Category Archives: USAWA Meet Results

Fall Classic RD

By Mark Raymond


Group picture from the Record Day.

Group picture from the Record Day.

The meet turned out to be a great success. We had 8 lifters, 3 women and 5 men. This meet had been rescheduled from October 21st, 2017. It was held at Kim Lydons Gym. Everyone shined in their lifts. Although the temperatures were cold it didn’t deter the lifters in any way.

One of the highlights of the meet was newcomer Laura Inglis. She demonstrated enthusiasm, good form, and strength in all her lifts. Laura is a mother of 9 children with a 60 plus hours work week. With all that she somehow manages to maintain a dedicated lifting/training schedule.

Kim Lydon continues to better herself with each meet and displayed an outstanding performance.

Peter Vuono, who has had 4-way bypass surgery and just turned 65 years old, pulled off a record 12″ Base Deadlift at 401 Lbs! AMAZING!

Colleen, Frank, Dave, Tony, and Mark continue to participate and set records.


Fall Classic Record Day
Kim Lydon’s Gym
Canton, Massachusetts
January 20th, 2018

Meet Director: Frank Ciavattone

Host: Kim Lydon

Meet Announcer/Scorekeeper: Frank Ciavattone

Officials (3 official system used): Frank Ciavattone, Rocky Morrisson, Jeff Ciavattone


Kim Lydon Age: 27 Weight: 148 Lbs 70K Class – Open
Bench Press, One Arm, Right 51 Lbs
Bench Press, One Arm, Left 61 Lbs
Clean and Seated Press, 2 Dumbbells 90 Lbs
Abdominal Raise 40 Lbs
Deadlift Dumbbell, One Arm, Left 137 Lbs

Laura Inglis Age:52 Weight: 190 Lbs 90K Class 50+ Masters
Bench Press, Feet In Air 90 Lbs
Bench Press, One Arm, Left 35 Lbs
Vertical Bar Deadlift, 1 Bar, 2″, One Hand, Left 90 Lbs
Deadlift, Trap Bar 225 Lbs

Colleen Lane-Richards Age: 61 Weight: 195 Lbs 90K Class 60+ Masters
Bench Press, Feet In Air 80 Lbs
Bench Press, One Arm, Right 25 Lbs
Vertical Bar Deadlift, 1 Bar, 2″, One Hand, Right 80 Lbs
Deadlift, Trap Bar 185 Lbs
Weaver Stick, Right 2.5 Lbs


Mark Raymond Age: 54 Weight: 246 Lbs 115K Class 50+ Masters
Deadlift , No Thumbs, Overhand Grip 300 Lbs
Deadlift, No Thumb, One Arm, Right 171 Lbs
Deadlift , No Thumb, One Arm, Left 171 Lbs
Deadlift, Dumbbell, One Arm, Right 192 Lbs
Deadlift, Dumbbell, One Arm, Left 192 Lbs

Tony Patterson Age: 55 Weight: 176 Lbs 80K Class 55+ Masters
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip 431 Lbs
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip, One Arm, Right 266 Lbs
Deadlift, No Thumbs, Overhand Grip 401 Lbs
Vertical Bar Deadlift, 1 Bar, 2″, One Hand, Right 215 Lbs
Weaver Stick, Right 4 Lbs

Dave Gago Age: 60 Weight: 173 Lbs 80K Class 60+ Masters
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip 276 Lbs
Deadlift, Trap Bar 295 Lbs
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip, One Arm, Right 155 Lbs
Deadlift, Ciavattone Grip, One Arm, Left 155 Lbs

Frank Ciavattone Jr. Age: 62 Weight: 292 Lbs 125K Class 60+ Masters
Weaver Stick, Left 7.5 Lbs
Weaver Stick, Right 8.75 Lbs

Peter Vuono Age: 65 Weight: 195 Lbs 90K Class 65+ Masters
Deadlift, 12″Base 401 Lbs

Dino Gym Challenge

By Al Myers


“The Tom Ryan Memorial Meet”

Eric Todd (left) recieved his award from Thom Van Vleck (right) for being the Athlete of the Year Runner Up for last year at the Dino Gym Challenge. Eric went on to win the Overall Best Lifter at the 2018 Dino Gym Challenge.

