By Eric Todd
Clint Poore-Completes a big Habecker lift at the 2021 OTSM
The 2022 edition of USAWA’s Old Time Strongman Championship is coming up! This will be the 11th installment ever, and the 8th that we have hosted in the outskirts of glamourous Turney, MO. There have been 8 separate male champions since its inception, with 2 lifters winning the championship twice (Chad Ullum and myself). There have been 4 separate female champions. Heather Tully/Gardner won on 3 separate occasions, with Phoebe Todd being the 2 time defending champion.
The lifts are different this year than last, but the atmosphere is always the same. There is lots of iron for the capacity for big lifting. There is no heat or air conditioning. The restroom facilities are in the form of an outhouse out back.
*this will be a drug tested event*
Location: ET’s House of Iron and Stone, Turney, MO
Date: September 10, 2022
Time 10:30 AM
weigh ins: 9:30 AM
Rules meeting: 10:00AM
Cost $25 (Make Checks out to Eric Todd)
Entries due (in hand) August 28. 2022
Thor’s Hammer
Lurich Lift
Anderson Press
Dinnie Lift
Awards: There will be awards at this event
Entry below: