon the day of the meet

Divisions: 2-Man, 2-Person (man & woman), and 2-Women

Entry Fee: None


Clean and Press – Middle Fingers

Deadlift – Fulton Bar, One Arm

Curl – Cheat, Reverse Grip

Deadlift – No Thumbs, Overhand Grip

Registration:  There is no entry form or entry deadline, but please let me know ahead of time if you plan to attend so I can make the proper preparations. I can be reached at

Gold Cup

By Al Myers



The plans for the 2018 Gold Cup have been set!  I just received the details of this annual IAWA competition from the meet promoter, Paul Barette of Metamorfit Gym in Eastbourne, England. This will be the first time that Paul has promoted the Gold Cup.  However, Paul has been very active in the IAWA(UK) with promotions and is an excellent meet promoter.  I am really looking forward to this event, and I encourage all USAWA members to consider making it to this important IAWA Championships.

INFO SHEET – Gold Cup 2018 info sheet

ENTRY FORM – IAWA Gold Cup 2018 entry form


OTSM Championship

By Eric Todd



Meet promoter Eric Todd showing his technique in performing a 313# Dumbbell to Shoulder.

Your humble promoter performing the Dumbbell to Shoulder in the 2017 championship

Where:  ET’s House of Iron and Stone

When: September 8, 2018

Weigh-ins: 9:30

Rules meeting: 10:00

Liftig begins: 10:30

Lifts Contested:

Saxon Snatch

Cyr Press

Dumbbell to Shoulder

Dinnie Lift

Awards: There will be awards given for this meet

Cost: $25 (Checks can be made out to Eric Todd)


KCSTRONGMAN once again has the priveledge of hosting the USAWA Old Time Strongman Chamionship. Though one of the newer championships in the organization, it has often been one of the better attended USAWA events.  It is my hope that this year does not disappoint. In the seven years that this championship has been held, there have been 6 different overall men’s champions.  I have won it twice, and am joined by Al Myers, Chad Ullum, Denny Habecker, Abe Smith, and Greg Cook.  In the women’s division, we have had champions in Whitney Piper, Jenna Lucht, and 2 time champion, Heather Tully.  We will see what 2018 bring in the way of champions.  Here is a great opportunity to add your name to that list!  Though the weather was quite nice last year, early September in Missouri has the distinct possibility of being hot.  The facility is not air conditioned.  Nor do we have running water, so the pot is an outhouse out back.  I will sweep out the wasp nests and spider webs prior to the meet, so hopefully it will meet your expectations.  If those two items have not disuaded you from competing, you will be pleased to know that we have lots of weight, and stout equipment.  There have been many good lifters train and compete here over the years; it is a fine atmosphere for lifting big.  So, put this one on your calendar.  My hopes are that we cam make this the biggest OTSM championship ever!

OTSM Entry

NE Strongman RD

By Mark Raymond




Presented by Mark Raymond and Franks Barbell Club
781-801-0947 –

Saturday, July 21st, 2018  10:00am


Frank’s Barbell Club
204 East Street
East Walpole, MA 02032


USAWA Membership Required to participate


9:00am-10:00am the day of the meet


Juniors, Women, Masters & Open


None but please notify Mark in advance if attending.

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