Category Archives: USAWA Meet Results

Club Championships

By Al Myers



USAWA Club Champions - Ledaig Heavy Athletics

USAWA Club Champions – Ledaig Heavy Athletics

The battle of the USAWA Club Championships was heated at the Ledaig Club on this past Sunday.  As been the case these past few years, the Club Champs have been a “2 horse race” between the hosting Ledaig HA Club and the Dino Gym.  The victory has been an even split over the past 6 years – with each club standing at 3 wins while the other club was the runner up.   So this year was GAME SEVEN to see who would would reign supreme of the best of 7.  HATS OFF to Dave and the Ledaig HA Club as they put the smack down on my Dino Gym Club.

I always really enjoy going to Dave’s.  He has built the ultimate home gym.  He has a power rack that would make any HS strength coach drool over, plus loads of steel plates and seasoned bars.  As you look around his gym everything sweats strength.  As been the tradition of the Club Championships each club brings club members with the top three performers in each event being the “scorers”.  This gives an advantage if you bring several lifters as if someone has an off event it doesn’t hurt the team score.  But this year Dave and I could only manage to barely fill our roster of 3 lifters so every lift  of every lifter was important.

Runnerup Club - the Dino Gym

Runnerup Club – the Dino Gym

I once seen a T-shirt that had the printing of “Youth and Skill are no match for Old Age and Treachery”.   Well – this pretty much sums up Dave. He definitely schemed up some  “fast ones” on me for this club championships.  All above board of course so I’m not saying he cheated or anything like that. First of all I noticed he picked up a RINGER for his club that caught me by surprise.  He didn’t even pre-register him before the meet thus keeping his secret intact until it was time to show his cards on meet day.  For those of you who don’t know Eddie “THE DYNAMO KID” Johnson you will after this meet.  Eddie is a gifted Highland Game athlete who made his first venture into the All Rounds at this meet. His explosive strength is off the charts and he lifted fantastically.  He’s so athletic he just takes to the All Round Lifts with ease.

But then the treachery continues.  I have worked hard to get John “THE HOSS” Douglas to join the Dino Gym Club this past year, and he was been a solid addition to my club.  I’ve even made big promises to him like I’d give him a gym tshirt and give him a sandwich when he comes to the Dino Gym.  So I was feeling good.  But “lo and behold” Dave steals him back from me and he’s there representing the Ledaig Club!!! How did Dave do that???  I still pondering how that happened.

I actually felt like it was close after the first couple of events.  Ole Dean and Dad were pushing hard on their lifts.  But then Dave puts in this special rule about using your non-dominate hand in the Clean and Jerk with the Dumbbell for the 3rd event and it starts to get “in our heads” a little, and after a big discussion of what really constitutes your non-dominate hand Dave just says “use the hand you conscious tells you too”.  I pretty much knew it was over for us then as Dad and Dean were scratching their heads in confusion as to which arm to use.

But his treachery is not over yet!!!!  His next trick had to be one for the ages. I’ve been doing this for a long time and I’ve never seen this type of sabotaging your opponents before.  At this point Dave declares it’s time for lunch before the last event the Dumbbell to Shoulder. He had his good buddy Gomez come in with his food truck and he freshly baked the best pizza you’ve ever had and brings it into the gym for us to eat. It’s piping hot and  the tasty aroma just fills the gym. He followed that up with homemade bread pudding with his special whisky sauce. Plus Dave brings in a sampler pack of Sam Adams to just add to the temptation.  The Dino Gym Club was doomed at that point.  Dean ate so much pizza he couldn’t tie his shoes, ole Pops was just sitting on the bench in a food coma, and I was polishing off my second beer.  The whole time Dave just sat in his big chair with a smile on his face not eating a thing!!!!

Great meet and great times!  But now I’m calling for the best of nine.

