Tag Archives: Denny Habecker

About the Secretary and Treasurer positions

Hey everyone! Beth Skwarecki here, the new Secretary of USAWA. At our 2024 national meeting, the membership voted in a new rule that splits the Secretary/Treasurer (formerly one position) into two, a Secretary and a Treasurer. I’d like to explain that change, and include some information on how members will interact with these two roles.

Why the change was needed

Briefly: because the Secretary/Treasurer did a ton of work. While the bylaws list five duties performed by the President, four performed by the Vice President, and three performed by At-large board members, there are a whopping fourteen duties assigned to the Secretary/Treasurer.

This may be a suitable workload for some people in some circumstances (honestly, I am impressed by everybody who held this position in the past!) but in 2024 we are a growing organization. Due to this growth, our Secretary/Treasurer has had to deal with increasing numbers of meet sanctions, concerns from membership, etc, while still doing the work of keeping our finances in order.

Eric spoke to me earlier this year to ask if I would be interested in the Secretary/Treasurer position if he were to step down. Upon discussion, we decided to make a proposal to split the roles. This proposal was presented at the national meeting and passed unanimously.

I’ll give an overview of the proposal here, but you can read the full thing in the 2024 national meeting minutes. Several items in the rulebook and bylaws had to be amended, but the most important ones were Article 5, defining the board, and Article 9, defining the duties of the Secretary/Treasurer.

The board still has five members (Article 5)

The Executive Board of the USAWA was, and still is, a group of five people. Under the old bylaws, the board contained these specific five positions:

  • President
  • Secretary/Treasurer
  • Vice President
  • At-large member #1
  • At-large member #2

With the change, passed during the 2024 national meeting, the board still contains five people, but the four officer roles are separated so that the Secretary and Treasurer are no longer required to be the same person. Any two roles may be combined, so that in the future we could go back to having a combined Secretary/Treasurer if the membership so desires. Or, for example, we could have a President/Secretary and a Treasurer/Vice President plus three at-large members. Any board positions not filled by officers shall be filled by At-large members. There must always be at least one At-large member.

After the membership passed this change to the rules, Eric Todd stepped down as Secretary, while retaining the role of Treasurer. He then nominated me (Beth Skwarecki) to become the new Secretary. (This vote also passed unanimously.) I was already an At-Large member of the board, so the five board seats still belong to the same five people. Next year will be an election year, so this could change. Currently the board seats are as follows (and the positions are elected in this order):

  • President (Denny Habecker)
  • Secretary (Beth Skwarecki)
  • Treasurer (Eric Todd)
  • Vice-President (Chad Ullom)
  • At-large member (Abe Smith)

Duties of the Secretary and Treasurer (Articles 9 and 10)

The section of the bylaws describing these duties has now been split, with financial duties going to the Treasurer and duties relating to forms, applications, and communication being the purview of the Secretary. Both positions still serve on the board and attend meetings as described in the bylaws.

These are pretty straightforward, but as a member, here are the major things you need to know:

  • Meet sanction applications should be sent to the Secretary; if approved, payment should be sent to the Treasurer. (We also removed the requirement for a physical signature on the meet sanction form, so applications can be submitted to the Secretary by email.)
  • The Treasurer shall maintain the bank account, negotiate contracts, and perform all other financial duties.
  • The Secretary shall maintain records, such as the membership roster and meeting minutes.
  • The Secretary shall receive complaints and grievances under Article 20, Part C. We also corrected a grammatical error in that rule, so that it now correctly states:

Any appeal, grievance or complaint by a member must be directed in writing to the USAWA Secretary, who will then present the issue to the Executive Board to be decided by majority vote. Failure to follow this protocol will result in appeals, grievances and complaints not being officially recognized.

The rulebook will be updated soon with these and other recent changes. I also plan to write a few more articles explaining other changes that were (or, in the case of knee sleeves, were not) passed by the membership. Please direct any questions or official communication to me at bethskw@gmail.com.

Nationals results 2022

By Eric Todd

Nationals 2022 in Lebanon, PA

Nationals 2022 in Lebanon, PA

Nationals 2022 is over and in the books, and what a nationals it was! Karen and Steve Gardner joined us from over in the United Kingdom to help out.  Several lifters who have lifted together and against each other for 30 years or better showed up to do battle.  It was truly some of the OGs (original gangsters-for those of you all-rounders who are not hip) and it was very cool to see.  We also had what may have been the very youngest lifter at nationals in Daphne Lansdown.  Don’t quote me on this, as I am not going to go back through decades of files, but Daphne lifted at nationals at an age of 6 years old, and her energy was refreshing.

6 year old Daphne Lansdown executing a clean and press

6 year old Daphne Lansdown executing a clean and press

It was also exciting to watch the bitter rivalry unfold between Grandfather and Grandson.  The old dog (Denny) and the young pup (Aiden) went back and forth all day.  Last year’s national and world champion, Beth Skwarecki was on hand to defend her crown.  Big Frank Ciavattone was on hand.  Frank is the leader of Frank’s Barbell Club, and has many national and world titles to his name.

Frank Ciavattone breaking a record in the Deadlift-Fulton Dumbbell-1 Arm

Frank Ciavattone breaking a record in the Deadlift-Fulton Dumbbell-1 Arm

Barry Pensyl made it out to compete as well.  I enjoyed Barry’s stories of lifting for Bob Hoffman with the old York Barbell outfit.  Barry Bryan served as our head official, while Judy Habecker recorded attempts and Steve Gardner served as a very competent announcer. The banquet this year was some amazing barbeque prepared by Judy and served at the Habecker residence.  The lifting this day was great, and the experience one I will remember.