Eric Todd (left) received his award from Thom Van Vleck (right) for being the USAWA Athlete of the Year Runner Up for last year at the Dino Gym Challenge. Eric went on to win the Overall Best Lifter at the 2018 Dino Gym Challenge.

It was another great year for the Dino Gym Challenge! Eight brave lifters made their way to the platform for an exciting day of lifting, honoring the late Tom Ryan. Many stories were told about Tom throughout the day, along with many great lifts made to honor him.  I hope he was looking down on us throughout the day with a smile on his face.

We had a celebrity official present, Thom Van Vleck.  Thom made the long drive to the Dino Gym from Kirksville, MO  just to officiate the Dino Gym Challenge.  I can’t express my thanks to him for doing this as it allowed my dad and I to participate. Usually one of us has to sit it out to judge. I picked lifts for this meet which were Tom Ryan’s favorites, and it was quite the variety! We started the meet off with the Weaver Stick. LaVerne showed us AGAIN his mighty grip by having the top lift in the Weaver Stick at 6 pounds.  I think he could have got 7 pounds, but when asked if he wanted a fourth attempt at record he said he would pass, as Tom Ryan has the top Weaver Stick record in the USAWA at 7 pounds and he wanted to let Tom keep that All Time record to himself (at least on this day!).

The next lift was the Rectangular Fix.  The youngest member in attendance, Calvin, did a fantastic lift of 80 pounds. Chad did 105 in competition and then did 120 as a fourth attempt which was easier than his 105! That was the top Rectangular Fix of the meet.

We then moved onto the One handed thumbless grip deadlift. Tom Ryan excelled at this lift, having done 254 pounds.  No one came close to that!  Dad must have still felt the sting from the loss to me in this lift at the Gold Cup last fall as he called for (and did) 201 pounds right after I did 200 pounds on my second attempt. Well, if I was a good son I probably should have just let him have his revenge victory and passed my last attempt but NOPE, I called for 202 pounds for a successfull third lift just to let everyone know that it wasn’t a fluke I beat him in this lift at the Gold Cup!

Next up was the Reeves Deadlift. Big John Douglas and Chad both hit 300 pounds for the top Reeves Deadlift of the day. It was at this point of the meet that I got a call for a work emergency, and I had to leave to take care of it and missed the rest of the meet.  I checked over the scorekeepers report and noticed that LaVerne was leading after 4 events and ET was standing in 7th place. I had a feeling that this wasn’t going to be the case after the final event, the Hip Lift. Well, when I got back and NOT TO MY SURPRISE Eric put up a HUGE hip lift of 2010 pounds to seal the victory in the Dino Gym Challenge. Chad came in second, and Calvin finished third for an outstanding finish in this tough field of all rounders.

I want to really thank everyone who attended, as it means alot to me when lifters show up to support my promotions. It was a great day of fun, and a fitting tribute to Tom Ryan.

Meet Results:

2018 Dino Gym Challenge
Dino Gym, Holland, Kansas
Saturday, January 27th, 2018

Meet Director: Al Myers

Meet Scorekeeper: Al Myers and Chad Ullom

Official (1-official system used): Thom Van Vleck

Lifts: Weaver Stick, Rectangular Fix, Deadlift – No Thumb One Hand, Reeves Deadlift, Hip Lift


Eric Todd 43 260 3R 90 185R 265 2010 2553 2065.2
Chad Ullom 46 245 5R 105 195R 300 1540 2145 1839.6
Calvin Heit 15 150 3R 80 150R 180 940 1353 1657.4
John Douglas 54 315 5R 95 175R 300 1220 1795 1467.5
LaVerne Myers 73 234 6L 76 201L 230 520 1033 1136.0
Dean Ross 75 236 3R 70 135L 200 520 928 1031.3
Al Myers 51 230 5R 90 202R 280 —– 577 535.2
Lance Foster 52 330 4R 85 135R 200 —– 424 332.7


Chad Ullom Rectangular Fix 120 lbs.