Meet Results:

2019 USAWA Club Championships
Ledaig Heavy Athletics Club
Rainbow Bend, Kansas
Sunday, December 8th, 2019

Meet Director: Dave Glasgow

Official (1-official System used): Dave Glasgow & Al Myers

Meet Scorekeeper: Al Myers

Meet Caterer: Gomez with his amazing pizza

Lifts: Curl – Cheat, Reverse Grip, Deadlift – 2 Bars, Clean and Jerk – DB, Dumbbell to Shoulder

1. Ledaig Heavy Athletics – 2197.6 Adjusted Points

Dave Glasgow 66  249.5 160 370 86.5L 134
Eddie Johnson 28  269.5 225 410 139.5L 214
John Douglas 56  310.5 200 310 86.5L 214

2. Dino Gym – 1834.5 Adjusted Points

Dean Ross 77  236 95 210 30L 80
LaVerne Myers 75 229 120 270 35L 99
Al Myers 53 233 155 450 30L 99

Notes: BWT is bodyweight in pounds.  All lifts recorded in pounds. R and L designate right and left arms. Adjusted Points were calculated using age and bodyweight corrections.

Lift for Leroy RD

By Eric Todd


Lift for Leroy Record Day

New member Jeff Rigby sets the tone with a big bent press

New member Jeff Rigby sets the tone with a big bent press

“Lift for Leroy” is over and done and was a great success.  I feel like we boosted Big Leroy’s spirits enough to avoid another one of those sympathy “throw yourself down the stairs” episodes this time around.  We started off with the Postal Championship lifts.  10 members participated in this portion of the meet.  There was some fantastic lifting, but I will leave that part to Denny’s write-up for that meet.

Once we completed the three lifts for the Postal Championship, we started in with the “Lift for Leroy” record day.  Eleven lifters completed at least one record lift in this portion of the meet. There were many national and world records broken.  I would like to thank everyone who supported this meet.  We had lifters from age 7 to age 77.  We had local lifters and lifters from as far away as Utah. (I would really like to thank Jeff Rigby making the pilgrimage to the Turney area.  He brought some real old time all-round flair with classic lifts such as the bent press and the turkish get-up) The camaraderie was fantastic, the day went smooth, and the lifting was stout.

I would like to mention that the youth infusion into the KCSTRONGMAN all-round club has been absolutely refreshing.  Nikolai Lucht, age 7, just joined.  He is the son of Mike Lucht who is a long time KCSTRONGMAN member from the old strongman days.  That brings us to 3 lifters under 10.  KCSTRONGMAN can be credited with reducing the mean age of USAWA membership by like 50 years!!!  Aye, but I digress.

Results are as follows:


Name of Meet: Lift for Leroy Record Day

Location of Meet: Turney, MO

Date of Meet: December 7, 2019

Meet Director: Eric Todd

Meet Announcer/Scorekeeper: Eric Todd

Both the one official system and the three official system were utilized.  The system that was used is denoted next to each lift.

Meet Officials: Eric Todd, Lance Foster, John Strangeway, Chris Todd

Loaders/spotters: All lifters

All Records and bodyweights are recorded in Pounds

Lance Foster Age 54 weight 346
Deadlift-Inch Dumbbell 1 arm- Left 80 3 officials
Finger lift-Index-Right 95 3 officials
Finger lift-ring-Right 95 3 officials
John Strangeway Age 41 weight 207
Deadlift-Inch Dumbbell 1 arm-Left 132 3 officials
Squat-Front 470 3 officials
Finger Lift-Ring-Right 205 3 officials
Finger lift-Middle-Left 230 3 officials
Anderson press 275 3 officials
Mike Lucht Age 37 weight 238
Bench Press-Fulton Bar 315 1 official
Ben Edwards Age 44 weight237
Deadlift-Fulton-Ciavattone grip 325 1 official
Vertical Bar-1 bar-2″-Left 208 1 official
Jeff Rigby Age 42 weight 287
Bent press-bar-left 175 3 officials
Bent press-bar-right 155 3 officials
Turkish Getup 135 3 officials
Gardner-Full 115 3 officials
Dean Ross Age 77 weight 231
Clean and press-Fulton bar 60 1 official
Clean and press-middle fingers 45 1 official
Holdout lowerd 25 1 official
Seated press from rack 55 1 official
Seated press from rack-behind neck 55 1 official
Greg Cook Age 62 weight 255
Deadlift-stiff legged 405 1 official
Chris Todd Age 40 weight 269
Pullover-straight arm 75 3 officials
Lateral raise lying 70 3 officials
Clean and seated press 140 3 officials
Bench press-fulton bar 265 3 officials
Deadlift-stiff legged 250 3 officials
Leroy Todd Age 8 weight 68
Bench press-fulton bar 35 3 officials
Cheat curl 2 dumbells 20 3 officials
Vertical bar-1 bar-2 inch-left 26 3 officials
Jackson press 20 3 officials
Continental to belt 45 3 officials
Eric Todd Age 44 weight 252
Jackson press 210 3 officials
Seated press-from rack 175 3 officials
Vertical bar-2 bars 1″ 265 1 official
vertical bar-1 bar-1 inch-right 160 1 official
Press-dumbbell-1 arm-left 100 3 officials
Phoebe Todd (FEMALE) Age 9 weight 88
Bench press-feet in the air 35 3 officials
Bench press-fulton bar 40 3 officials
vertical bar 1 bar-1″-right 65 3 officials
vertical bar 1 bar-1″-left 65 3 officials
vertical bar 1 bar-2″-left 53.5 3 officials



