Forms and Applications
As of now you have two options for taking care of individual membership, meet sanction, and Club membership fees. You can send payment via the United States Postal Service, or you can now pay via PayPal. For the time being, either way I need the completed application. This can be sent via USPS or email, as long as your signature is included. If you would like to pay via PayPal, you can do so here: Pay via PayPal
Membership for the USAWA is for the calendar year (January to December) and the cost is $35. This also covers joint membership to the IAWA, which is the international governing organization of all-round weightlifting. The membership application also includes a drug waiver which must be agreed to by the applicant. In case an applicant is under the age of 21, a parent or legal guardian must also sign and date both applications. A coach’s signature is not sufficient.
PDF Document: Individual Membership Application (PDF) – Please note that the cost is now $35.
To apply online, send $35 via PayPal and send an image of the membership application, filled out including the signature, to Or use this online form.
To apply for a sanction, send an email to the Secretary ( with the name, date, and location of the meet, and the name and contact information of the meet director. Also include a filled-out meet announcement form (or the same information in any other reasonable format). The old Meet Sanction Application may still be used (by email or postal mail), but please also attach the information in the meet announcement form, which includes the lifts to be contested.
The cost of a meet sanction is $30 and may be paid via PayPal or postal mail after the sanction has been approved. (Payment is expected within one week unless other arrangements have been made.) A Sanction Request will be DECLINED if the proposed date of the request falls on the dates of the National Championships, the IAWA World Championships, the IAWA Gold Cup, or the day of any USAWA Championship Event. Do not publicize an event before the sanction has been approved.
To bid for a USAWA Championship Event (other than Nationals or the Presidential Cup), please contact the Secretary as early as possible, ideally before January 1 of the year in which the championship is to be held.
This is the application form that must by filled out and sent in every year for club membership. The cost of Club Membership is $30.
PDF Document: Club Membership Application
This is the form that must be filled out and submitted for a Hall of Fame nominee.
PDF Document: HOF-Nomination-Form-2
Word Document: HOF-Nomination-Form-2
This is the order form for the USAWA online store. It must be filled out completely and sent in with an order.
PDF Document: Online Store Order Form
PDF Document: meet-result-protocols
Please submit forms and applications to the USAWA Secretary, Beth Skwarecki, at Please send fees to the USAWA Treasurer at:
Eric Todd
10978 SW Pueblo
Turney, Missouri, 64493