2nd Quarter Postal

By Al Myers

The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets, with the grand finale being the USAWA Postal Series.  These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker.  This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.





The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:

  • Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
  • All lifts must be done on the same day
  • USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
  • 3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
  • Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
  • Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
  • Record results on scoresheet in pounds
  • At least 1 certified official required for records
  • May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
  • Scoresheet must be fully filled out
  • No entry fee

ENTRY FORM (PDF) – 2021 2nd Quarter Postal Entry Form

1st Quarter Postal

By Al Myers

The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets, with the grand finale being the USAWA Postal Series.  These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker.  This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.





The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:

  • Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
  • All lifts must be done on the same day
  • USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
  • 3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
  • Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
  • Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
  • Record results on scoresheet in pounds
  • At least 1 certified official required for records
  • May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
  • Scoresheet must be fully filled out
  • No entry fee

ENTRY FORM (PDF) –  2021 1st Quarter Postal Entry Form

Record Day Postal Meet

By Denny Habecker


We had 26 lifters participate in the postal record day ranging in age from 9 years old to 88 years old.

The results:

Leroy Todd – age 9 -77 pounds -35 Kg. class

Anderson Press -40 Lbs.
Cheat Curl- reverse grip -27.5 Lbs.
Clean and Press      – 27.5 Lbs.
Dumbbell to Shoulder – 32.5 Lbs.
Lateral Raise- Standing – 10 Lbs.

Officials – Chris Todd, Eric Todd

Phoebe Todd  – age 10 – 104 Lbs. – 50 Kg. class

Clean and Press- 2 Dumbbells – 30 Lbs.
Press- Dumbbell- Left     – 13 Lbs.
Press – Dumbbell – Right – 15 Lbs.
Vertical Bar- 1 bar -2 inch – Left  – 53 Lbs.
Vertical Bar- 1 bar -2 inch -Right – 58 Lbs.

Officials – Eric Todd, Chris Todd, John Strangeway, Lance Foster

Olivia Collins – age 11 – 127 Lbs. -60 Kg. class

Ciavattone Deadlift  -137 Lbs.
Ciavattone Deadlift – Left Hand – 65 Lbs.
Ciavattone Deadlift -Right Hand -65 Lbs.
Weaver stick – Front- Left – 1 Lb.
Weaver stick – Front – Right – 1 Lb.

Officials- Jeff Ciavattone, Chris Leston

Natalie Collins – Age 13 – 115 Lbs. – 55 Kg. Class

Ciavattone Deadlift – 159 Lbs.
Ciavattone Deadlift – Left Hand -77 Lbs.
Ciavattone Deadlift – Right Hand- 85 Lbs.
Weaver stick – Front – Left -2.25 Lbs.
Weaver stick -Front – Right – 3 Lbs.

Officials – Jeff Ciavattone, Frank Ciavattone

Aidan Habecker – Age 17 -229 Lbs. – 105 Kg. Class

Anderson Squat – 462 Lbs.
Bench Press – Fulton Bar- 165 Lbs.
Curl- Strict – 77 Lbs.
Deadlift – Trap Bar- 441 Lbs.
Turkish Get-up – 25 Lbs.

Officials – Denny Habecker, Barry Pensyl

Chris Lestan -Age 24 – 275 Lbs. – 125 Kg. Class

Clean and Press- 12 inch heels – 205 Lbs.
Deadlift- Trap Bar – 535 Lbs.
Dinnie Lift     – 600 Lbs.
Hack Lift- Fulton Bar – 285 Lbs.
Snatch – Fulton Bar – 115 Lbs.

Officials – Frank Ciavattone, Jeff Ciavattone

Brandon Rein – Age 25 – 152 Lbs. – 70 Kg. Class

Continental to Chest- Fulton Bar – 170 Lbs.
Deadlift- Dumbbell – Left – 155 Lbs.
Deadlift- No Thumbs – 280 Lbs.
Deadlift- No Thumb – Left- 120 Lbs.
Deadlift – One Leg- Left- 120 Lbs.

Official – LaVerne Myers

Abe Smith – Age 39 – 183 Lbs – 85 Kg. Class

Clean and Press – Dumbbell – Left- 106 Lbs.
Clean and Press – Dumbbell – Right -106 Lbs.
Side Press – Bar- Left – 115 Lbs.
Side Press – Bar- Right – 106 Lbs.
Snatch – Dumbbell -Right Hand – 121 Lbs.