Memorial Record Day

By Denny Habecker


2019 Memorial Record Day

We had a great turnout for the first Memorial Record Day, with 8 lifters taking part. I was really impressed with the variety and difficulty of the lifts that were done.  Christopher Lestan, Zachariah Marhamo and Ryan Bingham came down from Massachusetts, Lou Tortorelli came in from New Jersey, Elizabeth Skwarecki from Pittsburgh, Barry Pensyl from Easton, and Aidan Habecker and I rounded out the group. The officials were Barry Pensyl, Chris Lestan and Denny Habecker.


2019 Memorial Record Day
Habecker’s Gym
Lebanon, PA
December 7th, 2019

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Officials (1 official system used): Barry Pensyl, Denny Habecker

Lifts: Record Day

Elizabeth Skwarecki – 39 yrs. 140 Lbs.  [ FEMALE 65KG. – Open]
Bent Press – Dumbbell – Left  –  66 Lbs.
Bent Press- Dumbbell- Right  – 77 Lbs.
Snatch from Hang                – 88 Lbs.
Dinnie Lift                          – 355 Lbs.
Bench Press – Fulton Bar     – 132 Lbs.

Aidan Habecker – 16 yrs. 208 Lbs  [95 Kg. 16-17]
Judd Clean and Jerk          –  44 Lbs.
Lano  Lift                        –  22 Lbs.
Miller Clean & Jerk          –  44 Lbs.
Snatch – Fulton Bar         – 121 Lbs.
Vertical  Bar – 1″ – Right  – 198 Lbs.

Ryan Bingham  19 Yrs.  – 300 Lbs.   [ 125 Kg. +  – 18-19]
Deadlift – 12″ Base        –    550 Lbs.
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip – 387 Lbs.
Hand & Thigh                  – 700 Lbs.
Hip  Lift                          – 1022 Lbs.
Habecker Lift                  – 154 Lbs.

Zachariah Marhamo  21 Yrs. – 231 Lbs. [ 105 Kg. – Open]
Clean & Press                      – 176 Lbs.
Deadlift, Ciavattone-Right    – 253 Lbs.
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip    – 407 Lbs.
Habecker Lift                      – 242 Lbs.
Hackenschmidt Floor Press  – 342 Lbs.

Christopher Lestan   23 Yrs – 285 Lbs. [ 125 + Kg. – Open]
Dinnie Lift                         – 600 Lbs.
Deadlift, No Thumbs          – 387 Lbs.
Habecker Lift                    – 154 Lbs.
Zercher, One Arm- Left     – 143 Lbs.
Zercher, One Arm- Right   –  66 Lbs.

Lou  Tortorelli  – 53 Yrs.  239 Lbs. [ 110 Kg. – 50-54]
Curl- Strict                       – 110 Lbs.
Deadlift – Trap Bar            – 425 Lbs.

Barry Pensyl  – 71 Yrs.  -150 Lbs.  [70 Kg. – 70-74 ]
Allen Lift                               –  33 Lbs.
Clean & Jerk -One Arm- Right – 51 Lbs.
Good Morning                        – 110 Lbs.
Press, Dumbbell, Right           – 40 Lbs.
Snatch- One Arm – Left          – 55 Lbs.