2022 USAWA National Championships
Habecker residence, Lebanon, Pennsylvania
June 25th, 2022

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Meet Announcer: Steve Gardner

Meet Scorekeeper: Judy Habecker

Meet Loaders: Barry Bryan and all the lifters pitched in

Officials: Head Official-Barry Bryan

Side Officials: Karen Gardner, Beth Skwarecki, Denny Habecker, Frank                                                  Ciavattone, Barry Pensyl, Eric Todd

Lifts: Clean and Push press, Deadlift-Fulton Dumbbell-1 arm, Continental to Belt, Pullover and Press, Deadlift-Trap Bar

Notes: BWT is bodyweight in kilos. All lifts recorded in kilos.  R and L designate right and left.  * denotes a record lift.  ^ denotes a record in the national competition category. 


Lifter age age division weight weight class Clean and Push press DL-Fulton DB-1 arm Continental to belt Pullover and Press DL-Trap bar total adjusted points place
Beth Skwarecki 41 40 66.7 70 55*^ 45(L)*^ 97.5*^ 60*^ 140 397.5 579 1st
Daphne Lansdown 6 13 22.1 25 7.5*^ 7(R)*^ 12.5*^ 12.5*^ 24 63.5 299.8 2nd

Extra Attempts for records:

Daphne Lansdown-Deadlift-Fulton Dumbbell-1 arm-9.0 (R)

Daphne Lansdown-Deadlift-Trap bar- 30

Beth Skwarecki-Clean and Pushpress-56


Lifter age age division weight weight class Clean and Push press DL-Fulton DB-1 arm Continental to belt Pullover and Press DL-Trap bar total adjusted points place
Denny Habecker 79 75 86.8 90 47.5 55(R)^ 100 75 125 402.5 567.9 1st
Eric Todd 47 45 122 125 102.5*^ 57.5(L) 182.5 145*^ 190 677.5 559.8 2nd
Bary Pensyl 74 70 63.7 65 35* 37.5(R)*^ 80* 55 110*^ 320 513.1 3rd
Aidan Habecker 18 18 87.4 90 55 60(R)*^ 120* 67.5 190* 482.5 453.8 4th
Frank Ciavattone 67 65 127.4 125+ 25* 78(R)*^ 70 65* 90 327.5 318.9 5th

Extra Attempts for records:

Barry Pensyl-Deadlift-Fulton Dumbbell-1 arm-40

Denny Habecker- Clean and Push press -56

President and this years national meet promoter crowns your 2022 overall champion: Beth Skwarecki!

President and this years national meet promoter crowns your 2022 overall champion: Beth Skwarecki!

Best Lifter Awards

Women’s Master: Beth Skwarecki

Women’s Junior: Daphne Lansdown

Women’s Overall: Beth Skwarecki

Men’s Master: Denny Habecker

Men’s Junior: Aiden Habecker

Men’s Master 45-49: Eric Todd

Men’s Master 70-74 Barry Pensyl

Men’s master 65-69: Frank Ciavattone

Highest Total: Eric Todd

Overall Grand Champion: Beth Skwarecki


IAWA World Championship

By Denny Habecker

Peter Phillips from Australia with his One Hand Hack Lift at the 2017 World Championship

Peter Phillips from Australia with his One Hand Hack Lift at the 2017 World Championship

Schedule of Events
October 1 & 2, 2022
Venue :
Acernus Crossfit
440 South 9th Street
Lebanon, PA 17042
Weigh-ins : 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 A.M.
Lifting starts : 9:30 A.M.
Saturday : Clean & Press,  Continental Snatch, Cheat Curl, Deadlift- One Arm
Sunday: Continental Clean & Jerk, Pullover & Push, 2- 2″ Vertical Bar Deadlift
Entry Deadline: September 2, 2022 [ Late entries will not be guaranteed award or shirt ]
Entry Fee – $75.00 Shirt included
Awards: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each weight class and Age divisions for Masters, Juniors, and Women, based on total poundage lifted.
Best Lifter Certificates for each age group in Masters,
Juniors, Senior [20-39], and Women by Formula

USAWA Postal Championship

By Eric Todd

The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets, with the grand finale being the USAWA Postal Series. These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker. This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.


Bench Press- Reverse Grip
Deadlift – Dumbbell – One Hand

The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:

Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
All lifts must be done on the same day
USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
Record results on scoresheet in pounds
At least 1 certified official required for records
May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
Scoresheet must be fully filled out
No entry fee
USAWA Postal Championship

USAWA 3rd Quarter Postal

By Eric Todd

The USAWA Postal Series consists of 4 quarterly postal meets, with the grand finale being the USAWA Postal Series. These Postal Meets may be contested anywhere with the results being sent to the USAWA Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker. This allows any member of the USAWA to compete in an USAWA competition without the expense of traveling.


Press From Rack
Deadlift – Ciavattone- One Hand

The basic rules for entering a USAWA Postal Meet are as follows:

Must be a CURRENT member of the USAWA
All lifts must be done on the same day
USAWA rules apply as outlined in Rule Book
3 attempts allowed with best attempt recorded
Bodyweight and Age apply as to the day of lifting
Must turn in official scoresheet by deadline
Record results on scoresheet in pounds
At least 1 certified official required for records
May enter with a non-certified judge but will not be eligible for records
Scoresheet must be fully filled out
No entry fee
USAWA 3rd Quarter Postal Meet

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