Notes: BWT is bodyweight in pounds. All lifts recorded in pounds. R and L designate right and left arms. TOT is total pounds lifted. PTS are overall adjusted points corrected for age and bodyweight.


Al Myers – Age 51, Bodyweight 230 pounds
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Left Hand: 210 pounds
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 1″, Right Hand: 185 pounds
Saxon Snatch: 76 pounds
Deadlift – Inch Dumbbell, Right Hand: 130 pounds
Deadlift – Inch Dumbbell, Left Hand: 130 pounds

LaVerne Myers – Age 73, Bodyweight 236 pounds
Deadlift – No Thumbs, Overhand Grip: 250 pounds
Scott Lift: 70 pounds
Deadlift – Fulton Bar: 255 pounds
Jefferson Lift – Fulton Bar: 255 pounds

Thom Van Vleck – Age 53, Bodyweight 280 pounds
Reeves Deadlift: 235 pounds
Deadlift – Ring Fingers: 165 pounds
Thors Hammer: 51 pounds
Snatch – Dumbbell, Right: 105 pounds
Snatch – Dumbbell, Left: 95 pounds


By Denny Habecker



The results of the final USAWA postal competition, the Postal Championships, is wrapped up.The Championships had very good participation, with 15 men and 3 women lifters. The  Champion in the Men’s Division was Tony Patterson and the Champion in the Women’s Division was Kim Lydon.

Meet Results:

2017 Postal Championships
December 31st, 2017

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Lifts: 1 Hand 2″ Vertical Bar Deadlift, One Hand Dumbbell Swing, Trap Bar Deadlift

Lifters that used a certified official:
Chad Ullom –  Official Al Myers
Tony Patterson – Officials  Frank Ciavattone, Rocky Morrison
Al Myers  – Official  Laverne Myers
Eric Todd – Official Lance Foster
Mark Raymond – Officials  Frank Ciavattone, Rocky Morrison
Chris Todd  – Officials  Eric Todd, Lance Foster
Laverne Myers  – Official Al Myers
Barry Bryan – Official Denny Habecker
Lance Foster – Official Eric Todd
Barry Pensyl – Officials Denny Habecker, Barry Bryan
Aidan Habecker – Officials – Denny Habecker, Barry Bryan
Dave Gago – Officials – Frank Ciavattone, Rocky Morrison
Denny Habecker -Official Barry Bryan
Frank Ciavattone – Official Rocky Morrison
Kim Lydon – Officials Frank Ciavattone, Rocky Morrison
Crystal Diggs – Official R.J. Jackson

Lifters using a non-certified judge
John Douglas
R.J. Jackson


LIFTER        AGE       BWT        V.B.         SWING       TRAP BAR         TOT         PTS

Kim             27         153        110 R         60 R            225               395       415.14


R.J.             56         107         113 L         57 R             0                 170       265.98


Crystal        31         165         60 L           30 R             0                   90        90.15



Tony           55         175        212 R         120 R           480                812       910.17


Al Myers      51        231         180 R         110 R           485                775       717.66

Chad           46        247         187 R         110 R           518                815       696.33


John           54        312         175 R          110 R           505                790       648.39


Barry         69         150         101 R          55 R             286                442       612.06


Laverne     73         239         180 R          55 R             308                 543       590.82


Eric Todd   42         260         125 R          135 R           465                 725       581.12

Barry        59         190          154 R          77 R            352                 523       577.70


Mark        54          245          170 R          50 R            380                 600       553.24


Aidan       14         156           160 R          44 R            220                 424       528.28


Dave       60         165            100 R         30 R             280                 410       496.94


Denny     75         186             94 R           55 R            242                 391       495.54


Chris       38         272            115 R          90 R            370                 575        437.69


Lance     52          330            145 R          55 R            280                  480        385.59


Frank     62          292            150 R           22 R            198                 370         334.68


Notes: Age is recorded in years. BWT is bodyweight in pounds. TOT is total pounds lifted. PTS are overall points adjusted for age and bodyweight corrections.

John Vernacchio Record Day

By Denny Habecker

John Vernacchio Memorial Record Day

We had three enthusiastic lifters here for the John Vernacchio Memorial Record Day. Aidan Habecker, Steve Freides, and Barry Pensyl set 14 American records.  I served as the official for the day and was very impressed with the quality of lifting that was done.

