Category Archives: USAWA Daily News

Greg Cook – Lifter of the Month

By Al Myers

Greg Cook - USAWA Lifter of the Month for July

Greg Cook – USAWA Lifter of the Month for July

The USAWA Lifter of the Month for July is Greg Cook. In July, Greg competed in the Second Annual IAWA Old Time Strongman Championships and once the dust had settled, earned the title of BEST LIFTER OVERALL.  He lifted exceptionally – highlighted by his amazing 805 pound Kennedy Lift.  I was able to witness it firsthand, thus I can attest to what an outstanding lift it was! This IAWA Postal Championships had competitors from all over the World enter, and many that competed where World Class All Rounders themselves.  Congrats Greg – you deserve being Lifter of the Month for July!

World Best Lifters

By Al Myers

At the 2019 IAWA World Championships there were many great lifters in attendance!  The competition was fierce, but in the end only ONE lifter is crowned as the overall best lifter of the meet.  I knew it was going to be a close one in both the women’s and men’s divisions before the meet – and that turned out to be the case.  Today I want to recognize these two OVERALL BEST LIFTERS.  For the men’s division, the overall winner was Steve Sherwood and in the women’s division it was Elizabeth Skwarecki.   Congratulations to both of these outstanding lifters!

Elizabeth Skwarecki, the Overall Best Womens Lifter at the 2019 IAWA World Championships, receiving her award from Meet Promoter Al Myers.

Elizabeth Skwarecki, the Overall Best Womens Lifter at the 2019 IAWA World Championships, receiving her award from Meet Promoter Al Myers.

Top 3 Men's Overall Best Lifters at the 2019 IAWA World Championships (left to right): Dan Wagman 3rd, Steve Sherwood 1st, and Steve Andrews 2nd.

Top 3 Men’s Overall Best Lifters at the 2019 IAWA World Championships (left to right): Dan Wagman 3rd, Steve Sherwood 1st, and Steve Andrews 2nd.

What All-Around Lifting Is About

By Christopher Lestan

As I fly home from my very first Worlds I can’t help but think of what I just experienced from the competition. To start off, the event was wonderfully organized. The banquet was great, and the lifting was so much fun. However, there is more to express. The emotions are hard to describe. I feel happiness, confidence, joy, appreciation, and gratitude. Its as if I just saw the greatest movie of all time and left the theater with such a bag of emotions that I just need to put them down on a piece of paper. Tell the world what I am feeling.

If there is one thing I am completely convinced with its that I finally realized what the USAWA, IAWA, and just All-Around lifting is about.

My mentor Frank who introduced me to this sport!

My mentor Frank who introduced me to this sport!

When I first joined the USAWA I was probably like most in the federation when they first join, for I had a background in a sport or strength discipline. I was a powerlifter who only competed to win, and that’s it. I didn’t care about the people who I competed with because I didn’t know them, and they felt the same way about me. Powerlifting at the end of the day is an individual sport where competitors go in with one goal in mind and that is to win. Very similarly when I entered the USAWA that was my mindset too. I wanted to come in and win in my first meet. When my first All-Around meet I placed 2nd in the overall lifters score. However, I didn’t feel defeated. I felt something I never have felt before at a Powerlifting meet….. happiness. I didn’t get happiness from the personal bests that I got in the lifts, or the medal that I got after. It was the people. I basically lifted, competed, and socialized. The last word is where I knew this federation was different. I socialized… I laughed… I talked about lifting, life, family, goals with people I have just met.

That is where we segway into the next part of this blog. This weekend’s Championship! I have never experienced such openness at a lifting competition. When I walked into the venue for the first time on Friday I was greeted with such friendly faces. It was amazing. On Saturday what I experienced at my first USAWA meet was soon the same here. I was socializing with fellow lifters about life, their passions, how they got into All-Around lifting, making jokes, and laughing. During all this conversation I still managed to hit personal bests in most of my lifts. Then after I would be cheering on my fellow lifters to make their lifts and break world records! It’s insane. You will not find this in Powerlifting, for when I made it to the national level meets fellow lifters would become less and less friendly. They would see you as your enemy. They wouldn’t talk to you, or even look at you. To me this is strange.

Stevie Shanks! First time meeting him and what an great guy. Always supporting other lifters!

Stevie Shanks! First time meeting him and what a great guy. Always supporting other lifters!

As lifters, we all came from a very similar place of why we wanted to compete. TO IMPROVE OURSELVES. To gain confidence and in the process make relationships that will last forever. Am I still a competitive person. Yes, I will not deny that. However, I will never let that get in the way of never making a relationship with someone who has similar goals as me. I never felt the need to be aggressive with lifters, or be rude to them to gain the upper hand.