Denny Habecker – 77Yrs. 185Lbs. [ 85Kg. – 75-79]
Deadlift- Dumbbell- Right                 – 176 Lbs.
Clean & Press Behind Neck               – 110 Lbs.
Clean & Seated Press                       – 88 Lbs.
Clean & Seated Press Behind Neck     – 88Lbs.
Vertical Bar – 1″ – Right                    – 105Lbs.

Gold Cup

By Steve Gardner


Lifters at the 2019 IAWA Gold Cup in Perth, Australia.

Lifters at the 2019 IAWA Gold Cup in Perth, Australia.

And so another great IAWA event is over. The Gold Cup here in Perth Australia has been great, all down to great work and organisation by Peter Phillips, John Mahon and Sharni Clifford and other members of the great Western Australia group. The lifting was sensational today and what amazing loading all day by Shaun and Nicki.

It has been great to catch up with so many old friends here pushing the sport strong for the last 20 years plus, Great to see all round lifting looking so healthy in Australia and the group are in a great place using the Lambda Academy as their headquarters with great support from the owners.

As many of you know IAWA is a great big family around the World and it sure is a joy to belong to such a great sporting body. Next year 2020 is going to be super amazing too with great events ahead. These are exciting times in all round lifting, long may it continue, well done to everyone who took part, you should all be proud of yourselves…. long live IAWA


3rd Quarter Postal

By Denny Habecker



The results of the 3rd Quarter Postal have been tabulated. We had 11 men and 5 women take part, with Al Myers leading the men and R.J. Jackson leading the women.


3rd Quarter Postal Meet
July 1st through September 30th, 2019

Meet Director – Denny Habecker

Lifers with Certified Officials:
Al Myers – Laverne Myers
John Douglas – Laverne Myers
Dean Ross – Laverne Myers
Laverne Myers – Al Myers
Eric Todd – Lance Foster- John Strangeway
John Strangeway- Eric Todd – Lance Foster
Chris Todd  – Eric Todd-Lance Foster- John Strangeway
Lance Foster – Eric Todd- John Strangeway
Phoebe Todd – Eric Todd-Lance Foster-John Strangeway
Denny Habecker- Barry Pensyl
Barry Pensyl – Denny Habecker
Aidan Habecker – Denny Habecker
Crystal Diggs- R.J. Jackson

Lifters with Non-Certified Officials:
R.J. Jackson
Sylvia Stockall
Lynda Burns

The Lifts- Pullover and Press, Curl-2 Dumbbells, Cheat, Continental to Belt


Al  Myers             –  53  – 232   – 230 – 150 – 360 – 740  – 695.71

Eric Todd             –  44  – 256   – 345 – 170 – 310 – 825  – 679.30

John Strangeway  – 41   – 210  – 244  – 150 – 345 – 739  – 655.78

Denny Habecker   – 76  – 183   – 165  –  80  – 220 – 465  – 645.32

Barry Pensyl         – 71  – 150   – 127  – 80   – 206 – 413  – 607.10

John Douglas       – 55   – 308   – 220  – 150 – 352 – 722  – 600.50

Laverne Myers     – 75   – 229   – 100  – 110 – 220  – 430  – 521.45

Chris Todd          – 40   – 270   – 244   – 145 – 265  – 654 – 504.58

Dean Ross          – 76   – 240   – 130   – 90   – 180  – 400 – 479.57

Aidan Habecker   – 16  – 206   – 132    – 80   – 209  – 421 – 407.58

Lance Foster       – 53  – 345   – 0       – 100  – 265  – 365 – 238.24


R.J. Jackson        57   – 106   – 100  –   70    – 125  – 295 – 483.82

Sylvia Stockall    61    – 140   – 75    –  90     – 135  – 300 – 408.52

Lynda Burns       44   – 175    – 78     – 80     – 145  – 303 – 307.42

Crystal Diggs     32   – 165     – 43     – 60     – 95   – 198  – 198.33

Phoebe Todd      9    – 84       – 0       – 20     – 65   – 85    – 197.54


1 20 21 22 23 24 74