Meet Results:

John Vernacchio Memorial Record Day
Habecker’s Gym
Lebanon, PA
December 16th, 2017

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Officials (1-official system used): Denny Habecker


Aidan Habecker,  14 Years Old    158 Lbs.   75 Kg. Class
Right Hand 2″ Vertical Bar Lift – 149 Lbs.
Right Hand Dumbbell Snatch   – 44 Lbs.
Lano Lift                                – 22 Lbs.
Shoulder Drop                        – 77 Lbs.

Steve Freides,  62 Years Old     151 Lbs.     70 Kg. Class
Trap Bar Deadlift                    –  331 Lbs.
Alternate Grip Bench Press       – 134 Lbs.
Hack Lift                                 – 298 Lbs.
Jefferson Lift                           – 331 Lbs.
Front Squat                            –  176 Lbs.

Barry Pensyl   69 Years Old    150 Lbs.    70 Kg. Class
Alternate Grip Bench Press      –  129 Lbs.
Straight Arm Pullover              –  72 Lbs.
Bent Arm Pullover                   –  84 Lbs.
Right Hand Thumbless Deadlift – 116 Lbs.
Left Hand Thumbless Deadlift    – 110 Lbs.

Gold Cup

By Al Myers


Group picture from the 2017 IAWA Gold Cup, in Glasgow Scotland.

Group picture from the 2017 IAWA Gold Cup, in Glasgow Scotland.

I just returned from the 2017 IAWA Gold Cup, in Glasgow Scotland, and what a fine event it was!  This was an emotional weekend for all as this meet was done in memory of George Dick who was a great friend to all of us and longtime IAWA lifter and promoter.  George was supposed to be the promoter of this Gold Cup, but fellow Castlemilk Gym members Andy Tomlin and Matthew Finkle took over the promotions and did an outstanding job. They put on a meet that George would have been proud of.   The meet was held in the new facility of the Castlemilk Gym, which is a very fine facility and I know a place where many future IAWA meets will be held.

The turnout for the Gold Cup was unbelieveable – over 40 lifters from Scotland, England, Ireland, Finland, Wales, and the US.  There were so many excellent lifts that I don’t even know where to start.  Every year at the Gold Cup a special award is given to the outstanding lifter based on the Blindt Points.   This year Steve Andrews won the Prechtel Memorial Trophy with an outstanding Shoulder Drop.  Mark Haydock was second and Timo Lauttamus was third.   I would like to close this meet report with some postings from Facebook from lifters that were part of this historic Gold Cup.

A brilliant day! A very big thank you to Steve Gardner for MCing and Platform Management. To Chris Bass for Record Keeping. Andrew Tomlin and Matthew Finkle for organising such a brilliant event. And thanks goes all round to the officials and loaders who without which we wouldn’t have had such a spectacular event! – Paul Barette

Fantastic days lifting by all. Made very special with seeing Janet Dick, Evelyn and Derick Dick at the lifting and as honoured guests at the presentation evening dinner – Nicholas Swain

Gold cup 2017 in Glasgow .what a great turnout of lifters giving their all on a multitude of lifts.followed by a great meal in the evening. Big thanks To Andy Tomlin and Matt Finkle and his team for putting together this great event.also to Steve Gardner for keeping the platforms running smoothly,and Chris Bass for keeping up with all the records and calculations.this was all in fantastic tribute to the great George Dick.was great to have Janet and family there on the day.God bless you George. – Steve Andrews

A fantastic days lifting at the IAWA Gold Cup….. 41 lifters .. amazing.. the lifts performed were all amazing… everyone did great…. it was a joy to have been part of one of the best ever IAWA events…… what would George have thought?….. he would have loved it… cheers big George! – Steve Gardner

What a great weekend well done to all, Some outstanding lifts I think the big man would be proud – Steve Moss

For more reflections and lots of pictures, check out the IAWA(UK) Facebook page.

MEET RESULTSGold Cup 2017 Records1  Gold Cup 2017 Records2

1 34 35 36 37 38 80