Official – Bill Clark

Jeffrey Ciavattone – Age 41 -240 Lbs. 110 Kg. Class

Kennedy Lift – 752 Lbs.
People’s Deadlift – 650 Lbs.
Weaver Stick – Front – Right- 7 Lbs.
Zercher – One arm – Left- 285 Lbs.
Zecher – One arm- Right  -285 Lbs.

Officials – Frank Ciavattone, Christopher Lestan

Christopher Todd – Age 41 – 272 Lbs. 125 Kg. Class

Bench Press- Hands together – 225 Lbs.
Clean and Press – Reverse Grip – 142.5 Lbs.
Crucifix   90 Lbs.
Deadlift – No Thumbs – 359 Lbs.
Two hands Anyhow  -150 Lbs.

Officials – Eric Todd, Lance Foster, John Strangeway

John Strangeway – Age 42 – 198 Lbs. – 90 Kg.

Deadlift – Dumbbell – Left -280 Lbs
Deadlift -Finger- Index- Left – 151 Lbs.
Deadlift – Finger – Middle – Left – 221 Lbs.
Deadlift – Fulton Dumbbell – Left – 186 Lbs.
Deadlift – Inch Dumbbell – Left -140 Lbs.

Officials – Eric Todd, Chris Todd, Lance Foster

Eric Todd – Age 45 – 262 Lbs. – 120 Kg. Class

Clean and Press – 2 Dumbbells Heels Together- 160 Lbs.
Clean and Seated Press – 2 Dumbbells- 140 Lbs.
Maxey Press – 240 Lbs.
Rectangular Fix- Fulton Bar – 92.5 Lbs.
Snatch on Knees – 130 Lbs.

Officials – Chris Todd, John Strangeway, Lance Foster

Tony Hose – Age 51 – 230 Lbs. – 105 Kg. Class

Clean and Push Press – 2 Dumbbells – 120 Lbs.
Deadlift – Left Hand    – 216 Lbs.
Fulton Bar Deadlift -Ciavattone Grip -300 Lbs.
Deadlift – 3 Inch Bar – 335 Lbs.
Deadlift – Reeves     -285 Lbs.

Official – Bill Clark

Wade Marchand – Age 51- 151 Lbs. – 70 Kg. Class

Good Morning – 115 Lbs.
Lateral Raise – Lying – 102 Lbs.
Press Behind Neck- Seated – 100 Lbs.
Weaver Stick-Front- Left -5.25 Lbs.
Weaver Stick-Front- Right- 5 Lbs.

Officials – Chris Lestan, Jeff Ciavattone

Al Myers – Age 54 – 230 Lbs. -105 Kg. Class

Deadlift -Fulton Bar- Ciavattone Grip -315 Lbs.
Deadlift Fulton Dumbbell- Left Arm- 170 Lbs.
Deadlift- No Thumb – Left Arm – 200 Lbs.
Hacklift – Fulton Bar  – 405 Lbs.
Teeth Lift – 120 Lbs.

Official – LaVerne Myers

Lance Foster – Age 55 – 341 Lbs. – 125+ Kg. Class

Clean and Push Press – 2 Dumbbells – 90 Lbs.
Deadlift – Fingers- Middle – 205 Lbs.
Deadlift – Fulton Bar- Ciavattone Grip – 190 Lbs.
Deadlift – No Thumbs – 275 Lbs.
Snatch – Dumbbell – Right – 50 Lbs.

Officials- John Strangeway, Chris Todd, Eric Todd

Dave DeForest -Age 60 – 195 Lbs. – 90 Kg. Class

Clean and Seated Press Behind Neck -100 Lbs.
Clean and Jerk- Dumbbell – Right Hand -60 Lbs.
Deadlift -Dumbbell- One Hand- Left- 171 Lbs.
Deadlift -Dumbbell- One Hand- Right -171 Lbs.
Neck Lift             – 385 Lbs.

Official – Bill Clark

John Carter – Age 62 – 218 Lbs. -100 Kg. Class

Hip Lift  – 1805 Lbs.
Vertical Bars – 2 Bars – 1″ – 320 Lbs.
Vertical Bar – 1″ -Left Hand – 185 Lbs.
Vertical Bar – 1″ – Right Hand – 215 Lbs.
Zercher- One Arm- Right – 230 Lbs.

Official – Bill Clark

Janet Thompson – Age 63 – 180 Lbs. – 85 Kg. Class

Deadlift-Dumbbell – Left Hand- 70 Lbs.
Deadlift- Dumbbell – Right Hand – 70 Lbs.
Deadlift- Middle Fingers  – 95 Lbs.
Deadlift- Fulton Bar- Ciavattone Grip – 120 Lbs.
Deadlift – Inch Dumbbell – Left Hand – 57 Lbs.