Lastly, All-Around lifting is about challenging yourself to do things you never thought possible. These lifts are very unorthodox, yet there is a beauty and humbleness about them. I am absolutely terrible at anything in which hook grip would allow more weight to be lifted. Therefore, I respect any lifter who can take the pain of the hook grip. It’s the ability to understand your weaknesses that make this sport amazing. Thus, the courage to enter a competition in which you have a very small idea of what you are able to lift is huge!

This weekend will be in my memories for the rest of my life. I will remember the laughs, jokes, the new friends I made, and the personal bests in lifts, and the courage to make risks in lifts I have very little experience. This is what makes All-Around lifting special. This is what makes this sport so great!


3rd Quarter Postal

By Denny Habecker



The results of the 3rd Quarter Postal have been tabulated. We had 11 men and 5 women take part, with Al Myers leading the men and R.J. Jackson leading the women.


3rd Quarter Postal Meet
July 1st through September 30th, 2019

Meet Director – Denny Habecker

Lifers with Certified Officials:
Al Myers – Laverne Myers
John Douglas – Laverne Myers
Dean Ross – Laverne Myers
Laverne Myers – Al Myers
Eric Todd – Lance Foster- John Strangeway
John Strangeway- Eric Todd – Lance Foster
Chris Todd  – Eric Todd-Lance Foster- John Strangeway
Lance Foster – Eric Todd- John Strangeway
Phoebe Todd – Eric Todd-Lance Foster-John Strangeway
Denny Habecker- Barry Pensyl
Barry Pensyl – Denny Habecker
Aidan Habecker – Denny Habecker
Crystal Diggs- R.J. Jackson

Lifters with Non-Certified Officials:
R.J. Jackson
Sylvia Stockall
Lynda Burns

The Lifts- Pullover and Press, Curl-2 Dumbbells, Cheat, Continental to Belt


Al  Myers             –  53  – 232   – 230 – 150 – 360 – 740  – 695.71

Eric Todd             –  44  – 256   – 345 – 170 – 310 – 825  – 679.30

John Strangeway  – 41   – 210  – 244  – 150 – 345 – 739  – 655.78

Denny Habecker   – 76  – 183   – 165  –  80  – 220 – 465  – 645.32

Barry Pensyl         – 71  – 150   – 127  – 80   – 206 – 413  – 607.10

John Douglas       – 55   – 308   – 220  – 150 – 352 – 722  – 600.50

Laverne Myers     – 75   – 229   – 100  – 110 – 220  – 430  – 521.45

Chris Todd          – 40   – 270   – 244   – 145 – 265  – 654 – 504.58

Dean Ross          – 76   – 240   – 130   – 90   – 180  – 400 – 479.57

Aidan Habecker   – 16  – 206   – 132    – 80   – 209  – 421 – 407.58

Lance Foster       – 53  – 345   – 0       – 100  – 265  – 365 – 238.24


R.J. Jackson        57   – 106   – 100  –   70    – 125  – 295 – 483.82

Sylvia Stockall    61    – 140   – 75    –  90     – 135  – 300 – 408.52

Lynda Burns       44   – 175    – 78     – 80     – 145  – 303 – 307.42

Crystal Diggs     32   – 165     – 43     – 60     – 95   – 198  – 198.33

Phoebe Todd      9    – 84       – 0       – 20     – 65   – 85    – 197.54


World Championships


The 2019 International All Round Weightlifting Association (IAWA) World Championships occurred on October 5th & 6th in Abilene, Kansas.  Lifters from all over the World came to compete in this All Round Weightlifting Championships. Several lifters attended from England, as well a lifter from Ireland and a lifter from Australia. Local Abilene resident Al Myers served as the meet promoter for this Championships.  Every year IAWA hosts a World Championships which features the best All Round Weightlifters in the organization. The location of this Championships rotates among all of the affiliated organizations.  Last year the IAWA World Championships were held in Eastbourne, England.  Several All Round lifts were contested over the two days.  The lifts were the Reverse Curl, Snatch from Hang, One Hand Clean and Jerk, Thumbless Deadlift, Pullover and Push, Continental to the Belt, and the 2″ Bar Straddle Lift. The overall women’s best lifter was Elizabeth Skwarecki from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.   The overall men’s best lifter was Steve Sherwood, from England.  Two local Abilene men competed in this event, LaVerne Myers and Brandon Rein. Both were crowned World Champions in their respective age and bodyweight classes.  The next IAWA Championship will be the Gold Cup, which will occur in 1 month in Perth, Australia.

Group picture from the 2019 IAWA World Championships

Group picture from the 2019 IAWA World Championships


World Champs 2019 Day1    World Champs 2019 Day2     World Champs 2019 Both Days

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