By Al Myers

Group picture from the 2017 IAWA Gold Cup, in Glasgow Scotland.
I just returned from the 2017 IAWA Gold Cup, in Glasgow Scotland, and what a fine event it was! This was an emotional weekend for all as this meet was done in memory of George Dick who was a great friend to all of us and longtime IAWA lifter and promoter. George was supposed to be the promoter of this Gold Cup, but fellow Castlemilk Gym members Andy Tomlin and Matthew Finkle took over the promotions and did an outstanding job. They put on a meet that George would have been proud of. The meet was held in the new facility of the Castlemilk Gym, which is a very fine facility and I know a place where many future IAWA meets will be held.
The turnout for the Gold Cup was unbelieveable – over 40 lifters from Scotland, England, Ireland, Finland, Wales, and the US. There were so many excellent lifts that I don’t even know where to start. Every year at the Gold Cup a special award is given to the outstanding lifter based on the Blindt Points. This year Steve Andrews won the Prechtel Memorial Trophy with an outstanding Shoulder Drop. Mark Haydock was second and Timo Lauttamus was third. I would like to close this meet report with some postings from Facebook from lifters that were part of this historic Gold Cup.
A brilliant day! A very big thank you to Steve Gardner for MCing and Platform Management. To Chris Bass for Record Keeping. Andrew Tomlin and Matthew Finkle for organising such a brilliant event. And thanks goes all round to the officials and loaders who without which we wouldn’t have had such a spectacular event! – Paul Barette
Fantastic days lifting by all. Made very special with seeing Janet Dick, Evelyn and Derick Dick at the lifting and as honoured guests at the presentation evening dinner – Nicholas Swain
Gold cup 2017 in Glasgow .what a great turnout of lifters giving their all on a multitude of lifts.followed by a great meal in the evening. Big thanks To Andy Tomlin and Matt Finkle and his team for putting together this great event.also to Steve Gardner for keeping the platforms running smoothly,and Chris Bass for keeping up with all the records and calculations.this was all in fantastic tribute to the great George Dick.was great to have Janet and family there on the day.God bless you George. – Steve Andrews
A fantastic days lifting at the IAWA Gold Cup….. 41 lifters .. amazing.. the lifts performed were all amazing… everyone did great…. it was a joy to have been part of one of the best ever IAWA events…… what would George have thought?….. he would have loved it… cheers big George! – Steve Gardner
What a great weekend well done to all, Some outstanding lifts I think the big man would be proud – Steve Moss
For more reflections and lots of pictures, check out the IAWA(UK) Facebook page.
MEET RESULTS – Gold Cup 2017 Records1 Gold Cup 2017 Records2