Official – Bill Clark

Frank Ciavattone – Age 65 – 297 Lbs. -125+ Kg. Class

Ciavattone Deadlift – 441 Lbs.
Ciavattone Deadlift – Left Hand – 242 Lbs.
Ciavattone Deadlift – Right Hand – 253 Lbs.
Deadlift – No Thumbs – 408 Lbs.
Weaver Stick -Front- Left Hand- 6.75 Lbs.

Officials- Jeff Ciavattone, Chris Lestan

Peter Vuono – Age 67 – 198 Lbs. – 90 Kg. Class

Deadlift – 2 Dumbbells – 252 Lbs.
Weaver Stick – Front- Left- 4 Lbs.
Weaver Stick – Front – Right -3.5 Lbs.

Officials – Frank Ciavattone, Chris Lestan

Barry Pensyl – Age 72 – 148 Lbs. – 70 Kg. Class

Bent Arm Pullover – 77 Lbs.
Cheat Curl – Dumbbell- Left Hand – 42 Lbs.
Cheat Curl – Dumbbell – Right Hand – 45 Lbs.
Deadlift – Dumbbell – Left Hand- 164 Lbs.
Deadlift – 2 Bars- 264 Lbs.

Official – Denny Habecker

LaVerne Myers – Age 76 – 225 Lbs. – 105 Kg. Class

Cheat Curl – Dumbbell – Left Hand – 40 Lbs.
Cheat Curl – Dumbbell – Right Hand – 40 Lbs.
Deadlift – One Arm – Left – 200 Lbs.
Finger Lift- Ring – Right – 100 Lbs.
Hack Lift – Fulton Bar – 205 Lbs.

Official – Al Myers

Dean Ross – Age 78 – 207 Lbs. – 95 Kg. Class

Clean and Jerk – Dumbbells – 50 Lbs.
Clean and Jerk- Dumbbell – Left Hand -25 Lbs.
Clean and Jerk – Dumbbell – Right Hand -25 Lbs.
Clean and Jerk – Fulton Bar – 40 Lbs.
Hip Lift         – 900 Lbs.

Official – Lance Foster

Denny Habecker – Age 78 – 185 Lbs. – 85 Kg. Class

Bent – Arm Pullover – 77 Lbs.
Bent – Over Row – 176 Lbs.
Deadlift – No Thumbs – 264 Lbs.
Deadlift – no Thumb – Right Hand – 132 Lbs.
Vertical Bar – 2 bars – 2″ – 209 Lbs.

Official – Barry Pensyl

Bill Clark – Age 88 – 207.5 Lbs. – 95 Kg. Class

Deadlift – Inch Dumbbell – Right Hand- 57 Lbs.
Hip Lift – 515 Lbs.
Jefferson Lift – 275 Lbs.
Lurich Lift – 275 Lbs.
Peoples Deadlift 225 Lbs.

Official – David DeForest


By Al Myers

The USAWA Executive Board has made the decision to let 2020 memberships “roll” into 2021.  This means if you are currently a member you will not need to renew your USAWA membership for 2021.

We have made this decision because of all the meet cancellations/lack of meets for 2020.  It’s been a strange year for the USAWA because of the pandemic, and I sure feel that the members have not got their “money’s worth” in membership for 2020. This also applies to club memberships.  Hopefully, next year we can get back to business as usual!!!



Record Day Postal Meet

By Al Myers

This has been a disappointing year for the USAWA due to the COVID19 shutdown.  With all the meet cancellations and the postponement of taking sanction requests it has become the “dark year” of the USAWA.  For the first time in the history of our organization Nationals, Worlds, and the Gold Cup was cancelled.   I have been discouraged from all this – to the point that I have not even put much on our USAWA website.  I know others in the organization have been discouraged as well.

I’m so glad we still have our Postal Series going.  I was very pleased to see the great participation in the 3rd Quarter Postal Meet!  The Postal Meets give us something to look forward to, and a focus to train the all round lifts.   The USAWA under the direction of the Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker has planned a RECORD DAY POSTAL MEET for the month of November.  The general rules of a postal meet will apply, with all lifts done on a single day (up to a MAX 5 lifts per lifter).  I encourage all USAWA clubs to “take charge” and organize this postal record day that best fits their schedule for their lifters in November.  Entry forms must be completed fully (and signed) and sent to Denny to be counted as official.

ENTRY FORM (word)- 2020 Record Day Postal Meet

ENTRY FORM (PDF) – 2020 Record Day Postal Meet

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